本文选题:刑事警察 + 心理健康 ; 参考:《重庆医科大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 警察是社会中的一个特殊群体,其职业具有高危险性和高强度的特点,这决定了警察面临的心理健康问题较一般社会成员更加突出。但我国对警察心理健康及相关因素的系统研究尚十分缺乏。 本研究旨在探讨重庆市刑事警察的心理健康状况以及相关的因素。本研究通过问卷调查的方式,采用症状自评量表(SCL-90),职业紧张问卷(OSI-R)和生活质量综合评定问卷(GQOLI-74)对227名刑警的心理健康状况及其相关因素进行了调查。并采用t检验、F检验等数据分析方法,以性别、年龄、警龄、婚姻状况等为变量,对刑警心理健康水平以及相关因素的作了差异分析,所有数据统计工作均在SAS8.0上进行。最后,在本研究基础上,提出了较有针对性的提高刑警心理健康水平的方法。 本研究得出如下结论: 1.本研究227名刑警的心理健康水平低于全国普通人群。与全国常模相比,重庆市刑警在SCL-90各因子上的得分均高于全国常模,而且所有因子差异显著。 2.不同性别刑警的SCL-90差异未见显著性;不同年龄的刑警,得分随年龄的增加而降低,青年刑警的心理健康水平低于年长的刑警;工作年限越长,得分越低,表明工作时间越短的刑警心理问题越突出。 3.刑警OSI-R的职业任务问卷与个体紧张反应问卷中的各因子得分均明显高于常模,而个体资源应对问卷中各因子的得分则明显低于常模,说明刑警的职业任务更重、个体紧张程度更高而应对资源则较薄弱。 4.重庆市刑警的生活质量的主观得分普遍比客观分高,说明对客观生活质量不认可;已婚比未婚生活质量水平高;心理健康水平较高的刑警生活质量相对也较高。
[Abstract]:The police is a special group in the society, its profession has the characteristics of high risk and high intensity, which determines that the psychological health problems faced by the police are more prominent than those of the general social members. However, the systematic study of police mental health and related factors in China is still lacking. The purpose of this study was to explore the mental health status and related factors of criminal police in Chongqing. In this study, the mental health status and related factors of 227 criminal police were investigated by means of symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90), Occupational stress questionnaire (OSI-R) and quality of Life (QOL) questionnaire (GQOLI-74). By using t test F test and other data analysis methods, using sex, age, police age and marital status as variables, the differences of mental health level and related factors of criminal police were analyzed. All the data statistical work was carried out on SAS8.0. Finally, on the basis of this study, the author puts forward some methods to improve the mental health of criminal police. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The mental health level of 227 criminal police was lower than that of the general population. Compared with the national norm, the scores of criminal police in Chongqing on each factor of SCL-90 were higher than that of the national norm, and the difference of all factors was significant. 2. There was no significant difference in SCL-90 between different genders; the scores of criminal police of different ages decreased with the increase of age, and the mental health level of the young criminal policemen was lower than that of the older ones; the longer they worked, the lower the scores were. The shorter the working time, the more prominent are the psychological problems of Interpol. 3. The scores of each factor in the occupational task questionnaire and individual stress response questionnaire of Interpol OSI-R were significantly higher than that in the norm, while the scores of each factor in the individual resource response questionnaire were significantly lower than those in the norm, which indicated that the professional task of Interpol was more serious. Individuals are more stressed and coping resources are weaker. 4. The subjective score of the quality of life of criminal police in Chongqing is generally higher than that of the objective, indicating that the quality of life is not recognized; married than unmarried, the quality of life of criminal police is higher than that of unmarried; the quality of life of criminal police with higher level of mental health is also relatively high.
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