本文关键词: 流动未成年人犯罪 亚文化 社区矫正 犯罪易感倾向 家庭温情 出处:《南京理工大学》2006年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:当前未成年人犯罪问题日益成为社会和学术研究所关注的对象,而流动人口中的未成年人犯罪问题,由于其主体和行为都具有相当的特殊性,因而本文从社会学角度上对此问题进行了分析和探讨,在理论指导上,从发展心理学,亚文化理论,相对剥夺理论等方面的理论视角下做出假设,并从该课题的特殊角度出发,在南京市范围内进行了针对性的抽样问卷调查和开放式访谈, 从调查结果的初步分析上看,在对流动未成年人的违法犯罪行为之影响中,家庭因素占有最为基础的地位,它与调查对象在价值观及人格的确立,社会化的进程,对人际对社会的态度上都发挥着极为重要的影响。然而这种重要性并不是直接的影响及作用于调查对象的不良行为,而是较为曲折和隐晦的通过作用于未成年人的思想人格及在外社会交往而产生作用。在研究中可以看到,对调查对象产生最关键影响的来自于他们的亚文化群体交往中。 此一亚文化群体部分程度上由调查对象在家庭及社会上的处遇中被催生出来,并直接作用于犯罪未成年人对待不良行为的态度及认识,从而对其不良行为发生作用。同时,,当犯罪未成年人在对亚文化群体的自我认识,归属感及行为模式体系一旦确立起来,就会在较长时期的日常生活和社会化过程中固化下来,难以得到有效的消除和解脱。因此,解释及解除流动未成年人不良行为的主要着眼点,即在于其不良亚文化群体的形成原因,过程,内在运作模式及体系,以及其解组过程及条件的探索研究上。在对流动犯罪未成年人的惩处与矫正上,应充分考虑这一特点,大力探究,发展与推广社区矫正等非刑事化的惩处与矫正措施。
[Abstract]:At present, the problem of juvenile delinquency has increasingly become the focus of social and academic research, and the problem of juvenile delinquency in the floating population is of considerable particularity because of its subject and behavior. Therefore, this paper analyzes and discusses this problem from the angle of sociology, and makes hypotheses from the theoretical perspective of developmental psychology, subculture theory, relative deprivation theory and so on. And from the special point of view of the subject, a targeted sampling questionnaire survey and open interviews were conducted in Nanjing. From the preliminary analysis of the results of the investigation, the family factor occupies the most basic position in the influence on the illegal and criminal behavior of floating minors, and it and the object of investigation in the establishment of values and personality. The process of socialization plays an extremely important role in interpersonal attitudes towards society. However, this importance is not a direct influence and bad behavior that affects the subjects under investigation. But more zigzag and obscurity through the role of minors in the ideological personality and external social interaction and have a role, can be seen in the study. The most important influence on the subjects comes from their sub-cultural group communication. To some extent, this sub-cultural group was born out of the family and social situation, and directly affected the attitude and understanding of delinquent minors to the bad behavior. At the same time, when the juvenile delinquent in the sub-cultural group of self-understanding, the sense of belonging and behavior model system once established. It will be solidified in the course of daily life and socialization for a long time, and it is difficult to get rid of effectively. Therefore, the main point of view is to explain and relieve the bad behavior of floating minors. That is to say, the formation reason, process, internal operating mode and system of its bad sub-cultural group, as well as its uniting process and condition exploration and research, in the punishment and correction of floating crime minors. We should take this characteristic into full consideration, and vigorously explore, develop and popularize non-criminal punishment and correction measures such as community correction.
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