发布时间:2018-03-12 12:41
本文选题:“禁摩” 切入点:政策制定 出处:《中南民族大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着我国改革开放近20年来的经济高速发展,摩托车、私家车等机动车增长迅猛,在城市中保有量的大幅增加。摩托车已经成为市民出行不可缺少的交通工具,截至2010年为止,我国拥有1.2亿台保有量的摩托车,在如此大巨大保有量的压力之下,对相关职能部门在如何管理摩托车问题上提出了严峻的挑战。为此,各地方政府为了缓解城市的交通压力、维护道路交通的秩序、降低尾气排放对环境污染、打击“两抢一盗”的犯罪行为以及提升城市的形象,制定了相关“禁摩”的公共政策、地方性法规文件等;如限制或者禁止摩托车的上牌登记,限制或者是禁止摩托车在规定区域或是整个市区道路的通行。由于各个地方“禁摩”政策的推行,加上公共交通基础不完善,对市民出行造成了极大的不便利,因而引起了社会的高度关注,甚至引起了公诉风波。 本文采用的是理论分析和实证分析两种研究方法,以公共政策制定的相关原则来论证“禁摩”之缺乏法律依据,并违背公共政策制定的相关原则。以公共政策执行的相关原理来说明“禁摩”政策执行中出现的偏差,并探讨了政策执行偏差的原因及解决的办法。本文共计四个部分,第一部分介绍我国城市目前“禁摩”的相关情况;“禁摩”的时间、手段、是否达到预期目的等。第二部分是从公共政策规划的三项基本原则(信息完备原则、公平公正原则、现实可行性原则),以及公共政策合法化的角度来分析“禁摩”政策的不合理性。第三部分是借鉴境外对摩托车的管理以及相关措施,提高交通安全意识,提出规划摩托车专用通道及建设摩托车基础设施等相关措施,,来完善摩托车的管理。最后一个部分是提出城市交通管理的政策建议,如控制私人汽车的发展,以建立轨道交通与快速交通为核心,常规交通为主体,摩托车和自行车补充城市交通的盲点,通过路面总量的控制来解决城市交通的拥挤问题。
[Abstract]:With the rapid economic development of China's reform and opening up in the past 20 years, motorcycles, private cars, and other motor vehicles have grown rapidly, and the number of motor vehicles in cities has increased substantially. Motorcycles have become an indispensable means of transportation for citizens. Up to 2010, China has 120 million motorcycles in possession. Under the pressure of such a huge amount of ownership, it poses a serious challenge to the relevant functional departments on how to manage motorcycles. Therefore, in order to alleviate the traffic pressure in the city, local governments, To maintain the order of road traffic, reduce the exhaust gas pollution to the environment, crack down on the crime of "two robberies and one theft" and promote the image of the city, and formulate the public policies and local laws and regulations related to "forbidding friction" and so on; For example, restricting or prohibiting the registration of motorcycles, restricting or prohibiting the passage of motorcycles in prescribed areas or on roads throughout the urban area. As a result of the implementation of the "No friction" policy in various localities and the imperfect public transport infrastructure, It causes great inconveniences to citizens' travel, and thus causes great concern to the society and even arouses the storm of public prosecution. This paper uses two research methods, theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, to demonstrate the lack of legal basis for "prohibition of friction" with the relevant principles of public policy formulation. It also disobeys the relevant principles of public policy formulation, explains the deviation in the implementation of "forbidding friction" policy with the relevant principles of public policy implementation, and probes into the reasons for the deviation in policy implementation and the ways to solve it. There are four parts in this paper. The first part introduces the current situation of "forbidden friction" in Chinese cities, the time, means, whether or not to achieve the expected purpose, etc. The second part is based on the three basic principles of public policy planning (the principle of complete information, the principle of fairness and justice, etc.). The practical feasibility principle and the angle of public policy legalization are used to analyze the irrationality of the "forbidden friction" policy. The third part is to learn from the overseas management of motorcycles and related measures to raise the awareness of traffic safety. To improve the management of motorcycles by planning special lanes for motorcycles and building motorcycle infrastructure, the last part is to put forward policy recommendations for urban traffic management, such as controlling the development of private cars. With the establishment of rail transit and rapid transit as the core, conventional traffic as the main body, motorcycles and bicycles supplement the blind spot of urban traffic, the problem of urban traffic congestion can be solved by controlling the total amount of road surface.
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