本文选题:未成年人 切入点:犯罪 出处:《广西师范大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 未成年犯罪问题一直是全社会关注的热点,也是困扰法学理论界与司法实践部门的一个难题。它被不少犯罪学家和刑法学家喻为难以医治的“社会痼疾”。我区未成年人犯罪一直是一个比较严重的社会问题,因此,以理论为指导,通过调查分析研究我区未成年人犯罪的成因,寻觅预防未成年人犯罪的教育策略,对建立良好的社会治安秩序,推动和促进我区和谐社会建设具有极其重要的现实意义。 本研究以教育理论中的人本主义、建构主义和认知主义学习等理论为导引,以广西未成年犯和同龄普通中学生为对象开展调查,通过调查数据的科学处理得出结果,采用文献研究、比较研究等方法进行结果分析,最后针对存在的问题提出建议。 调查研究使用自行设计的调查问卷,采用不记名方式展开,抽取广西壮族自治区未成年犯220人和同龄普通中学生280人进行调查。调查数据采用SPSS10.0统计软件包进行统计和分析。通过调查我们得出如下结论: 1.普通学生与未成年犯在上学愿望方面存在显著差异:未成年犯想读书的比例高于普通学生,不想读书的比例也高于普通学生。 2.普通学生与未成年犯在读书兴趣方面存在显著差异:未成年犯喜欢读书的低于普通学生,不喜欢读书的高于普通学生。 3.普通学生与未成年犯在自觉主动学习方面存在着显著差异:未成年犯自觉主动学习的比例低于普通学生。 4.普通学生与未成年犯在受信息刺激后自己建构知识方面存在着显著差异:未成年犯在主动建构知识方面的比例低于普通学生。 5.普通学生与未成年犯在父母关系方面存在显著差异:在未成年犯中,父母都健在的比例低于普通学生,离异率高于普通学生,在满足子女各种需要方面低于普通学生。而在父母经常吵架、父母恩爱等方面不存在显著差异。 6.普通学生与未成年犯在周边育人环境方面存在显著差异:赌钱的地方、见过他人赌钱、参加过赌钱、玩电子游戏、看过暴力片、看过黄色片和在校被人抢过东西等方面,未成年犯所占比例要高于普通学生。而在游戏厅、学校有小帮派等方面则不存在显著差异。 7.普通学生与未成年犯在与老师关系方面存在显著差异:未成年犯与老师交流得少,主动回答问题少,协同完成难题的少,受尊重需要的少;但受老师打骂的比例高于普通学生。在受老师喜欢方面不存在显著差异。 8普通学生与未成年犯在同学关系方面存在显著差异:未成年犯跟同学打架过、吵架过的比例要高于普通学生,与优秀同学交往的比例低于普通学生。 9.普通学生与未成年犯在班级纪律方面存在显著差异:未成年犯所在班级纪律差的比例高于普通学生。 10.普通学生与未成年犯在受教育方面存在显著差异:未成年犯受教育年数少的比例高于普通学生。 造成广西未成年人犯罪的原因是多种多样的,即有内部因素,又有外部因素。因此,我们从三个方面提出有针对性的建议及教育策略:一是家庭方面:创设条件,尊重合理需要; .二是社会方面:净化环境,营造纯净家园;三是学校方面:转变观念,树立正确导向. 我们坚信,未成年人的身心特点决定了他们具有可塑性和可改造性,只有在正确的理论指导下,做到社会、学校和家庭三管齐下,认真分析未成年人犯罪的成因,采取综合治理的方法,形成教育的合力,才能做好未成年人犯罪的预防工作,未成年人犯罪现象也才会逐步减少。
[Abstract]:Juvenile delinquency has been the focus of the whole society, and also is a puzzle of legal theory and judicial practice departments. It is many criminologists and criminal law experts hailed as incurable "social problems". The juvenile delinquency has been a serious social problem, therefore, in theory the guidance, through the investigation and analysis of the causes of juvenile delinquency, for the prevention of juvenile delinquency, education strategy, to establish a good social order, promote it has an extremely important practical significance and promote the construction of harmonious society in our region.
In this study, the education theory of humanism, constructivism and cognitive learning theory as a guide to Guangxi, juvenile offenders and normal school students of the same age as the object of investigation, through the survey data processing results, using literature research, comparative analysis of the research methods, finally puts forward the suggestion to the existing the problem.
Investigation by using a self-designed questionnaire, anonymously, from the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region juvenile offenders 220 people and 280 normal school students of the same age for the investigation. The survey data using SPSS10.0 statistical software package for statistics and analysis. Through the investigation we draw the following conclusion:
1., there is a significant difference between ordinary students and juvenile offenders in school aspirations: the proportion of juvenile offenders wants to read is higher than that of ordinary students, and the proportion of students who do not want to read is higher than that of ordinary students.
2., there is a significant difference between ordinary students and juvenile offenders in reading interest: juvenile delinquents prefer to read less than ordinary students, but do not like to read more than ordinary students.
3. there are significant differences in self-conscious learning between ordinary students and juvenile offenders: the proportion of conscious active learning of juvenile offenders is lower than that of ordinary students.
4., there is a significant difference between ordinary students and juvenile offenders in their knowledge construction after information stimulation: the proportion of juvenile offenders in building knowledge is lower than that of ordinary students.
5. normal students and juvenile offenders have significant differences in the relationship between parents: in juvenile offenders, parents are alive less than ordinary students, the divorce rate is higher than that of normal students in less than ordinary students to meet the needs of all children. And often quarrel in the parents, parents love have no significant difference.
6. normal students and juvenile offenders are significantly different in the surrounding environment: for local education, see others participated in gambling, gambling, playing video games, read violent film, and seen yellow school being robbed and so on, the proportion of juvenile offenders is higher than ordinary students. While in the game the school hall, a small Gang and so on are not significantly different.
7. normal students and juvenile offenders in the relationship with the teacher: there are significant differences of juvenile offenders and teacher exchanges less, less active in answering questions, complete problem, esteem needs less; but by the teacher scolded the proportion of higher than ordinary students. The teacher love have no significant difference.
8, there are significant differences between ordinary students and juvenile offenders in schoolmate relationship: juvenile offenders fight with their classmates, and the ratio of quarrels is higher than that of ordinary students. The proportion of communication with excellent students is lower than that of ordinary students.
9. there are significant differences in class discipline between ordinary students and juvenile offenders. The proportion of the minor offenders in class discipline is higher than that of the ordinary students.
10. there are significant differences in education between ordinary students and juvenile offenders: the proportion of juvenile offenders is higher than that of ordinary students.
Guangxi cause of juvenile delinquency is varied, the internal factors and external factors. Therefore, we put forward some suggestions and Strategies of education from three aspects: one is the family: to create conditions, respect the reasonable needs; two. Social aspects: purify the environment, to create a pure home; three school: change idea, establish the correct orientation.
We firmly believe that the physical and psychological characteristics of minors decides their plasticity and transformation of society, only under the guidance of correct theory, school, and family three, a careful analysis of the causes of juvenile delinquency, taking comprehensive measures, to form the resultant force of education to do work on the prevention of juvenile delinquency, the phenomenon of juvenile crime will be gradually reduced.
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