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发布时间:2018-04-19 16:51

  本文选题:社区矫正 + 立法考察 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2008年硕士论文

【摘要】: 随着时代的发展、人类文明的进步,世界各国在惩治犯罪方面也在不断进行着刑罚制度的改革和创新,尝试用最人性化、最积极有效的方式处理犯罪和罪犯。社区矫正作为一项刑罚制度改革的产物,是一种以社会参与的非监禁形式对罪犯执行刑罚的制裁措施,也是目前在国际社会中得到快速发展的刑罚措施。这一刑罚措施是刑罚执行制度由严趋宽的国际行刑趋势的体现,在促进罪犯回归社会、减轻监狱经济压力、避免罪犯交叉感染、合理配置行刑资源、维护社会治安和良好秩序等方面都起到了积极的作用。 美国、英国、日本、德国等国家在刑事立法和司法中已经确立了社区矫正法律制度。这一制度不断发展和完善,成为目前有法律明确规定、适用刑种多样、有专门机构和人员进行管理监督、有关社会组织参与、矫正措施规范、行刑效果理想的较为完备的法律制度。这些国家在社区矫正制度中确立的保护公众的安全和利益、矫正和适当惩罚相结合、注重犯罪对受害者的伤害和影响、使犯罪重新再社会化及预防和减少重新违法犯罪等矫正原则,备受世界各国刑事司法界的认可和推崇。 2002年,我国开始了社区矫正的试点探索工作。经过几年的努力,目前我国的社区矫正试点工作已经开展得颇有成效。但是随着我国社区矫正实践的深入,目前社区矫正试点的工作规范与刑事法律规定之间存在的矛盾和冲突逐渐显露。这些矛盾和冲突,与行刑社会化的发展趋势及我国社区矫正制度的科学发展的要求是相背离的,而解决这些矛盾和冲突的最根本办法就是通过借鉴国外和我国港台地区社区矫正相关立法经验,同时结合我国现在的社区矫正实行情况,制定出一部符合我国法制特色的《社区矫正法》,给我国的社区矫正工作提供法律依据和正确的方向性引导。 全文除了引言和结语以外,共分为四个部分,计3万余字。 一、社区矫正基本理论概述。该部分主要介绍社区矫正的概念、特征及理论依据。社区矫正的出现及发展是与客观社会保持稳定关系的结果。不同层面以及不同领域的理论学说和思想观念在不同时期、不同国家先后为社区矫正的实践提供了理论支撑,同时这些理论和学说一旦产生之后又相互影响,彼此作用,进一步强化了社区矫正的合理性根基。在众多相关理论学说中,本文归纳出了复归理论、恢复性司法理念、行刑社会化理论、行刑经济化理念等几种对社区矫正影响较大的理论学说。笔者在此基础上从伦理基础和学理基础出发,提出了关于社区矫正理论依据的观点和看法。关于“社区矫正”的定义,不同国家及不同学者对此有着不同的理解和界定,大体包括刑事执行活动说、行刑方式说、处遇说和刑种说。本文在将社区矫正的各种定义作出综合分析的基础上,结合社区矫正的具体作用得出赞同社区矫正处遇说的观点,并提出了社区矫正的“独特魅力”所在,即其性质的双重性、功能的复合性、程度的缓和性和相应性及过程的社区参与性这四方面的特征。 二、国外和我国港台地区社区矫正的立法考察。该部分主要对国外和我国港台地区社区矫正的立法形式及法律制度相关内容、特点作了一个介绍和分析。社区矫正虽然起源于英美法系国家,但是其轻刑化、人性化的特点也受到了大陆法系国家的青睐。本文将美国、日本作为英美法系国家和大陆法系国家的代表,从社区矫正法律规范形式、内容、特点等几方面对这两国的社区矫正立法情况做了一个全面的考察。我国港台地区作为中国的一部分,其社区矫正工作开展得相对比较成熟,对我国港台地区社区矫正立法情况的考察对于我国社区矫正立法工作来说有着非常重要的现实借鉴意义。笔者在该部分的最后将我国境外社区矫正立法的表现形式以及其法律规范所呈现出的共性特征做了一个归纳和总结,以便于对我国社区矫正的立法工作提供参考作用。 三、我国现行社区矫正制度考察。该部分主要介绍我国社区矫正规范的表现形式及其主要内容,并提出了我国社区矫正制度存在的主要问题。虽然社区矫正已经在我国很多省市地区如火如荼的开展起来,但是我国社区矫正仍然处于一个试点的阶段。随着各省市地区试点工作的逐步成熟以及其他试点省市地区的增加,社区矫正的普及已经是一个必然的趋势。本文对我国社区矫正的现行规范文件(包括全国性规范文件和地方性规范文件)在定义、适用范围、执行主体、主要措施、实施程序这几方面的规定做了一个全面的概括,并针对现行规范的实际情况指出了在社区矫正法制建设的过程中所存在的如矫正种类较少、执行机构体系不完备、缺乏矫正对象的权利保障机制等问题。 四、我国社区矫正的立法构想。该部分在阐述了我国社区矫正立法必要性的基础上,提出了我国《社区矫正法》的基本框架。针对本文第三部分指出的有关法律缺失的问题,该部分对我国社区矫正的法制建设作出了一个大胆的构想。通过对我国社区矫正立法是否必要的分析以及我国社区矫正立法形式的选择,本文提出了制定《社区矫正法》的立法构想,对《社区矫正法》的体系提出了框架性的建构意见。《社区矫正法》大体上分为六个部分,包括了有着大纲作用的总则部分、关于机构体系设置的社区矫正的机构、组织、人员及职责部分、关于社区矫正具体工作程序构建的社区矫正的实施程序部分、社区矫正的措施和矫正对象的管理部分、针对社区矫正工作人员及机构相应管理措施及对社区矫正工作人员的权力限制的社区矫正工作的管理部分和最后的附则部分。
[Abstract]:With the development of the times and the progress of human civilization, all countries in the world are constantly carrying out the reform and innovation of the punishment system, trying to deal with crime and criminals in the most humanized, most active and effective way. As a product of the reform of the penalty system, community correction is a kind of non imprisonment form in the form of social participation. The sanction measures for the execution of the penalty are also the rapid development of the penalty measures in the international community. This penalty measure is the embodiment of the strict and wider trend of international punishment in the execution of the penalty system, to promote the return of the criminal to the society, to reduce the pressure on the prison economy, to avoid the offender to cross the infection, to allocate the execution resources rationally and to maintain the public order. And good order has played a positive role.
The legal system of community correction has been established in the criminal legislation and judicature of the United States, Britain, Japan, Germany and other countries. This system has been developed and perfected. It has become a clear regulation of the law. It is applicable to various kinds of punishment, specialized agencies and personnel for management and supervision, the participation of social organizations, the standardization of corrective measures, and the ideal execution effect. A relatively complete legal system. These countries have been recognized in the community correction system for the protection of the public's safety and interests, the combination of correction and appropriate punishment, the harm and influence of crime on the victims, the re socialization of crime, the prevention and reduction of the correction of the re law, and the recognition of the criminal judicial circle of the countries of the world. And respected.
In 2002, our country began the pilot exploration of community correction. After several years of efforts, our country's community correction pilot work has been carried out quite well. However, with the deepening of the practice of community correction in our country, the contradictions and conflicts between the work norms of community correction pilot and the criminal law regulations have gradually revealed. Some contradictions and conflicts are deviated from the development trend of the socialization of execution and the scientific development of the community correction system in our country. The most fundamental way to solve these contradictions and conflicts is to learn from the relevant legislative experiences of the community correction in the Hong Kong and Taiwan areas abroad and in our country, and to combine the implementation of the current community correction in our country. A community correction law, which is consistent with the characteristics of our legal system, has been set up to provide legal basis and correct direction guidance for community correction work in China.
In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the article is divided into four parts, accounting for over 3 words.
First, a summary of the basic theory of community correction. This part mainly introduces the concept, characteristics and theoretical basis of community correction. The emergence and development of community correction is the result of maintaining a stable relationship with the objective society. The theories and ideas of different levels and different fields are in different periods, and the different countries have successively put forward the practice of community correction. It is provided with theoretical support. At the same time, once these theories and theories are produced, they influence each other and interact with each other, and further strengthen the rationalization foundation of community correction. In many related theories, this paper sums up the theory of return, the concept of restorative justice, the theory of socialization of execution, the concept of the economy of execution and so on. On this basis, the author puts forward the views and views on the theoretical basis of community correction on the basis of ethical basis and academic basis. The definition of "community correction" has different understandings and definitions from different countries and scholars, including the theory of criminal execution, the way of execution, and the discussion and discussion. On the basis of comprehensive analysis of various definitions of community correction, based on the comprehensive analysis of various definitions of community correction, combining the specific role of community correction, this paper comes up with the views of the community correction department, and puts forward the "unique charm" of community correction, namely the dual nature of its nature, the complex of function, the moderation of the degree and the corresponding process of the community. The characteristics of the four aspects of district participation.
Two, the legislative investigation of community correction in foreign countries and China's Hong Kong and Taiwan areas. This part mainly introduces and analyses the legislative forms and legal system related contents and characteristics of community correction in foreign countries and China's Hong Kong and Taiwan areas. Although community correction originated in Anglo American law countries, its light punishment and humanization are also subject to the continental law. This article takes the United States and Japan as the representative of the common law countries and the civil law countries, and makes a comprehensive survey on the legislative situation of community correction in the two countries from the aspects of the legal norms, contents and characteristics of the community correction. As part of China, the Hong Kong and Taiwan region has carried out its community correction work. To be more mature, the investigation of the legislative situation of community correction in Hong Kong and Taiwan area has a very important practical significance for our community correction legislation. At the end of this part, the author makes a summary and general characteristics of the manifestations of the legislation of Chinese overseas community correction and the general characteristics of its legal norms. It will provide a reference for the legislative work of community correction in China.
Three, the investigation of the current community correction system in China. This part mainly introduces the forms and main contents of our community correction standard, and puts forward the main problems of the community correction system in China. Although community correction has been carried out in full swing in many provinces and municipalities in China, community correction in China is still in one. With the gradual maturity of the pilot work in various provinces and regions and the increase of other pilot provinces and municipalities, the popularization of community correction is an inevitable trend. This article defines the current standard documents (including national standard documents and local standard documents) in our community correction, the scope of application and the main executive subject. Measures, the implementation procedures of these aspects of the provisions of a comprehensive summary, and according to the actual situation of the current norms of the legal construction of community correction in the process of construction, such as less correction, the implementation of the system is not complete, the lack of right to correct the rights of the protection mechanism and other problems.
Four, the legislative conception of community correction in our country. On the basis of the necessity of the community correction legislation in our country, this part puts forward the basic framework of the law of community correction in our country. In view of the problems related to the lack of law in the third part of this article, this part has made a bold conception of the legal construction of our community correction. The necessary analysis of the community correction legislation in China and the choice of the legislative form of community correction in our country, this paper puts forward the legislative idea of establishing the law of the community correction law, and puts forward a frame construction opinion on the system of the community correction law. The law of community correction is divided into six parts, including the general principles with the function of the outline. The organization, organization, personnel and responsibility part of the community correction system set up by the institutional system, the implementation procedures of community correction, the measures of community correction and the management of the corrected objects, and the corresponding management measures for the community correctional staff and institutions and the rights to the community correctional workers. The management part and the last supplementary part of the limited community correction work.



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1 何蓉;试论我国的社区矫正制度[D];苏州大学;2011年

2 吴燕珊;论我国社区矫正工作存在的法律问题及对策[D];中国政法大学;2011年

3 牛守强;律师与社区矫正[D];中国政法大学;2010年

4 郭振东;社区矫正现状与对策研究[D];华南理工大学;2012年




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