本文关键词: 监狱 监狱人民警察 公共部门 人力资源开发与管理 出处:《天津大学》2004年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:监狱是国家的刑罚执行机关,担负着惩罚与改造罪犯,维护国家和社会的安定,保护人民的生命财产和合法权益,,为社会的文明进步和经济繁荣保驾护航的职责。这一切要靠高素质的监狱人民警察来完成。本文研究监狱人民警察的合理开发与管理的目的是为某监狱整体工作协调有序的发展提供人力资源开发与管理的理论支持和实践见解。 本文运用管理学、人力资源管理学、监狱学、组织行为学和社会学的知识,运用定性与定量相结合的分析方法、比较分析方法和理论与实践相结合的研究方式,阐述了公共部门人力资源开发与管理的基本理论,论述了监狱人民警察开发与管理的特定任务和对监狱事业发展的重要意义,比较了公共部门人力资源管理与一般人力资源管理的区别,分析了国内外监狱警察管理的差异。通过收集大量资料、数据,分析了某监狱人民警察队伍管理的现状,提出了该监狱人民警察管理工作中存在的分类不合理、绩效考核制度不健全、缺乏培训交流等问题。针对这些问题,科学地预测该监狱人民警察队伍的人员需求和学历需求,深入地分析该监狱人民警察的各个工作岗位基本职责、能力和要求,提出了该监狱招聘与选拔警察的模式、科学的任职和分类制度、合理的教育培训模式、考核激励制度及今后监狱人民警察开发与管理的发展方向,具有较强的应用价值。 本文创新之处是在借鉴国外对监狱警察分类管理的基础上,将某监狱人民警察科学的划分成四种类型,并规定不同类型的监狱人民警察的职务等级和享受待遇的原则,使监狱人民警察充分发挥所长,成为精通监狱工作的专家,实现高质量完成教育改造罪犯的监狱工作目标。
[Abstract]:Prison is the state penalty enforcement organ, which is responsible for punishing and reforming criminals, maintaining the stability of the country and society, protecting people's life, property and legitimate rights and interests. For the social civilization progress and economic prosperity of the responsibility of escort. All this depends on high-quality prison people's police to complete. This article studies the reasonable development and management of prison people's police is to work for a prison as a whole. Coordinated and orderly development provides theoretical support and practical insights for human resource development and management. This paper applies the knowledge of management, human resources management, prison science, organizational behavior and sociology, using qualitative and quantitative analysis method, comparative analysis method and the combination of theory and practice research methods. This paper expounds the basic theory of the development and management of human resources in the public sector, and discusses the specific task of the development and management of the prison people's police and its significance to the development of the prison cause. This paper compares the difference between public sector human resource management and general human resource management, and analyzes the differences of prison police management at home and abroad. This paper analyzes the present situation of the management of the people's police force in a certain prison, and puts forward some problems in the management of the prison people's police, such as unreasonable classification, imperfect performance appraisal system, lack of training and exchange, and so on. Scientific prediction of the prison people's police force personnel needs and educational needs, in-depth analysis of the prison people's police posts of the basic duties, capabilities and requirements. This paper puts forward the model of recruiting and selecting the police in the prison, the scientific system of appointment and classification, the reasonable mode of education and training, the system of examination and encouragement, and the development direction of the development and management of the prison people's police in the future. It has strong application value. The innovation of this paper is to use foreign countries for reference on the basis of the classification of prison police management, a prison people's police science can be divided into four types. And the different types of prison people's police ranks and enjoy the principle of treatment, so that the prison people's police to give full play to their talents, become proficient in prison work experts. To achieve the goal of high quality education and reform of criminals in prisons.
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