本文选题:警务活动 切入点:警察培训 出处:《江西师范大学》2006年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:我国警察培训已经走过了五十余个春秋,为公安机关训练了大批人民警察,取得了显著的成果。进入21世纪,随着国际国内形势以及社会治安形势的发展,对公安机关人民警察提出了更高更严的要求。《中共中央关于进一步加强和改进公安工作的决定》中强调,要加强教育训练工作,建立适应实战需要的训练体系,积极创新教育训练机制,改进教育训练方法。因此,警察执法能力的训练和培养,是新形势下面临的一项重要课题。构建以“警务活动”为中心的警察培训模式的研究是在这样的背景下提出来的,力求把理论与实践紧密结合起来,寓理论于警务活动之中,在警务活动中学习基本理论,把理论知识切实转化为实际工作能力,实现战训合一的目标。 本文的研究共分为五章。第一章阐述了为什么要进行本研究,研究的目的和意义、本研究的研究现状以及模式、培训模式和警务活动等相关概念的界定,为本研究的研究奠定了基础;第二章从我国警察培训的发展历程和存在的突出问题两个方面对当前我国警察培训的情况进行了分析;第三章从教官方面、培训内容、教学方法三个方面概括了海外警察培训的基本情况,,并从中得出了三个方面的启示;第四章论述了以“警务活动”为中心的警察培训模式的实践性、自主性、针对性、互动性等基本特点,并从成人教育理论和建构主义学习理论分析了以“警务活动”为中心的警察培训模式构建的理论基础;第五章从以“警务活动”为中心的警察培训模式构建的重要要素、指导思想、主要环节和评价机制四个方面论述了如何构建以“警务活动”为中心的警察培训模式。
[Abstract]:China's police training has gone through more than 50 years, trained a large number of people's police for public security organs, and achieved remarkable results. In 21th century, with the development of the international and domestic situation and the social security situation, The "decision of the CPC Central Committee on further strengthening and improving Public Security work" stresses that education and training work should be strengthened and a training system adapted to the needs of actual combat should be established. Innovation of educational training mechanism and improvement of educational training methods. Therefore, the training and training of police law enforcement ability, It is an important subject to face under the new situation. The research of constructing the police training mode centered on "police activity" is put forward under this background, which tries to combine theory and practice closely, and combine theory with police activity. Learning the basic theory in the police activity, transforming the theory knowledge into the practical work ability, realizing the goal of the integration of war and training. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter describes why this study is carried out, the purpose and significance of the study, the current situation of the study and the definition of the relevant concepts, such as training model and policing activities, etc. Chapter two analyzes the current situation of police training in our country from two aspects: the development of police training in our country and the outstanding problems; the third chapter analyzes the training content from the aspect of instructors. This paper summarizes the basic situation of overseas police training from three aspects of teaching methods, and draws inspiration from three aspects. Chapter 4th discusses the practicality, autonomy and pertinence of the police training model centered on "police activities". The author analyzes the theoretical basis of the police training model based on the "police activity" from the perspective of adult education theory and constructivist learning theory. Chapter 5th discusses how to construct the police training mode centered on "police activity" from four aspects: the important elements, the guiding ideology, the main links and the evaluation mechanism.
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