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发布时间:2018-04-16 01:32

  本文选题:网吧 + 违法行为 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着互联网技术的飞速发展及其应用的不断推广,人们的娱乐生活在内容和方式上发生了改变,网吧也随之成为人们经常光顾的公共场所。在我国,网吧不仅仅是一种娱乐生活方式,还承载着更多的文化内涵。目前,网吧违法行为已经成为人们热切关注的问题之一,如何治理网吧违法行为成为当今社会的艰巨任务,多部门管理、管理资源不足等问题并存。如何有效治理辽阳市网吧违法行为,促进其健康有序发展,这就是本文所要研究的问题。 本文共分为五个部分。第一部分,绪论。问题的提出、研究目的、研究意义、文献综述、研究方法、创新点。第二部分,相关概念和理论阐述。介绍了网吧、网吧违法行为、治理的概念,阐述了多中心治理理论。第三部分,辽阳市网吧违法行为治理现状。侧重于分析政府单中心治理网吧违法行为、网吧行业协会初步形成、网吧企业难以自主治理网吧违法行为。第四部分,辽阳市网吧违法行为治理存在的问题及其原因。存在的问题在于政府多个部门治理网吧违法行为、违法行为治理所需要的资源不足、某些部门或人员为违法网吧充当“保护伞”、网吧违法行为监管技术手段落后。问题产生的原因包括政府单中心治理模式的局限性、缺乏网吧违法行为的有效监督机制、网吧违法行为治理政策不完善、网吧行业协会发展不成熟。第五部分,完善辽阳市网吧违法行为治理的方法。提出明确政府在网吧违法行为治理中的职能、发挥行业组织在网吧违法行为治理中的作用、提升社会在网吧违法行为治理中的作用、提升网吧企业自主治理作用。 本文以多中心治理理论为平台,在对网吧、网吧违法行为、治理的内涵进行探讨的基础上,分析得出多中心理论与网吧违法行为治理的内在逻辑关系,透过对辽阳市网吧违法行为治理问题及其原因的分析,得出了多中心治理是辽阳市网吧违法行为治理的理性诉求,要建立政府主导的,行业组织、企业、媒体以及社会公众充分参与的多中心治理体系,提出了完善辽阳市网吧违法行为治理的多中心治理对策。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet technology and the continuous promotion of its application, people's entertainment life has changed in content and way, and Internet cafes have become a public place frequented by people.In our country, Internet cafes are not only a way of entertainment, but also carry more cultural connotations.At present, the illegal behavior of Internet cafes has become one of the problems that people pay close attention to. How to deal with the illegal behavior of Internet cafes has become a difficult task in today's society. The problems of multi-department management and insufficient management resources coexist.How to effectively control the illegal behavior of Internet cafes in Liaoyang City and promote its healthy and orderly development is the problem to be studied in this paper.This paper is divided into five parts.The first part, introduction.Put forward the question, research aim, research significance, literature review, research method, innovation point.The second part, related concepts and theoretical elaboration.This paper introduces the concept of Internet cafes, illegal behaviors of internet cafes and governance, and expounds the theory of multi-center governance.The third part, Liaoyang city Internet bar illegal behavior management present situation.Focus on the analysis of the government single-center governance of Internet bar illegal behavior, Internet bar industry association initially formed, Internet bar enterprises can not manage the illegal behavior of Internet cafes.The fourth part, Liaoyang city Internet bar illegal behavior management existence question and its reason.The problem lies in that the government has many departments to manage the illegal behavior of Internet cafes, the resources needed for the management of illegal behaviors are insufficient, some departments or personnel act as "protective umbrellas" for the illegal Internet cafes, and the technical means of supervision of illegal acts of Internet cafes are backward.The causes of the problems include the limitations of the government's single-center governance model, the lack of effective supervision mechanism for illegal behavior of Internet cafes, the imperfect governance policies of Internet cafes' illegal activities, and the immature development of Internet cafes' trade associations.The fifth part, consummates the Liaoyang city Internet bar illegal behavior the method.It is pointed out that the function of the government in the governance of illegal behaviors of Internet cafes, the role of trade organizations in the governance of illegal acts of Internet cafes, the promotion of the role of society in the governance of illegal acts of Internet cafes, and the role of independent governance of Internet cafes.Based on the theory of multi-center governance and the discussion of the connotation of Internet cafes, Internet cafes' illegal behavior and governance, this paper analyzes the inherent logical relationship between the theory of multi-center and the governance of Internet cafes' illegal behavior.Through the analysis of the problems and causes of the illegal behavior of the Internet cafes in Liaoyang City, it is concluded that the multi-center governance is the rational demand for the governance of the illegal behaviors of the Internet cafes in Liaoyang City. It is necessary to establish government-led, trade organizations and enterprises.The multi-center governance system with the full participation of the media and the public is put forward to improve the governance of the illegal behavior of the Internet cafes in Liaoyang City.


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