name>Park given-names>A, name>Wang given-names>S, name>Wu given-names>G.Regional poverty targeting in China. Journal of Public Economics, year>2002, volume>86(1): fpage>123-lpage>153. We evaluate the eff" />
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[1] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Park <given-names>A, <name>Wang <given-names>S, <name>Wu <given-names>G.Regional poverty targeting in China. Journal of Public Economics, <year>2002, <volume>86(1): <fpage>123-<lpage>153.

We evaluate the effectiveness of regional targeting in China's large-scale poverty alleviation program begun in 1986 by analyzing a panel data set of all counties in China for the period 1981-1995. Estimates of models of poor county designation and poverty fund allocation and newly defined targeting gap and targeting error measures show that political factors have affected targeting and that leakage has increased while coverage has improved. Only one of the three main programs is progressive. Growth model estimates find that poor county designation increased incomes per capita by 2.28% per year during 1985-1992 and 0.91% during 1992-1995. These results are relatively robust to redefining control groups using propensity-score matching methods.

DOI: 10.1016/S0047-2727(01)00108-6     

[2] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">高帅, <name lang="CN">毕洁颖. 农村口动态多维贫困: 状态持续与转变. 中国人口·资源与环境, <year>2016, <volume>26(2): <fpage>76-<lpage>83.


DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2016.02.010     

<mixed-citation>[<name>Cao Shuai, <name>Bi Jieying. Dynamic multidimensional poverty in rural China: Persistence and transition. China Population, Resources and Environment. <year>2016, <volume>26(2): <fpage>76-<lpage>83.] [3] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">刘彦随, <name lang="CN">周扬, <name lang="CN">刘继来. 中国农村贫困化地域分异特征及其精准扶贫策略. 中国科学院院刊, <year>2016, <volume>31(3): <fpage>269-<lpage>278.

长期以来,中国坚持政府主导推动减贫事业,在实践中不断推进扶贫开发的理论创新、组织创新和制度创新,走出了一条中国特色的扶贫开发道路,为全球减贫事业做出了巨大贡献。然而,目前中国仍有7 017万农村贫困人口,成为全面建成小康社会的最大短板。文章深入剖析了新时期中国农村贫困化基本特征,揭示了农村贫困化地域分异规律,探明了农村贫困化的主导因素,提出了科学推进精准扶贫的战略与对策。研究结果表明:贫困人口规模大、分布广、贫困程度深、脱贫难度逐渐加大,是当前中国农村贫困状况的基本特征,因病、因残、因学、因灾致贫或返贫现象突出;农村贫困人口逐渐向我国中西部深石山区、高寒区、民族地区和边境地区集聚,具有贫困户、贫困村、贫困县、贫困区(片)等多级并存的组织结构和空间分布格局;"胡焕庸线"西北部、东南部贫困人口的比重分别占16.4%、83.6%;自然环境恶劣、区位条件差、基础设施落后、区域发展不均衡及前期扶贫开发政策精准性不够等,是中国农村持续贫困的主要症结。如期实现2020年全面消除贫困,亟需扶贫工作体制机制的创新,科学推进精准扶贫战略。

<mixed-citation>[<name>Liu <given-names>Yansui, <name>Zhou <given-names>Yang, <name>Liu <given-names>Jilai.Regional differentiation characteristics of rural poverty and targeted poverty alleviation strategy in China. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, <year>2016, <volume>31(3): <fpage>269-<lpage>278.] [4] <mixed-citation publication-type="book" publication-format="print">国家统计局住户调查办公室. 中国农村2011贫困监测报告. 北京: 中国统计出版社, <year>2012.

中国科学院机构知识库(中国科学院机构知识库网格(CAS IR GRID))以发展机构知识能力和知识管理能力为目标,快速实现对本机构知识资产的收集、长期保存、合理传播利用,积极建设对知识内容进行捕获、转化、传播、利用和审计的能力,逐步建设包括知识内容分析、关系分析和能力审计在内的知识服务能力,开展综合知识管理。

<mixed-citation>[Household Survey Department of National Bureau of Statistics. Poverty Monitoring Report of Rural China 2011. Beijing: China Statistics Press, <year>2012.] [5] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Tsui <given-names>K.Multidimensional poverty indices. Social Choice and Welfare, <year>2002, <volume>19(1): <fpage>69-<lpage>93.

王小林, <name>Alkire <given-names>S.中国多维贫困测量: 估计和政策含义. 中国农村经济, <year>2009, (12): <fpage>4-<lpage>10.

本文采用Alkireand Foster于2007年开发的多维贫困测量方法,利用2006年中国健康与营养调查数据,对中国城市和农村家庭多维贫困进行了测量。测量结果表明,中国城市和农村家庭都存在收入之外的多维贫困,,城市和农村近1/5的家庭存在收入之外任意3个维度的贫困。中国城市和农村的贫困状况远远高于国家统计局以收入为标准测量的贫困发生率。维度分解结果表明,卫生设施、健康保险和教育对多维贫困指数的贡献最大。对样本地区的分解结果表明,贵州省多维贫困指数最高。城乡分解结果表明,黑龙江和广西的城市多维贫困比较突出。因此,中国下一个十年(2011-2020年)扶贫开发纲要应从多维度识别和瞄准贫困。

<mixed-citation>[<name>Wang <given-names>Xiaolin, <name>Alkire <given-names>S.Measurement of multidimensional poverty in China: Estimation and policy implication. Chinese Rural Economy, <year>2009, (12): <fpage>4-<lpage>10.] [7] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal">UNDP. Human Development Report 2013. New York: United Nations Development Program, <year>2013.=2294673

This report examines the shift in global dynamics driven by the fast-rising new powers of the developing world and its long-term implications for human development. It identifies more than 40 countries in the developing world that have done better than had been expected in human development terms in recent decades with their progress accelerating markedly over the past ten years. The Report analyzes the causes and consequences of these countries achievements and the challenges that they face today and in the coming decades.

DOI: 10.3917/afco.246.0164     

[8] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Alkire <given-names>S, <name>Foster <given-names>J.Counting and multidimensional poverty measurement. Journal of Public Economics, <year>2011, <volume>95(7-8): <fpage>476-<lpage>487.

This paper proposes a new methodology for multidimensional poverty measurement consisting of an identification method rho(k) that extends the traditional intersection and union approaches, and a class of poverty measures M-alpha. Our identification step employs two forms of cutoff: one within each dimension to determine whether a person is deprived in that dimension, and a second across dimensions that identifies the poor by 'counting' the dimensions in which a person is deprived. The aggregation step employs the FGT measures, appropriately adjusted to account for multidimensionality. The axioms are presented as joint restrictions on identification and the measures, and the methodology satisfies a range of desirable properties including decomposability. The identification method is particularly well suited for use with ordinal data, as is the first of our measures, the adjusted headcount ratio M-0. We present some dominance results and an interpretation of the adjusted headcount ratio as a measure of unfreedom. Examples from the US and Indonesia illustrate our methodology. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2010.11.006     

[9] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">刘艳华, <name lang="CN">徐勇. 中国农村多维贫困地理识别及类型划分. 地理学报, <year>2015, <volume>70(6): <fpage>993-<lpage>1007.

Liu <given-names>Yanhua, <name>Xu <given-names>Yong.Geographical identification and classification of multi-dimensional poverty in rural China. Acta Geographica Sinica, <year>2015, <volume>70(6): <fpage>993-<lpage>1007.] [10] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">赵莹, <name lang="CN">刘小鹏, <name lang="CN">郭永杰. 集中连片特困地区多维贫困的度量及动态演变: 以宁夏西吉县为例. 宁夏大学学报: 自然科学版, <year>2015, <volume>36(1): <fpage>73-<lpage>78.

随着扶贫理论和扶贫工作的深入,贫困的度量已由传统的经济指标向包括经济、社会、环境在内的多维度扩展,依据新时期中国农村扶贫开发纲要划定的扶贫主战场 ——集中连片特困地区,以宁夏西吉县为例,基于2001-2012年数据,结合信息熵分析西吉县多维贫困的时间演变趋势,并结合障碍度模型对贫困的主要影 响因素进行阐述.结果表明,2001-2012年,西吉县的贫困程度整体呈波动下降趋势;经济因素始终是贫困的主要影响因素,其影响程度不断减弱;后期, 环境和社会维度对贫困的影响逐渐增强.一方面,在改变生产方式、发展经济的同时,继续推进生态移民、退耕还林(草)、植树造林工程和农户后续生计的培训, 促进生态恢复.另一方面,以教育、医疗和饮水等为重点,促进基础公共服务水平的提高,推动地区经济、社会和环境的协调发展,根本上改变西吉县贫困落后的面 貌.

<mixed-citation>[<name>Zhao <given-names>Ying, <name>Liu <given-names>Xiaopeng, <name>Guo <given-names>Yongjie.Measurement on the multidimensional poverty in concentrate contiguous destitute areas and its dynamic evolution trend: Taking Xiji county of Ningxia for example. Journal of Ningxia University: Natural Science Edition, <year>2015, <volume>36(1): <fpage>73-<lpage>78.] [11] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Deaton <given-names>B, <name>Niman <given-names>E.An empirical examination of the relationship between mining employment and poverty in the appalachian region. Applied Economics, <year>2011, <volume>44(3): <fpage>303-<lpage>312. [12] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">罗庆, <name lang="CN">李小建. 国外农村贫困地理研究进展. 经济地理, <year>2014, <volume>34(6): <fpage>1-<lpage>8.


<mixed-citation>[<name>Luo <given-names>Qing, <name>Li <given-names>Xiaojian.The research progress of foreign rural poverty geography. Economic Geography, <year>2014, <volume>34(6): <fpage>1-<lpage>8.] [13] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Curtis K <given-names>J, <name>Voss P <given-names>R, <name>Long D <given-names>D.Spatial variation in poverty-generating processes: Child poverty in the United States. Social Science Research, <year>2012, <volume>41(1): <fpage>146-<lpage>159.

This study builds on research demonstrating that sub-regions within the United States have different processes that abet poverty and that child poverty is spatially differentiated. We focus on the social attributes of the local area to assess what the geographic place represents in terms of social characteristics, namely racial/ethnic composition and economic structure, and to resolve apparent inconsistencies in poverty research. Using spatial regime and spatial error regression techniques to analyze county census data, we examine spatial differentiation in the relationships that generate child poverty. Our approach addresses the conceptual and technical aspects of spatial inequality. Results show that local-area processes are at play with implications for more nuanced theoretical models and anti-poverty policies that consider systematic differences in factors contributing to child poverty according to the racial/ethnic and economic contexts.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2011.07.007      PMID: 23017703     

[14] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Sowunmi F <given-names>A, <name>Akinyosoye V <given-names>O, <name>Okoruwa V <given-names>O, <etal>et al.The landscape of poverty in Nigeria: A spatial analysis using senatorial districts-level data. American Journal of Economics, <year>2012, <volume>2(5): <fpage>61-<lpage>74.

The study decomposes the Landscape of Poverty in Nigeria based on the significance of spatial contiguity using Senatorial Districts - level Data. The data used for the study were obtained from National Living Standard Survey and Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire Survey conducted by National Bureau of Statistics in 2004 and 2006 respectively. Exploratory spatial data analysis and spatial autocorrelation test were carried out on poverty incidence data. Average national poverty rate of the Senatorial Districts (SD) was 56.0%. Forty nine percent of the SD had poverty rate (PR) below the national average. The global Moran鈥檚 I value obtained is strongly positive (0.6657), indicating that spillover of poverty exist among SD. The study revealed that 52% of the SD with significant spatial association had low PR neighboured by low PR SD (Low-Low), 41% of the SD with high PR were neighboured by high PR SD (High-High) and 7% of SDs with low PR were surrounded by high PR SD (Low-High). The mean PR in high-high and low-low SDs was 82.6% and 31.8% respectively. The study recommends that for a significant poverty reduction to be achieved in Nigeria, greater attention in terms of poverty alleviation strategies should be concentrated on the senatorial districts that constitute the hotspots of poverty.

DOI: 10.5923/j.economics.20120205.01     

[15] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Bird <given-names>K, <name>Shepherd <given-names>A.Livelihoods and chronic poverty in semi-arid Zimbabwe. World Development, <year>2003, <volume>31(3): <fpage>591-<lpage>610.

DOI: 10.1016/S0305-750X(02)00220-6     

[16] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Epprecht <given-names>M, <name>Muller <given-names>D, <name>Minot <given-names>N.How Remote are Viernam's ethnic minorities? An analysis of spatial patterns of poverty and inequality. The Annals of Regional Science, <year>2011, <volume>46(2): <fpage>349-<lpage>368.

This paper investigates whether physical accessibility or ethnicity is a stronger determinant of poverty in Vietnam. Spatially disaggregated welfare indexes for population subgroups show that overall inequality is shaped by an urban-rural welfare divide, closely followed in importance by sharp welfare differences between ethnic groups. Accessibility to urban areas is a weaker determinant of poverty. The findings have important implications for the targeting of rural development investments. Addressing the factors isolating ethnic minorities from the mainstream economy is likely to be a more useful strategy in reducing rural poverty and inequality than simple geographic targeting.

DOI: 10.1007/s00168-009-0330-7     

[17] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">李远远, <name lang="CN">云俊. 多属性综合评价指标体系理论综述. 武汉理工大学学报: 信息与管理工程版, <year>2009, <volume>31(2): <fpage>305-<lpage>309.


DOI: 10.3963/j.issn.1007-144X.2009.02.035     

<mixed-citation>[<name>Li <given-names>Yuanyuan, <name>Yun <given-names>Jun.Synthetic research on the theory of multi-attribute comprehensive evaluation index system. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology: Information & Management Engineering, <year>2009, <volume>31(2): <fpage>305-<lpage>309.] [18] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">刘小鹏, <name lang="CN">苏胜亮, <name lang="CN">王亚娟, <etal lang="CN">等. 集中连片特殊困难地区村域空间贫困测度指标体系研究. 地理科学, <year>2014, <volume>34(4): <fpage>447-<lpage>453.

Liu <given-names>Xiaopeng, <name>Su <given-names>Shengliang, <name>Wang <given-names>Yajuan, <etal>et al.The index system of spatial poverty of village level to monitor in concentrated contiguous areas with particular difficulties. Scientia Geographica Sinica, <year>2014, <volume>34(4): <fpage>447-<lpage>453.] [19] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">裴银宝, <name lang="CN">刘小鹏, <name lang="CN">李永红, <etal lang="CN">等. 六盘山特困片区村域空间贫困调查与分析: 以宁夏西吉县为例. 农业现代化研究, <year>2015, <volume>36(5): <fpage>748-<lpage>754.


DOI: 10.13872/j.1000-0275.2015.0130     

<mixed-citation>[<name>Pei <given-names>Yinbao, <name>Liu <given-names>Xiaopeng, <name>Li <given-names>Yonghong, <etal>et al.Investigation and analysis of villages in extreme spatial poverty in Liupan Mountain contiguous areas: A case study of Xiji, Ningxia province. Research of Agriculture Moderniztion, <year>2015, <volume>36(5): <fpage>748-<lpage>754.] [20] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">田伟. 连片特困区乡村多维贫困及综合治理研究: 以湘西州永顺县高坪乡为例. 湖南: 吉首大学硕士学位论文, <year>2014.

研究连片特困区的多维贫困,从多维角度把握贫困的实质,澄清多维贫困概念上和度量上的一系列问题,更加细化、深化研究连片特困区的贫困问题,确定连片特困区贫困的相关维度、多维视角下的贫困主体以及多维贫困测度,可以指导连片特困区制定减贫政策。而连片特困区的减贫需涵盖社会事业的方方面面,从经济发展、福利待遇、基础设施到生态建设、节能环保等具体措施的实施,都不是单一的独立运行,而是相互联系、相辅相成,需借助多维贫困测度和空间分布特征研究细化、深化连片特困区的减贫政策。 本文以高坪乡多维贫困和综合治理为中心,分为两大模块:国内外对多维贫困的相关研究和高坪乡多维贫困的具体测度政策治理研究,共计五章。第一章:绪论。简要阐述本论文的研究背景、选题意义、国内外研究现状、研究思路与方法,并提出本文创新之处与不足之处。第二章:多维贫困与综合治理的研究及理论基础。对贫困理论的起源、多维贫困和多维贫困测度概念的界定、多维贫困测度的理论体系,以及国内外贫困的综合治理理论相关研究简要概述,并简要阐述国家减贫政策和项目实施的效应评估。第三章:高坪乡多维贫困实证研究。在对现有的多维贫困评价指标体系和评价方法做简要回顾,得到经验和启示的基础上,根据构建指标原则,确定科学的综合评价方法,对处于武陵山连片特困区的高坪乡的贫困进行多角度的分析。第四章:高坪乡现有减贫政策及项目实施效应评估。简要阐述高坪乡现有减贫政策,并对减贫项目实施后的减贫效果作效应评估。第五章:高坪乡多维贫困综合治理思路与建议。总体概括连片特困区多维贫困综合治理方式,并根据实证分析的结果,针对高坪乡现有减贫政策存在的问题,提出完善高坪乡减贫政策的思路和具有可行性的对策建议,供相关部门参考。 本文在借鉴已有的研究成果基础上,注重理论联系实际,注重定性分析和定量分析相结合、规范分析与实证分析相结合。在对连片特困区以及高坪乡的定性描述后,借助政治学、区域经济学,经济地理等多学科工具,对连片特困区和高坪乡多维贫困和综合治理作全面、科学、系统的评价分析、项目实施效应评估。

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-291X.2014.12.014     

<mixed-citation>[<name>Tian <given-names>Wei.Study on comprehensive treatment and contiguous rural poor area of multidimensional poverty. Hunan: Master Dissertation of Jishou University, <year>2014.] [21] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">吕香亭. 综合评价指标筛选方法综述. 合作经济与科技, <year>2009, (3): <fpage>54.


DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-190X.2009.06.030     

<mixed-citation>[<name>Lv <given-names>Xiangting.Survey of the screening methods of comprehensive evaluation index. Co-operative Economy & Science, <year>2009, (3): <fpage>54.] [22] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name lang="CN">姜昱汐, <name lang="CN">迟国泰, <name lang="CN">严丽俊. 基于最大熵原理的线性组合赋权方法. 运筹与管理, <year>2011, <volume>20(1): <fpage>53-<lpage>59.

在被评价对象的指标值与理想值之间的广义距离和充分小的情况下, 追求不同赋权方法权重组合系数的信息分配最合理.随着广义距离和不断变小,得到一组不同方法赋权后的组合权重,进而得到了评价结果.本文的特色与创新一是 本文得到的权重兼顾了信息分配最合理与指标数据距离理想值的广义距离和最小两个目标.二是提出一个单目标模型求解多目标问题Pareto解集的方法,并根 据解集对评价对象进行排序, 增加了排序的可靠性,也为多目标模型求解提供了一种新思路.三是改变了组合赋权系数为近似平均的结果.四是解决了多目标线性加权求解时多个目标组合系数不 确定问题.

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-3221.2011.01.010     

<mixed-citation>[<name>Jiang <given-names>Yuxi, <name>Chi <given-names>Guotai, <name>Yan <given-names>Lijun.The linear combination weights method based on maximum entropy principle. Operations Research and Management Science, <year>2011, <volume>20(1): <fpage>53-<lpage>59.] [23] <mixed-citation publication-type="book" publication-format="print"><name>Robert <given-names>H.Spatial Data Analysis: Theory and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, <year>2003.

Spatial data analysis : theory and practice Robert Haining Cambridge University Press, 2003 : pbk

DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511754944     

[24] <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"><name>Goodchild <given-names>F, <name>Anselin <given-names>L, <name>Appelbaum <given-names>P, <etal>et al.Toward spatially integrated social science. International Regional Socience Review, <year>2000, <volume>23(2): <fpage>139-<lpage>159.:sae:inrsre:v:23:y:2000:i:2:p:139-159

This article outlines the motivation for a spatial approach as a novel focus for cross-disciplinary interaction and research in the social and behavioral sciences. The authors review the emerging interest in space and place in the recent social science literature and develop a vision for a spatially integrated social science. This vision provides the conceptual basis for a program of six activities designed to promote a spatial perspective: learning resources, workshops, best-practice examples, place-based search, software tools, and a virtual community. The six programs will be informed by advances in the methods, technologies, and principles underlying spatial information science.

DOI: 10.1177/016001760002300201     

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