发布时间:2018-01-27 02:17
本文关键词: 环境 犯罪 案件 侦查 出处:《西南政法大学》2007年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 与所有超高经济增长的地区相同,20世纪70年代末期以来,我国在实现可观的经济蓬勃发展的过程中,也蒙受环境质量的迅速恶化。以高增长为中心的发展战略固然是促成经济迅猛发展的有效模式,但已经将环境保护的重要性毫无保留地置于经济发展之下。面对严重的环境污染的威胁和环境质量持续恶化的压力,我国政府强调在追求经济繁荣的同时亟需给予污染控制和环境保护更大的考虑,从而提出“可持续发展”的战略代替过去“先污染,后治理”的发展模式,这一策略的改变体现在司法上即是采用了极具进取性和威慑性的刑事手段,以加强打击严重的环境污染和破坏环境资源的违法行为。随着刑法控制手段逐渐成为环境管治的重要措施,对破坏环境的犯罪案件的侦查也引起了学术界和实务界的高度重视。 本文正是在这种形势下,立足于国内外对环境犯罪研究的基础,结合当前国内的形势和具体国情,研究环境犯罪侦查的特点和方法,并提出环境犯罪的预防对策和措施。文章正文共28600字左右,主要从以下四个部分进行探讨: 一、环境犯罪概述,简要论述环境犯罪的现状、发展趋势并从理论上探讨环境犯罪的概念、犯罪构成要件、犯罪特点、以及种类等基本问题,为环境犯罪侦查的研究打下基础。 环境犯罪的现状及发展趋势令人担忧,单从破坏森林资源、野生动植物,破坏矿产资源,环境污染以及非法进口“洋垃圾”等几个方面的事实就可略见一斑。对于环境犯罪的概念,国内外存在不同的定义,本文认为环境犯罪宜定义为:违反环境资源保护法规和刑法规定,破坏人类环境和其他生态环境,构成犯罪的行为。环境犯罪作为单独的一类犯罪,与其他类型的犯罪一样具有四个犯罪构成要件,即犯罪主体、犯罪主观要件、犯罪客观要件以及犯罪客体。对环境犯罪的分类存在着狭义和广义之分,狭义的环境犯罪仅指刑法第6章第6节规定的破坏环境资源保护罪,而广义的环境犯罪是指除了破坏环境资源保护罪一节中规定的犯罪以外,,还包括散布在其他章节中的有关破坏环境资源保护的犯罪,本文采广义的观点并从案件侦查的角度将其分为三类:污染类环境犯罪、破坏自然资源类环境犯罪以及渎职类环境犯罪。另外,环境犯罪作为一类新型的犯罪具有其自身的特点,如环境犯罪的潜伏性、复杂性、犯罪行为的间接性以及犯罪后果的极其严重性等。 二、环境犯罪案件侦查总论,主要探讨环境犯罪案件侦查的管辖、环境犯罪案件侦查的特点、环境犯罪案件侦查的立案以及环境犯罪案件的侦查方法等。 关于环境犯罪案件侦查的职能管辖,除了渎职类的环境犯罪由检察机关进行侦查外,其余两类环境犯罪即污染类和破坏自然资源类的环境犯罪都由公安机关进行侦查,包括林业公安机关和野生动物保护区的公安机关。对于侦查主体问题,国内外存在三种模式:一是部门主导的模式,即环保部门作为侦查主体,担任绿色警察的角色,确定犯罪嫌疑人、开展调查、准备检控及提供公诉人。二是职能分工的模式,即环保部门负责确定犯罪嫌疑人以及帮助收集证据,而警方则负责侦查和准备公诉。三是新出现的跨部门协作的模式,即环保机关、警方和公诉部门联手协同进行侦查和准备起诉。这三种模式各有优劣,我国现行的侦查主体模式属于第二种模式即职能分工的模式,然而有朝着跨部门协作模式发展的趋势。由于环境犯罪案件涉及许多环保方面的专门性问题,而我国侦查机关又缺乏环保方面的专业知识,因此对环境犯罪案件的侦查具有科学鉴定工作繁多以及多部门紧密配合进行侦查等的特点。另外,本部分还重点论述了环境犯罪案件的一般侦查方法。 三、环境犯罪案件的侦查分论,主要研究三类环境犯罪即污染类、破坏自然资源类和渎职类中各自具有代表性的罪名的案件侦查,分别探讨了各类犯罪案件的特点和侦查方法。 在污染类的环境犯罪中,研究了重大环境污染事故案件的侦查,探讨了重大环境污染事故案件的特点和侦查方法;对于破坏自然资源类的环境犯罪,研究了破坏林业资源案件的侦查,详细论述了破坏林业资源案件的特点和侦查方法;同样的,对渎职类的环境犯罪,详细探讨了这类环境犯罪极具代表性的环境监管失职案件的案件特点和侦查方法。 四、简要论述环境犯罪的防治,研究环境犯罪产生的原因并提出相关的防治对策。本文认为促使环境犯罪产生的原因主要有:经济因素、技术因素、思想因素以及防治因素等等。环境犯罪正是由这些因素相互作用而产生的,因此对环境犯罪的防治应主要从以下几个方面进行:加大环境保护的力度、加强环境保护意识、完善环境刑事立法、加强刑事司法以及加强国际合作等等。
[Abstract]:Since the end of the 1970s , our country has suffered from the rapid deterioration of environmental quality in the process of achieving considerable economic growth , but the importance of environmental protection has been put under the economic development without reservation . In the face of the serious environmental pollution and the persistent deterioration of environmental quality , our government has emphasized that the pursuit of economic prosperity requires more consideration of pollution control and environmental protection . This text is in this situation , based on the domestic and international environment crime research foundation , combining the current domestic situation and the specific national conditions , studying the characteristics and methods of environmental crime investigation , and putting forward the prevention countermeasure and measure of environmental crime . The text of the article is about 28,600 words , mainly from the following four parts : 1 . An overview of environmental crime , briefly discusses the present situation and development trend of environmental crime , discusses the concept of environmental crime , the constitutive elements of crime , the characteristics of crime , and kinds of basic problems , and lays a foundation for the investigation of environmental crime . The present situation and development trend of environmental crime are worrying . The facts of environmental crime are different from those of other types of crime . In addition , environmental crimes are classified into three categories : pollution - based environmental crime , destruction of environment crime of natural resources and environmental crime of malneglect . In addition , environmental crime is a new type of crime , which has its own characteristics , such as the latent , complexity of environmental crime , the interconnectivity of criminal acts and the severity of the consequences of crime . 2 . The general theory of environmental crime investigation mainly discusses the jurisdiction of the investigation of environmental crimes cases , the characteristics of the investigation of environmental crimes cases , the cases of investigation of environmental crimes cases and the investigation methods of environmental crimes cases . In addition , there are three modes of investigation : one is the mode of division of responsibility , namely , the environmental protection department is responsible for the investigation and preparation of public prosecution . 3 . The investigation of environmental crime cases mainly studies three types of environmental crime , namely , pollution class , the destruction of each case investigation of each kind of crime in the category of natural resources and duty , and probes into the characteristics and investigation methods of all kinds of crime cases . In the environmental crime of pollution class , the investigation of major environmental pollution accident cases is studied , and the characteristics and investigation methods of major environmental pollution accidents are discussed . The characteristics and investigation methods of destroying forestry resource cases are discussed in detail . The paper discusses the causes of environmental crime and puts forward some countermeasures to prevent and cure environmental crime . The reasons of environmental crime are as follows : economic factors , technical factors , ideological factors and prevention and cure factors , etc . The environmental crime is caused by these factors . Therefore , the prevention and cure of environmental crime should be carried out mainly from the following aspects : strengthening the strength of environmental protection , strengthening environmental protection consciousness , perfecting environmental criminal legislation , strengthening criminal justice and strengthening international cooperation , etc .
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