本文关键词: 鉴定人 司法鉴定 司法改革 出处:《厦门大学》2006年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 在信息化时代的今天,科技的不断发展使社会分工变得越来越细、越来越复杂,也使得法官对诉讼中出现的专门性问题难以作出准确判断,而为了解客观事实真相,往往必须借助司法鉴定人的参与,来解决案件的争议问题。随着司法改革的深入,我国诉讼理念和诉讼模式开始转变,鉴定人制度作为鉴定制度的核心部分,必须改革以适应当前司法改革的需要。鉴定人作为司法鉴定工作的具体实施者,其知识、技能以及素质高低直接影响鉴定结论的正确与否,关系到诉讼、仲裁活动能否顺利进行以及当事人合法利益能否够得到有效保护。 论文分为引言、主文和结论三部分,其中主文共分六章: 第一章司法鉴定人制度的概述。介绍两大法系有关司法鉴定人的概念、共同特征、分类及与之相关的概念,为下文的进一步深入分析做一些铺垫。 第二章首先介绍和评析了两大法系关于司法鉴定人的诉讼地位,并由此得出不同诉讼地位带来不同利弊关系的结论,在此基础上论述我国鉴定人的诉讼地位及其需要改革的问题。 第三章比较了两大法系对鉴定人资格的不同规定,并针对我国现行法律规定的鉴定人资格的现状,提出了如何完善的建议,以适应我国司法改革的需要。 第四章从两大法系诉讼理念和诉讼模式等方面出发,剖析司法鉴定人的选任方式不同的原由,以及由选任方式的差异带来的不同后果,立足我国国情,提出对我国目前此种选任方式改革的意见。 第五章首先阐述两大法系关于鉴定人权利与义务的相关规定,并结合我国2005年制定的《全国人大常委会关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》,阐述目前我国鉴定人制度改革的趋势,提出关于完善鉴定人权利和义务的建议。 第六章首先对两大法系司法鉴定人法律责任的归责原则及其性质作了比较,对我国鉴定人法律责任的性质作了分析,并对如何完善我国司法鉴定人的法律责任提出了构想。 本文认为,借鉴西方国家司法鉴定人制度的有益经验,吸收两大法系国家有关司法鉴定人制度的优点,结合中国国情来改革我国现行司法鉴定人制度是比较合理的选择。
[Abstract]:In the information age, the continuous development of science and technology makes the social division of labor become more and more detailed and complex, and also makes it difficult for the judge to make accurate judgment on the specialized problems that appear in litigation, and in order to know the truth of the objective facts, With the deepening of judicial reform, the concept and mode of litigation in our country begin to change, and the expert system is the core part of the appraisal system. It is necessary to reform in order to meet the needs of the current judicial reform. As the concrete implementers of judicial expertise, the knowledge, skills and quality of the expert directly affect the correctness of the appraisal conclusion, which is related to the litigation. Whether the arbitration can proceed smoothly and whether the legitimate interests of the parties can be effectively protected. The thesis is divided into three parts: introduction, main text and conclusion, in which the main text is divided into six chapters:. The first chapter introduces the concept, common characteristics, classification and related concepts of judicial appraisers in the two legal systems, which provides some basis for the further analysis below. The second chapter firstly introduces and evaluates the litigation status of judicial connoisseurs in two legal systems, and draws the conclusion that different litigation status brings different advantages and disadvantages. On this basis, this paper discusses the litigation status of Chinese experts and the problems that need to be reformed. The third chapter compares the different provisions of the two legal systems on the qualification of experts and puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect them in order to meet the needs of the judicial reform in our country in view of the current situation of the qualification of experts stipulated by the current law of our country. Chapter 4th starts from the litigation idea and litigation mode of the two major legal systems, analyzes the original reasons for the different ways of selecting judicial experts, and the different consequences brought by the differences in the ways of selecting judges, and bases itself on the national conditions of our country. Put forward to our country at present this kind of election way of reform. Chapter 5th first expounds the relevant provisions on the rights and obligations of experts in the two major legal systems, and expounds the current trend of the reform of the appraiser system in our country in the light of the decision of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress on the Administration of Forensic Authentication made in 2005. Some suggestions on perfecting the rights and duties of experts are put forward. Chapter 6th first compares the principle and nature of the legal liability of judicial connoisseurs in the two legal systems, analyzes the nature of the legal liability of experts in our country, and puts forward some ideas on how to perfect the legal liability of judicial connoisseurs in our country. This paper holds that it is a reasonable choice to use the beneficial experience of western countries for reference, to absorb the advantages of the judicial appraiser system in the two legal system countries, and to reform the current judicial expert system of our country in combination with the national conditions of China.
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