本文选题:公共服务 切入点:公共治安服务 出处:《浙江大学》2004年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our country's economy, the demand for public security services increases rapidly while the income of the residents increases greatly, and the trend is diversified. Public security services can be divided into public security services provided by the government. There are three types of security services provided by private individuals and mixed public security services provided jointly by the government, private individuals and society. There are three different modes of public security services, that is, the government supply of public security services. To improve the efficiency and quality of the supply of public security services in China and to meet the diverse public security demands of society, we should proceed from the following aspects: first, to meet the needs of the market economy, To correctly define the scope of public security services, to make room for the socialization and marketization of public security services; second, to introduce a competitive mechanism into public security services by means of public security contracting, bidding and entrusting management, etc. To break the monopoly in the supply of public security services, to improve the efficiency and quality of the supply of public security services; third, to give play to the role of social autonomous organizations and to support and rely on the organizations of mass control to realize the self-supply of public security services. Fourth, it is necessary to vigorously develop the public security service industry, open up the private security service market, implement market access, and realize the industrialization of public security services. In the process of promoting the socialization and marketization of public security services, the government should promote the socialization and marketization of public security services. We should adhere to the principle of positive and sound, continuously provide a good external development environment for the socialization of public security service and marketization, standardize the socialization and the development of market-oriented public security service.
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