本文选题:公安社科理论 切入点:公安改革 出处:《公安大学学报》2001年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:随着我国加入WTO和改革开放的深化 ,用公安社科理论来规范、指导公安工作和公安改革实践的重要性日益凸现。新时期强调公安社科理论指导 ,是对公安社科理论建设光荣传统的继承和发扬 ,是公安工作顺利发展的重要保证 ,是科技强警的必由之路。改革开放以来 ,公安社科理论为公安改革作出了重要贡献 :为公安改革指明了方向 ,开拓了公安工作改革的视野 ,为适应动态治安形势提供了决策依据。当前应用公安社科理论存在的主要问题是 :用理论指导公安改革实践尚未形成氛围 ,有关公安课题理论研究的深度和广度还不够 ,公安社科理论研究成果难以转化应用。必须通过加强公安调研机构的组织建设和队伍建设 ,下大气力对重要公安课题进行深入研究 ,抓公安社科理论研究成果的转化应用等具体环节的落实 ,来强化公安社科理论的指导工作。
[Abstract]:With China's entry into WTO and the deepening of reform and opening up, the importance of standardizing and guiding public security work and public security reform practice with the theory of public security social sciences is becoming more and more important. In the new period, the emphasis is placed on the theoretical guidance of public security social sciences. It is the inheritance and development of the glorious tradition in the theoretical construction of public security social sciences, the important guarantee for the smooth development of public security work, and the only way to strengthen the police by science and technology. The theory of public security social sciences has made important contributions to the reform of public security: it has pointed out the direction for the reform of public security, and has opened up the vision of the reform of public security work. In order to adapt to the dynamic public security situation, the main problems existing in the application of the theory of public security science are: the atmosphere has not been formed to guide the practice of public security reform by theory, and the depth and breadth of the theoretical research on the public security subject are not enough. It is difficult to translate and apply the theoretical research results of public security social sciences. We must strengthen the organizational construction and team building of public security research institutions, and make great efforts to conduct in-depth research on important public security issues. In order to strengthen the guiding work of the theory of social science of public security, we should pay attention to the implementation of concrete links, such as the transformation and application of the research results of the theory of social science of public security.
【作者单位】: 福建省公安厅
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