发布时间:2018-04-21 12:55
本文选题:工作压力源 + 工作投入 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 警察作为维持社会稳定的重要力量,除了日常工作之外,他们还需要根据治安形势,开展各种专项治理行动、组织安全保卫等。同时,还要负责救助危难群众,协助进行各种突发公共事件的处理,他们肩上所承担的压力是非常大的。110报警指挥中心工作人员,作为警察当中的一个特殊群体,因为其工作性质与普通警察有所区别,所以,他们所面对的工作压力程度以及来源均会与普通警察有所不同。本研究以110报警指挥中心工作人员为研究对象,设计了针对他们工作特点的调查问卷,在问卷回收后进行了数据的采集与分析,意在了解他们所面对的工作压力程度,以及因此而引起的工作倦怠和离职意愿的程度,探讨它们之间的关系,并据此向管理者和工作人员提出相应的建议。 在本研究中,归纳分析了被研究地区110报警指挥中心工作人员年龄、婚姻状况、教育程度、工作年限、职称、加班时数及收入等特征量的分布特点,研究分析了工作压力源、工作投入、知觉压力、工作倦怠、社会支持以及离职意愿这几个特征量之间的相互关系,再采取进一步的统计分析方法对相互关联显著的特征量进行了影响分析。对调查问卷所采集到的数据,笔者采用SPSS13.0数据统计分析软件,运用描述性统计分析、单因素方差分析、二元变量的相关分析、一元线性回归分析等四种方法,对实验数据进行了处理和分析,最终得出以下结论: 所研究地区110报警指挥中心工作人员在工作倦怠的三个维度——情绪耗竭、玩世不恭和专业效能降低上的分数虽然均未超过中点值,但是情绪耗竭和专业效能降低两个维度的分值已经非常接近中点值了。角色模糊对情绪耗竭和玩世不恭这两个变量有显著的正向影响;工作负荷则与情绪耗竭和玩世不恭呈显著的反向影响。工作倦怠的三个维度均对指挥中心工作人员离职意愿的产生有显著的正向影响。社会支持的各项变量与离职意愿的关系均未达到显著相关的程度,但从回归分析的结果来看,上司支持对于离职意愿有显著的反向影响。 本研究所得结论对于了解在110报警指挥中心接警、处警这个特殊岗位上的个体所承受的工作压力情况有一定的参考价值,所提出的针对管理者和员工的建议对于从组织上与个体上减轻指挥中心工作人员的工作压力及其所带来的负面影响有一定的指导意义。
[Abstract]:Police as an important force to maintain social stability, in addition to their daily work, they also need according to the security situation, carry out a variety of special treatment operations, organize security and so on. At the same time, they are also responsible for rescuing the people in distress and assisting in handling all kinds of public emergencies. The pressure on their shoulders is very large. 110, the staff of the police command center, as a special group among the police, Because the nature of their work is different from that of the ordinary police, the degree of work pressure they face and the source of their work will be different from that of the ordinary police. This research takes 110 alarm command center staff as the research object, designs the questionnaire according to their work characteristic, carries on the data collection and the analysis after the questionnaire recovery, in order to understand they face the work pressure degree, And the degree of job burnout and turnover intention caused by it, the relationship between them is discussed, and the corresponding suggestions to managers and staff are put forward. In this study, the distribution characteristics of age, marital status, education level, working years, professional title, overtime hours and income of 110 alarm center staff in the studied area were summarized and analyzed. The relationship between job engagement, perceived stress, job burnout, social support and turnover intention is analyzed. For the data collected from the questionnaire, the author uses the SPSS13.0 data statistical analysis software, the descriptive statistical analysis, the single factor variance analysis, the correlation analysis of binary variables, the univariate linear regression analysis, etc. The experimental data are processed and analyzed, and finally the following conclusions are drawn: The staff of 110 alarm command center in the study area scored on three dimensions of job burnout, emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and professional efficacy reduction, although none of them exceeded the midpoint value. But the scores of emotional exhaustion and reduced professional efficacy are very close to the midpoint. Role ambiguity has significant positive effects on emotional exhaustion and cynicism, while workload has a significant reverse effect on emotional exhaustion and cynicism. The three dimensions of job burnout had a significant positive effect on the generation of staff turnover intention. The relationship between social support variables and turnover intention did not reach a significant degree, but from the results of regression analysis, boss support has a significant negative impact on turnover intention. The conclusion of this study is of certain reference value to understand the working pressure of the individual in the 110 alarm command center to receive the alarm and the police officer in the special post. The suggestions for managers and employees have certain guiding significance for reducing the work stress and its negative impact on the staff of the command center both in the organization and in the individual.
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1 方金铭;人工清扫街道的环卫工人作业疲劳研究[D];首都经济贸易大学;2011年