发布时间:2021-04-18 07:35
【文章来源】:南京大学江苏省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:134 页
Ⅰ. Introduction
1. Why this Topic:Originality & Significance
2. Literature Review
2.1 Studies on American Women/American Women's Employment in the Foreign and Chinese Academia
2.2 Studies on Chinese Women/Chinese Women's Employment in the Foreign and Chinese Academia
3. Theory,Method,and Structure
3.1 The Theory of Gender
3.2 Method
3.3 Structure
4. Some Clarifications
4.1 Time Range
4.2 The Focus on Industrial Female workers
4.3 Resources/Statistics
Ⅱ. The Emergence of "Woman's Place"
Ⅲ. American and Chinese Women in the Industrial Labor Force in the Second World War
1. The Pre-war Years
1.1 American Industrial Female workers in the Pre-war Period
1.2 Chinese Industrial Female workers in the Pre-wa r Period
2. During the War
2.1 The Number of Industrial Female workers
2.2 Composition of the Wartime Female Labor Force
2.3 Distribution and Job Classifications
2.4 Treatment:Working and Living Environment
2.5 Propaganda and Public Mobilization
2.6 Female Labor Union and Women's Movement
3. The Post-war Years
Ⅳ. An Analysis of Reasons for the Differences
1. National Conditions and Gender Ideology before the War
2. The Road and Pattern for Women's Liberation
2.1 American Women's Liberation:Initiative
2.2 Chinese Women's Liberation:Passive
3. Propaganda and Policy
4. Wartime and Post-war Environment
Ⅴ. Conclusion
Ⅵ. Bibliography
[1]社会性别研究在国内外的发展[J]. 王政. 中华女子学院山东分院学报. 2009(05)
[2]历史比较研究方法浅析[J]. 东静蕾. 辽宁行政学院学报. 2008(06)
[3]近代中国女工的产生及婚姻家庭生活概况[J]. 李帝. 昌吉学院学报. 2007(06)
[4]抗日战争时期国统区妇女职业活动研究[J]. 何黎萍. 妇女研究论丛. 2006(01)
[5]“封建主义”概念辨析[J]. 侯建新. 中国社会科学. 2005(06)
[6]浅论当代中国妇女就业问题及对策[J]. 宋柳. 四川教育学院学报. 2005(09)
[7]第二次世界大战时期美国妇女就业的发展及其影响[J]. 周祥森. 史学月刊. 1991(04)
[1]“妇指会”与中国抗战[D]. 焦建新.南京农业大学 2007
【文章来源】:南京大学江苏省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:134 页
Ⅰ. Introduction
1. Why this Topic:Originality & Significance
2. Literature Review
2.1 Studies on American Women/American Women's Employment in the Foreign and Chinese Academia
2.2 Studies on Chinese Women/Chinese Women's Employment in the Foreign and Chinese Academia
3. Theory,Method,and Structure
3.1 The Theory of Gender
3.2 Method
3.3 Structure
4. Some Clarifications
4.1 Time Range
4.2 The Focus on Industrial Female workers
4.3 Resources/Statistics
Ⅱ. The Emergence of "Woman's Place"
Ⅲ. American and Chinese Women in the Industrial Labor Force in the Second World War
1. The Pre-war Years
1.1 American Industrial Female workers in the Pre-war Period
1.2 Chinese Industrial Female workers in the Pre-wa r Period
2. During the War
2.1 The Number of Industrial Female workers
2.2 Composition of the Wartime Female Labor Force
2.3 Distribution and Job Classifications
2.4 Treatment:Working and Living Environment
2.5 Propaganda and Public Mobilization
2.6 Female Labor Union and Women's Movement
3. The Post-war Years
Ⅳ. An Analysis of Reasons for the Differences
1. National Conditions and Gender Ideology before the War
2. The Road and Pattern for Women's Liberation
2.1 American Women's Liberation:Initiative
2.2 Chinese Women's Liberation:Passive
3. Propaganda and Policy
4. Wartime and Post-war Environment
Ⅴ. Conclusion
Ⅵ. Bibliography
[1]社会性别研究在国内外的发展[J]. 王政. 中华女子学院山东分院学报. 2009(05)
[2]历史比较研究方法浅析[J]. 东静蕾. 辽宁行政学院学报. 2008(06)
[3]近代中国女工的产生及婚姻家庭生活概况[J]. 李帝. 昌吉学院学报. 2007(06)
[4]抗日战争时期国统区妇女职业活动研究[J]. 何黎萍. 妇女研究论丛. 2006(01)
[5]“封建主义”概念辨析[J]. 侯建新. 中国社会科学. 2005(06)
[6]浅论当代中国妇女就业问题及对策[J]. 宋柳. 四川教育学院学报. 2005(09)
[7]第二次世界大战时期美国妇女就业的发展及其影响[J]. 周祥森. 史学月刊. 1991(04)
[1]“妇指会”与中国抗战[D]. 焦建新.南京农业大学 2007