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发布时间:2018-01-06 15:39

  本文关键词:基于项目化组织结构的刑侦专案组运作模式研究 出处:《云南大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 刑事侦查 专案组 专案办公室 项目化组织

【摘要】:刑事侦查是及时、准确地揭露和打击犯罪,维护社会稳定的重要手段。如何在现有刑事侦查资源不变的条件下多破案、快破案,提高刑事侦查效率值得我们探讨研究。项目管理做为管理科学一门新兴的分支,正在越来越多的领域得到广泛应用,在刑侦专案组的运作模式中应用项目管理的理论和方法,提高刑侦效率是一个值得研究的新课题。尽笔者所知,没有发现项目管理在刑事侦查中应用研究的相关论文。 本文从研究专案组的运作模式入手,通过对现行专案组的定义、历史沿革、组成方式,以及其在侦查全过程中存在问题的分析,发现专案组在侦查中存在部分专案组成立较被动、一些专案侦查产生错误无专人负责、多次专案侦查获得的经验与教训得不到共享等问题。进一步,笔者分析了组成专案组的组织背景---刑事侦查组织。在此过程中,笔者找到了刑事侦查与项目管理的有机联系,于是将项目管理中项目化管理的理论和方法运用到刑事侦查中,从组织架构的角度,寻找出现行刑侦组织结构中可以运用项目化组织结构进行优化的地方,并将其合理优化,探讨在组织机制层面提高刑侦效率的可能性。 论文建议:刑侦部门针对专案侦查实施项目化管理。在现行的刑侦组织架构中增设类似项目管理办公室(PM0)的部门,形成加有专案办公室的新的刑侦组织架构。专案侦查在专案办公室牵头负责下进行,在保证现行刑侦覆盖面不变的情况下,最大限度地利用现有刑侦资源;实现多次专案侦查的经验与教训共享;案件侦查的责任终身制;最大限度地避免冤、假、错案的发生。最终,有效提高刑侦效率。
[Abstract]:Criminal investigation is an important means to expose and crack down on crime and maintain social stability in a timely and accurate manner. As a new branch of management science, project management is widely used in more and more fields. To improve the efficiency of criminal investigation by applying the theory and method of project management in the operation mode of criminal investigation team is a new topic worth studying. No related papers on the application of project management in criminal investigation have been found. This paper starts with the study of the operation mode of the special case group, through the analysis of the definition, historical evolution, composition mode and the existing problems in the whole process of investigation. It is found that there are some problems in the investigation of the special case group, such as the establishment of part of the special case group is relatively passive, some special cases are not responsible for the mistakes made, and the experience and lessons gained by the special case investigation are not shared, and so on. The author analyzes the organization background of the special case group-- the organization of criminal investigation. In the process, the author finds the organic connection between criminal investigation and project management. So the theory and method of project management in the project management is applied to the criminal investigation, from the perspective of the organizational structure, to find out where the criminal investigation organization structure can be optimized by the use of the project organization structure. The possibility of improving the efficiency of criminal investigation on the level of organizational mechanism is discussed. The thesis suggests that the criminal investigation department should implement the project management in view of the special investigation. In the current criminal investigation organization structure, the similar project management office should be added to the project management office. Forming a new criminal investigation organization structure with special office. The special investigation is carried out under the lead of the project office, and the existing criminal investigation resources can be utilized to the maximum extent under the condition that the current criminal investigation coverage remains unchanged. To realize the sharing of experiences and lessons of many special investigations; The lifetime system of responsibility in case investigation; Avoid injustice, falsehood and wrong cases to the maximum extent. Finally, improve the efficiency of criminal investigation effectively.


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