本文选题:社区矫正 切入点:刑罚 出处:《中国海洋大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:社区矫正制度是一种区别于传统刑事制裁措施的行刑方式,起源于英美法系国家,因其注重对犯罪人的教育改造,而非处罚,现已在世界各国的司法实践中得到普遍应用。我国自2011年刑法修正案(八)将社区矫正纳入立法体系以来,更是逐步完善社区矫正制度,2012年1月10日,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、司法部联合发布了《社区矫正实施办法》,使社区矫正制度更具操作性。2012年刑事诉讼法修改后,亦增加了社区矫正的内容,我国的社区矫正制度已逐步建立。但我国的社区矫正制度在实施过程中仍存在着诸如社区矫正实施的深度及广度不足、社会普遍对社区矫正刑罚执行方式的认识和重视程度不够、社区矫正工作更多流于形式、社区矫正队伍不健全,专业人员参与较少等方面的系列问题,实践中应根据操作情况适时修改刑法、刑事诉讼法、将《社区矫正实施办法》上升到法律层级,并逐步提升社区矫正的力度、加强社区矫正工作人员队伍建设,加强专业人员培训,使得社区矫正制度成为我国刑罚执行过程中的主要行刑方式。 我国从2003年正式试点社区矫正到现在基本上在全国大部分地域范围内铺开,根据各地的实际情况,通过对国内外社区矫正进行比较分析,提出了我国社区矫正工作在发展中存在的问题,并根据实际出现的问题提出了自己的建议与对策。 社区矫正顺应了现代行刑制度的发展趋势,反映了社会文明的进步和发展。社区矫正以人为本的价值取向和我国构建社会主义和谐社会一致。
[Abstract]:The community correction system is a kind of execution method which is different from the traditional criminal sanction measure. It originated from the common law system country, because it pays attention to the education reform of the criminal, but not the punishment. It has been widely used in the judicial practice of countries all over the world. Since the amendment of the Criminal Law of 2011 (8) brought community correction into the legislative system, it has gradually perfected the system of community correction. In January 10th 2012, the Supreme people's Court, the Supreme people's Court, The Supreme people's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued the "measures for the implementation of Community Corrections" to make the community correction system more operational. After the amendment of the Criminal procedure Law in 2012, the content of community correction was also added. China's community correction system has been gradually established, but in the process of implementation of our community correction system, such as the depth and breadth of the implementation of community correction is not enough. The society generally has not paid enough attention to the mode of execution of community correction penalty, the work of community correction has become a mere formality, the team of community correction is not perfect, and professionals are less involved in a series of problems. In practice, the criminal law and the criminal procedure law should be revised according to the operation conditions, the implementation measures of community correction should be raised to the legal level, and the strength of community correction should be gradually enhanced, and the construction of community correction staff should be strengthened. Strengthen the training of professional personnel, make the community correction system become the main execution way in the process of penalty execution in our country. From 2003, the formal pilot community correction in our country has been basically spread out in most areas of the country. According to the actual situation in various places, through the comparative analysis of community correction at home and abroad, This paper puts forward the problems existing in the development of community correction in our country, and puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures according to the actual problems. Community correction conforms to the development trend of modern execution system and reflects the progress and development of social civilization. The value orientation of community correction is consistent with the construction of socialist harmonious society in our country.
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