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发布时间:2019-07-22 18:41
[Abstract]:"three meetings and one lesson" is an important system for grass-roots party branches to strictly govern the party, improve the party's organizational life, strictly manage the party members, and strengthen the education of party members. The implementation of the system of "three sessions and one lesson" in the party organization of the organ is related to the normalization and standardization of the life of the party organization, and is also an important guarantee for improving the construction of the style of work of the party members in the organ. " The effective implementation of the system of "three sessions and one course" is a systematic project, which involves many elements, such as the system itself, the ideological understanding and the carrier of methods. To improve the effectiveness of the system implementation of "three sessions and one lesson" requires systematic thinking, comprehensively analyzes the problems in the process of system implementation, strengthens the rigidity and authority of the system of "three sessions and one lesson", and gives full play to the system effect of "three sessions and one lesson" by perfecting the scientific nature of the system of "three sessions and one lesson". To enhance the effectiveness of the life of the Party organizations of the organs.
【作者单位】: 中共上海市松江区委党校科研室;


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