发布时间:2018-02-24 02:10
本文关键词: 司法鉴定体制 刑事鉴定体制 刑事鉴定管理制度 鉴定机构 出处:《华中师范大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 鉴定结论作为法定证据的一种,以其独特的地位和价值在诉讼过程中发挥着关键的作用,因而也备受关注。特别是在刑事诉讼过程中。目前我国刑事鉴定制度中存在着管理缺位和立法疏漏等问题,完善刑事鉴定制度是当务之急。了解刑事鉴定制度的历史沿革,分析和比较大陆法系、英美法系鉴定制度的利弊,才能在完善我国刑事鉴定制度时,做到趋利避害,既符合我国国情,顺应司法改革的总体趋势,又借鉴、吸收他国鉴定制度的合理元素,做到古为今用,洋为中用。只有这样,才能实现刑事鉴定制度的最高追求:公正、效率。刑事鉴定制度的完善,首先要确立刑事鉴定体制的价值目标,其次要构建科学合理的鉴定体制和管理体系,再次要完善鉴定立法,理顺鉴定体制内在和外在的关系,才能使鉴定制度的建设和完善走上正轨,才能建立科学合理的鉴定体制。
[Abstract]:As a kind of legal evidence, the appraisal conclusion plays a key role in the litigation process with its unique status and value. Especially in the process of criminal procedure, there are some problems in our criminal identification system, such as the absence of management and the omission of legislation. It is urgent to improve the criminal identification system. Only by analyzing and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the identification system of the civil law system and the common law system, can we make the criminal identification system in our country be advantageous and avoid disadvantages, which is in line with the national conditions of our country, conform to the general trend of the judicial reform, and draw lessons from it. To absorb the reasonable elements of other countries' appraisal system, to make the past for the present and the foreign for the Chinese. Only in this way, can the highest pursuit of the criminal appraisal system be realized: fairness, efficiency, perfection of the criminal appraisal system, First of all, we should establish the value goal of the criminal appraisal system, secondly, we should build a scientific and reasonable appraisal system and management system, and then we should perfect the appraisal legislation, and straighten out the relationship between the inside and outside of the appraisal system. Only then can the construction and perfection of the appraisal system be put on the right track and a scientific and reasonable appraisal system be established.
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