[Abstract]:The Communist Youth League in colleges and universities is an important category to deepen the reform of the Communist Youth League. Based on the empirical investigation of college students in Shanghai, this paper finds that the new generation of college students have a negative impression on the organizational image of the Communist Youth League, which forms obvious cognitive differences with the evaluation of the existence of the Communist Youth League, whether the management is administrative or not, and whether the activities are formalized. From the point of view of political interaction, the root of the cognitive deviation of young students to the Communist Youth League in colleges and universities lies in the lack of a smooth mechanism of interest expression and endorsement, a perfect mechanism of political communication and dialogue, and an effective mechanism of political guidance and absorption. Therefore, the work innovation of the Communist Youth League in colleges and universities should focus on the main line of effective interaction between "League organization and college students", and carry on the practical exploration from three dimensions: the transformation of interactive mode, the transformation of interactive mode and the transformation of interactive discourse.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学马克思主义学院;
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