本文选题:公安 切入点:信息资源 出处:《浙江大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】:2003年9月,,我国公安机关启动“金盾工程”建设。随着“金盾工程”建设的推进,公安机关所走过的分散式信息化建设道路,已在公安内部形成了多个分散式“信息孤岛”,使信息无法共享。特别是在省会城市公安内部信息资源集中整合和共享过程中仍然存在较大阻力,严重制约了公安信息化工作整体效益的充分发挥。为此,本文以昆明市公安局直属业务部门、县(市)区公安局机关单位和公安派出所三类单位的民警为研究对象,从公安内部信息资源共享存在问题、障碍原因和使用系统满意度以及共享协同间的关系及影响入手,对如何实现公安内部信息资源共享进行了探讨和研究。 本文共分五个部分:首先,通过文献研究分别介绍了公安信息资源的概念、特征、分类及公安信息资源共享的概念、公安信息资源管理,总结评价了国内外关于政府(政务)和公安信息资源共享研究情况,并立足于对现实问题的认识和前人研究结果建立起公安内部信息资源共享存在问题、障碍原因和使用系统满意度的研究架构。其次,采取分层抽样,对昆明市公安局三级公安机关民警进行问卷调查,共发放问卷512份,回收问卷412份。采用SPSS13.0对问卷调查数据进行了描述性统计、因子分析、单因素方差分析、皮尔逊积差相关分析和独立样本T检验,对昆明公安内部信息资源共享存在问题、障碍原因和使用系统满意度以及共享协同间的关系及影响进行了验证。最后,基于上述的研究和分析,本文针对公安内部信息资源共享障碍提出了对策建议。 本研究发现:(1)公安信息资源共享存在问题可以从“建库方”、“用库方”、“建库用库双方”和“信息源”四个维度,障碍原因可以从“管理”、“制度规范”、“认识”、“保障”和“环境”五个维度,使用系统满意度可以从“效果”、“同事”和“自身”三个维度,分别来进行衡量。(2)职位因素并不会影响公安民警对内部信息资源共享存在问题、障碍原因的认知和使用系统满意度的评价;而单位类别会影响公安民警对内部信息资源共享存在问题、障碍原因的认知和使用系统满意度的评价。表明“单位”中人存在“群体趋同”现象,说明在公安信息化工作中对单位领导层的培训教育非常重要,因为领导层能够影响单位中群体的观念。(3)公安内部信息资源共享存在问题与障碍原因、障碍原因与使用系统满意度之间有相关性。
[Abstract]:In September 2003, China's public security organs started the "Gold Shield Project" construction.With the development of the "Golden Shield Project", the road of decentralized information construction that the public security organs have taken has formed a number of decentralized "information isolated islands" in the public security, which makes the information can not be shared.Especially in the process of centralized integration and sharing of public security information resources in provincial capitals, there is still great resistance, which seriously restricts the full play of the overall benefit of the information work of public security.Therefore, this paper takes the police of Kunming Public Security Bureau directly under the operational department, the county (city) district public security bureau organ unit and the public security police station three kinds of units as the research object, from the public security internal information resources sharing existence question.Starting with the reasons of obstacles, the satisfaction degree of using system and the relationship and influence between sharing and cooperation, this paper probes into and studies how to realize the sharing of information resources in public security.This paper is divided into five parts: firstly, this paper introduces the concept, characteristics, classification and sharing of public security information resources, and the management of public security information resources.This paper summarizes and evaluates the research situation of information resource sharing between the government (government affairs) and public security at home and abroad, and based on the understanding of the practical problems and the previous research results, it establishes the problems existing in the information resources sharing in the public security.Research framework on the causes of obstacles and satisfaction with the use of the system.Secondly, adopting stratified sampling, the police of three levels of public security bureau in Kunming were investigated, 512 questionnaires were sent out and 412 questionnaires were collected.This paper uses SPSS13.0 to carry on descriptive statistics, factor analysis, single factor variance analysis, Pearson product difference correlation analysis and independent sample T test to the problem of information resource sharing in Kunming public security.The cause of obstacle and satisfaction of using system and the relationship and influence of sharing collaboration were verified.Finally, based on the above research and analysis, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the obstacle of information resource sharing in public security.This study finds that the problems of public security information resources sharing can be divided into four dimensions: "building storehouse", "using storehouse", "building and using storehouse" and "information source", and the reasons for obstacles can be from "management", "system norm", "cognition".There are five dimensions of "guarantee" and "environment", and the use of system satisfaction can be divided into three dimensions: "effect", "colleague" and "self".The post factors will not affect the evaluation of the problems of internal information resource sharing, the cognition of obstacle reason and the satisfaction degree of using system.The unit category will influence the evaluation of the problems in the sharing of internal information resources, the reasons of obstacles and the satisfaction with the use of the system.It shows that there exists the phenomenon of "group convergence" in the "unit", which indicates that the training and education of the leadership of the unit is very important in the information work of public security.Because the leadership can influence the concept of the group in the unit. 3) there are problems and obstacles in the information resource sharing in the public security, and there is a correlation between the obstacle reason and the satisfaction degree of using the system.
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