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发布时间:2018-06-03 23:40

  本文选题:农民工 + 城乡二元结构 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2006年硕士论文

【摘要】:目前我国在城市打工的农民工约有9000万,这些农民工在促进城市经济高速发展等方面发挥积极作用的同时,其犯罪也呈现出逐年上升的趋势。农民工犯罪已成为当下我们必须直面的问题。而要求得问题之根本解决,我们必须深挖其犯罪的社会根源,进而从源头上加以治理。 中国作为乡土社会特别重视以家庭为纽带的亲缘和地缘关系,那么多的农民放弃曾经视为生命的土地,宁可忍受寂寞、屈辱与歧视也要涌进各地的城市,主要原因是长期以来中国实行二元结构政策,没能根据工业化发展阶段的转变来修订城乡关系,由此造成了一些不良后果:社会的结构性偏差,大量的人口居住在农村,城市化率过低,城市化进程滞后,城市化水平严重落后于工业化水平;大量的社会劳动力在从事农业,农民数量大,就业机会少,,城市和农村之间的收入差距不断加大;城乡居民的国民待遇倾斜,城市居民相应享受劳动就业和一系列计划经济体制下的社会福利待遇,而农村居民则以土地经营为依据,失去城市就业机会,也没有国家福利,形成城市和农村居民的显著差别。凡此种种决定了城市和乡村居民经济、政治和文化诸方面的差别。 户籍制度、社会保障、福利制度、劳动就业制度、人事制度、组织制度、人口迁移制度、教育制度、财政制度、住房制度乃至政治制度、刑罚制度等一系列制度设计和安排将农民工与城市居民完全隔离开来,农民工通过正当的制度内的渠道并不能达到社会为他们设定的经济成功的社会目标。农民工的致富路可谓障碍重重。合法的手段不能达到目标,挫折感、愤怒甚至紧张情绪油然而生,极易陷入无法达至目标的价值崩溃的紧张状态。为了摆脱这种紧张状态,必然有农民工为达至目标甚至不惜使用犯罪手段。 社会稳定是我国社会主义现代化建设过程中的一个重要的问题。农民工因为日趋扩大的城乡差别、困难重重的生存条件以及遭受种种
[Abstract]:At present, there are about 90 million migrant workers working in cities in our country. These migrant workers play an active role in promoting the rapid development of urban economy, while their crimes also show a rising trend year by year. Crimes committed by migrant workers have become a problem that we must face up to. To solve the problem, we must dig deep into the social root of the crime, and then deal with it from the source. China, as a local society, attaches special importance to the family ties and geographical ties. So many peasants give up land that was once regarded as life, and would rather endure loneliness, humiliation and discrimination to flood into cities everywhere. The main reason is that for a long time, China has implemented a dual structure policy and failed to revise the urban-rural relationship according to the changes in the stage of industrialization, which has resulted in some adverse consequences: the structural deviation of society and the large number of people living in rural areas. The urbanization rate is too low, the urbanization process lags behind, the urbanization level lags behind the industrialization level seriously, the massive social labor force is engaged in the agriculture, the farmer quantity is big, the employment opportunity is few, the income gap between the city and the countryside is increasing constantly; The national treatment of urban and rural residents is skewed, urban residents enjoy labor employment and a series of social welfare benefits under a planned economic system, while rural residents, on the basis of land management, lose urban employment opportunities and have no state welfare. There are significant differences between urban and rural residents. All this determines the economic, political and cultural differences between urban and rural residents. Household registration system, social security system, welfare system, labor and employment system, personnel system, organization system, population migration system, education system, financial system, housing system and even political system, A series of institutional design and arrangement, such as penalty system, completely separate migrant workers from urban residents, and migrant workers can not achieve the social goal of economic success set by society through the channels within the proper system. The road to prosperity of migrant workers can be described as obstacles. Legitimate means fail to achieve an end, frustration, anger, or even nervousness arise, and are easily caught in a state of stress that fails to achieve the value of the goal. In order to get rid of this state of tension, there must be migrant workers to achieve their goals and even use criminal means. Social stability is an important issue in the process of socialist modernization in China. Because of the widening gap between urban and rural areas, migrant workers face many difficulties in their living conditions and suffer from all kinds of difficulties.


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