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  本文选题:性犯罪被害人 + 心理分析 ; 参考:《江西财经大学》2006年硕士论文

【摘要】:自20世纪中叶门德尔松首次系统地提出被害人学的相关理论之后,越来越多的人开始对刑事被害人进行研究,并且取得了不菲的成就。但是,笔者发现,刑事被害人是一个很大的范畴,根据不同的标准可以将之划分为许多种类,比如仅仅按照犯罪的性质就可以分为暴力犯罪的被害人、财产犯罪的被害人、性犯罪的被害人、职务犯罪的被害人、经济犯罪的被害人等,更何况还有其他的分类标准呢?由此可见,整体研究的成就并不代表局部研究的辉煌。据各方面资料显示,性犯罪被害人的比例随着世界各国性犯罪率的增长而不断加大,已经引起许多国家的高度重视。我国刑法规定的四百多个罪名当中,涉及到性犯罪的罪名总共才二十个,但是这二十种性犯罪行为所造成的被害人却是逐年上升。况且,性犯罪被害人与其他类型的刑事被害人相比具有很大的特殊性,他(她)除了必然遭受性犯罪行为带来的直接伤害或损失(第一次伤害)以外,还可能遭受公诉机关、社会公众对性犯罪案件不恰当的反应所造成的第二次伤害(司法机关往往把性犯罪被害人作为打击性犯罪行为的工具,普通民众对案件的过程和结果津津乐道,却很少有人去关心其中的被害人)。有鉴于此,性犯罪被害人的研究理应受到更多的关注,遗憾的是,目前国内对该问题的研究极其有限,在全国优秀硕士、博士论文网里,写作该专题的硕博士论文几乎为零,这就是笔者写作本文的起因。 本文共三章,第一章性犯罪被害人概说,分两个部分,第一部分先介绍了国内外刑事被害人及被害人学理论研究的发展状况;第二部分首先指出了广义和狭义的性犯罪被害人概念中的不足,提出了作者关于性犯罪被害人的定义及构成要件,然后按照不同的标准将性犯罪被害人分成若干类型。比如按照性别分类时,笔者发现,,从我国刑法中规定的“强奸罪”和“强制猥亵、侮辱妇女罪”来看,其中的被害人只能是女性。但是按照“猥亵儿童罪”的规定来看,儿童不仅应当包括女童,也应当包括男童。如此一来,同样是遭受性犯罪,前面的被害人只是女性,而后面的被害人却男女均有,这无疑造成了立法上的逻辑错误,况且实践当中也发生了很多男性遭受性犯罪侵害的案例。由此可见,性犯罪被害人不仅仅指女性,而且应当包括男性。 第二章性犯罪被害人的心理分析与预防,三个部分。在解决了性犯罪被害人
[Abstract]:Since Mendelssohn first put forward the related theory of victim science systematically in the middle of the 20th century, more and more people have begun to study the criminal victim, and have made great achievements. However, the author found that the criminal victim is a very large category, according to different standards can be divided into many types, such as only according to the nature of the crime can be divided into violent crime victims, victims of property crimes, Victims of sexual crimes, victims of job-related crimes, victims of economic crimes, and so on, let alone other classification criteria? Thus, the achievement of the whole research does not represent the brilliance of the local research. According to all kinds of data, the proportion of victims of sexual crime has been increasing with the increase of the crime rate in the world, which has attracted the attention of many countries. Among the more than 400 crimes stipulated in our criminal law, there are only 20 crimes involving sexual crimes, but the number of victims caused by these 20 kinds of sexual crimes is increasing year by year. Moreover, compared with other types of criminal victims, the victim of a sexual crime has great particularity. In addition to the direct injury or loss (the first injury) caused by the sexual offence, he or she may also be subjected to the Public Prosecution Service. The second injury caused by the public's inappropriate response to sexual crime cases (the judiciary tends to use victims of sexual offences as a tool to combat sexual crimes, and the general public relishes the process and outcome of the cases, But few people care about the victims. In view of this, more attention should be paid to the study of victims of sexual crimes. Unfortunately, the current domestic research on this issue is extremely limited. In the national network of excellent master's and doctoral theses, the number of master's thesis writing on this topic is almost zero. This is why I write this article. There are three chapters in this paper. The first chapter is an overview of sexual crime victims, which is divided into two parts. The first part introduces the development of the theory of criminal victims and victims at home and abroad. In the second part, the author points out the deficiency of the concept of sexual crime victim in broad sense and narrow sense, and puts forward the author's definition and constitutive requirements of the victim of sexual crime, and then divides the victim of sexual crime into several types according to different standards. For example, according to the gender classification, the author found that the crime of "rape" and "forced indecent assault, insulting women" stipulated in the criminal law of our country, the victims of which can only be women. But according to child molestation, children should include not only girls, but also boys. In this way, it is also a sexual offence. The victim in front is only a woman, while the victim in the rear is both male and female, which undoubtedly results in a logical error in legislation. Moreover, in practice, there have been many cases in which men have been victimized by sexual crimes. This shows that victims of sexual crimes not only refer to women, but also should include men. The second chapter is the psychological analysis and prevention of sexual crime victims, three parts. To solve a sexual crime victim.


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