发布时间:2018-02-17 06:28
本文关键词: 转型期 社会治安综合治理 体系 改革 出处:《四川大学》2006年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:进行社会治安综合治理是党和政府在总结历史经验、立足现实的基础上作出的一种理性战略选择。在过去二十多年中,逐步形成了具有中国特色的一套较为完整的社会治安综合治理模式,为减少和预防违法犯罪起了显著的作用。然而,当前我国已经进入社会转型的加速期,市场经济、民主政治和个人自由逐步获得优势。随着人、财、物大流动,治安问题日益动态化,治安工作面临的环境和条件已经发生了很大变化,社会治安综合治理工作体系却没有充分意识到从前所依赖的传统社会模式已经发生变化或者正在发生变化,一些传统的社会治安控制手段难以适应新的需要,原有的运行机制和管理体制也表现出明显的滞后性。这种滞后性主要表现在三个方面,即计划经济色彩仍然较重、仍然是以权威政治为组织保证、仍然是以身份制为运转前提。综合治理体系上的滞后使得当前的社会治安综合治理工作陷入一系列困境。例如,政府部门对企事业单位的行政约束力减弱;城乡基层组织对人的管理、控制能力弱化;打击的软弱性和对政法机关的依赖性问题同时存在;治安联防经费难以筹集,群防群治组织难以为继;综治人员、经费严重不足,工作难以开展,等等。因此,近年来虽经数次“严打”和多次专项整治,综合治理不断加强,,违法犯罪和治安灾害事故却仍然居高不下。 社会治安问题是社会矛盾和社会问题的综合反映。我国目前社会治安问题突出绝不是偶然的,它是我国社会转型期的深层社会矛盾及反映这些矛盾的社会问题的表征。单纯加大治理措施的力度,改善、扩展治理方法和手段,只是
[Abstract]:Comprehensive management of public security is a rational strategic choice made by the Party and the government on the basis of summing up historical experience and basing themselves on reality. In the past 20 years or so, A comprehensive management model of social security with Chinese characteristics has been gradually formed, which has played a significant role in reducing and preventing illegal and criminal activities. However, at present, China has entered an accelerated period of social transformation, a market economy. Democratic politics and individual freedom have gradually gained advantages. As people, wealth, material flows and the problem of public order become increasingly dynamic, the environment and conditions facing the work of public security have changed greatly. However, the work system of comprehensive management of social security is not fully aware that the traditional social model relied on in the past has changed or is changing, and some traditional means of social security control are difficult to adapt to the new needs. The original operating mechanism and management system also show obvious lag. This lag is mainly manifested in three aspects, namely, the planned economy is still heavy, and it is still guaranteed by authoritative politics. The lag in the comprehensive management system makes the current comprehensive management of public security into a series of difficulties. For example, the administrative binding force of government departments on enterprises and institutions is weakened; The management and control ability of urban and rural grass-roots organizations is weakened; the weakness of the crackdown and the dependence on the political and legal organs exist at the same time; the funds for public security and joint defense are difficult to raise, so it is difficult for the mass control organizations to continue. The work is difficult to carry out, and so on. Therefore, in recent years, despite several "hard strikes" and many special rectification, comprehensive control has been continuously strengthened, but the number of illegal crimes and public order disasters and accidents has remained high. The problem of social security is a comprehensive reflection of social contradictions and social problems. It is no accident that the problems of social security are prominent at present in China. It is a symbol of the deep social contradictions and the social problems that reflect these contradictions in the period of social transformation in our country. It is only to increase the intensity of the measures of governance, to improve and expand the methods and means of governance
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