北京都市区就业居住空间结构与特征研究刘碧寒.pdf 全文免费在线阅读
北京都市区就业—居住空间结构及特征研究刘碧寒 1,沈凡卜 2(1.北京大学深圳研究生院,深圳 518055;2.美国 BNIM 建筑事务所,美国堪萨斯市 64105)A STUDY ON THE SPATIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF JOBS-HOUSINGSTRUCTURE IN BEIJINGLIU Bi-han1, SHEN Fan-bu2(1.Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University, Shenzhen 518055, China;2.BNIM Architects, Kansas 64105, USA)Abstract: This paper provides a case study of Beijing metropolitan area to explore the relationship betweenemployment and residential locations. With data from the second national census of basic units of Beijing andthe fifth population census of Beijing, the authors construct geography data base on the platform of geographyinformation system software so as to reveal the spatial distributions of employment and living sites. Based onthat, they identify employment centers and living centers, aiming at evaluating the local balances between em-ployment and residential sites. According to different dividing standards, 9 high-density employment centers,4 emp...