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发布时间:2018-06-08 20:04

  本文选题:吸毒 + 预防 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2004年博士论文

【摘要】:自20世纪80年代以来,我国禁毒执法部门坚定不移地贯彻严打方 针,始终保持对毒品犯罪的高压态势,但我国的禁吸戒毒工作所面临的 形势依然不容乐观,突出表现在以下几个方面: 一是吸毒人数仍然居高不下,吸毒人口呈现年轻化和低龄化趋势。 截止2003年底,我国累计登记在册的吸毒人员已达到105.3万人,72.2% 是35岁以下的青少年,这其中还不包括4~7倍于此、数量庞大的隐性 吸毒人口。 二是涉毒区域仍在扩大,吸毒人员的职业结构和社会阶层日趋复杂 化。中国公安部2003年公布的数据显示,我国内地31个省(自治区、 直辖市)都存在吸毒问题,涉毒县(市、区)已达到2148个,其中比较 严重的,也就是吸毒人员超过1000人的县(市、区)有214个。 三是走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品活动猖獗,因吸毒而诱发卖淫、 盗窃、抢劫等违法犯罪现象突出。吸毒与走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品 是共生互动、互相依存的关系,既然境外毒源无法铲除,贩毒和吸毒也 就不可能根治;反过来,也由于国内存在庞大的吸毒群体,这一群体对 毒品的巨大需求所产生的暴利,又会刺激毒品的制造、走私、运输和贩 卖。尽管禁毒机关不断加大对毒品犯罪的打击力度,但在国际交往频繁、 制毒贩毒依然十分活跃的大环境背景下,要想在中国这个局部战场短期 内彻底根治毒品犯罪是不可能的,也是不现实的。 WP=207 四是由于吸毒是高开销的持续性行为,在强烈毒瘾的折磨下,为了 尽快获得毒资,他们在骗光、偷光、拖跨自己的家庭和朋友之后,如果 仍不能自拔的话,他们必然会非偷即抢、以贩养吸、以卖淫养吸,从而 给社会治安带来极为严重的后果。据大量调查,在吸毒成瘾者中有70~ 75%左右曾有违法犯罪行为。 五是对吸毒人员的执法难和收治率低,戒毒人员的康复矫治效果不 理想。多年来我国戒毒机构对吸毒人员的收戒方式始终走不出一种怪圈: 戒毒所收治一部分吸毒人员,社会上还有一部分吸毒人员,等这批戒毒 人员出所后,再把另一部分人收治进来,可前一批戒毒人员出所后又很 快复吸,如此循环反复,导致戒毒工作始终处于“屡吸屡戒,屡戒屡吸” 的恶性循环状态。 六是吸毒预防的宣传教育设计不够科学,效果不理想,没有充分调 动群众以形成全民禁毒的工作态势。 因此,针对不断变化着的毒品犯罪和吸毒现象,如何更有效地从吸 毒预防角度来地开展宣传教育,规范和完善戒毒医疗康复制度,解决立 法和对策的滞后性问题,以便更好地遏止毒品犯罪,减缓新吸毒人员的 滋生,最大限度降低吸毒所带来的社会危害,这方面的理论研究和实践 方法的探索显得格外迫切和重要。 广义上的行为预防既包括行为发生前的预防,也包括控制、制止行 为的全部过程,但这其中又以行为发生前的预防最为重要。鉴于目前在 戒毒康复方面还有很多难题尚未攻克,吸毒行为的前期预防也就显得格 外重要。因此,在当前我国吸毒治理工作面临严峻挑战的新形势下,吸 毒预防研究具有十分重要的理论价值和实践意义: 第一,吸毒预防开展效果的好坏,直接关系到能否扭转当前我国禁 吸戒毒工作的被动态势。 第二,就如何杜绝和减少吸毒行为的发生来看,预防比禁毒戒毒更 WP=208 具可行性,也更容易有成效。 第三,吸毒预防对减少青少年吸毒行为的发生意义尤为重大,这是 由青少年性格行为的可塑性以及青少年吸毒行为发生的特点所决定。 第四,国内外一些有益探索及其经验也证明了吸毒预防的重要意义。 为此,本文采取了以下的研究视角、思路和方法: (一)研究视角 在分析吸毒的成因时,国内的很多学者首推毒品的可获得性、毒品 黑市的猖獗,认为这是产生吸毒行为的重要原因。然而笔者认为,任何 消费品没有需求和市场,也就丧失了存在的前提。作为国家严厉控制查 处的违禁品,,毒品的存在同样离不开非法消费的市场和群体,贩卖、运 输、制造毒品的最终收益也是取决于毒品的需求。如果我们能够从源头 上探究出人们吸毒的原因,并相应地调整预防和矫治措施,从而有效地 控制和减少社会对毒品的需求,相信这对我们的禁毒工作会有更大的帮 助和启益。因此,本文选择吸毒预防的研究视角,尝试从源头上去全面 深入地探讨预防和减少吸毒行为的发生的方法和途径,以期能在借鉴前 人研究成果的基础上有所突破,从而为我国的禁吸戒毒工作提供有益的 启示,扭转当前我国禁吸戒毒工作所面临的被动局面。 (二)研究思路 吸毒行为的发生是外部社会客观条件和个体主观要素相互交织、共 同作用的结果,从理论上讲,很难认定吸毒者由于单一的原因而吸毒, 多种原因要素需要在一定的条件、一定的情境和一定的过程中互动。在 这些复杂的要素中,一些是具有共性的,一些具有个别性的特点;多种 要素也具有层次性,一些是本质性的、决定性的、具有直接影响作用的 因素,一些是次要的、辅助的、间接的因素。具有共性的因素反映了吸 毒者相同或相似的主体观念和人格特点;具有个别特点的要素反映了吸 毒者不同的吸毒行为的动机,即激起吸毒行为的内心起因和意志
[Abstract]:Since the 1980s , China ' s anti - drug law enforcement authorities have been firmly committed to the strict implementation of the law

needle , consistent with the high - pressure situation of drug - related crime , but the anti - drug work of our country faces

The situation is still not optimistic , with the following aspects :

First , the number of drug users remains high , and the drug users are younger and younger .

By the end of 2003 , 105.3 million drug users registered in our country had reached 105.3 million , 72.2 %

It ' s a teenager under the age of 35 . It doesn ' t include 4 - 7 times . It ' s a huge amount .

Drug users .

Second , the drug - related areas are still expanding , and the professional structure and social stratum of drug users are increasingly complex

In 2003 , the Ministry of Public Security of China showed that 31 provinces in the Mainland ( autonomous regions ,

There are drug abuse problems in the municipalities directly under the Central Government , and 2,148 drug - related counties ( cities and districts ) have reached 2,148 , compared with those in the municipalities directly under the Central Government .

Serious , that is , there are 214 counties ( cities , districts ) with more than 1,000 drug users .

Thirdly , smuggling , trafficking , transportation and drug - making activities are rampant , and prostitution is induced by drug use ,

Crime of crimes such as theft and robbery . Drug use and smuggling , trafficking , transportation and manufacture of drugs

They are symbiotic , interdependent and interdependent , since foreign sources cannot eradicate , drug trafficking and drug use

it is impossible to radically cure ;
In turn , this group is also due to the presence of large groups of drug users in the country

The huge demand for drugs is the rage , which also stimulates the manufacture , smuggling , transport and trafficking of drugs .

In spite of the increasing efforts to combat drug - related crime , the drug - drug authorities have frequently engaged in international exchanges ,

Drug trafficking is still very active in the context of the environment , to be in China this local battlefield short - term

It is impossible to radically cure the drug crime and it is not realistic .


Fourth , because drug use is a persistent behavior of high spending , under the tortures of intense drug addiction , in order to

Get poison as soon as possible , they ' re lying , stealing , dragging across their families and friends , if they ' re cheating .

If they are still unable to pull themselves out , they will not steal or rob them , so as to bring up and suck in prostitution , so that they can be used for the purpose of prostitution .

There are very serious consequences for social security , 70 to 70 per cent of addicts in drug addicts , according to a large number of surveys

About 75 % of them have committed criminal acts .

The fifth is that the law enforcement difficulty and the treatment rate of the drug addicts are low , and the rehabilitation and treatment effect of the drug addicts is not

Ideal . For many years , Chinese drug addicts have always walked out of a strange circle in the way of taking up the drug addicts .

A part of drug addicts , some drug addicts in the society , and so on .

After the personnel came out of the hospital , another part of the people came in , and the former group of drug addicts came out of the post .

Quick reabsorption , so circulating and repeated , leading to drug withdrawal is always in the " award - taking , the award - taking "

The vicious circle of state .

Sixth , the propaganda and education design of drug use prevention is not scientific , the effect is not ideal , it is not fully adjusted

Moving the masses to form a universal anti - drug work situation .

Therefore , with regard to changing drug - related crime and drug abuse , how to get more effective from the suction

Carry out propaganda and education , regulate and perfect the rehabilitation system of drug addiction prevention and cure , and solve the problem

The lagging of laws and responses in order to better combat drug - related crime and to slow down new drug users .

The theoretical research and practice of breeding and minimizing the social harm brought by drug use

The exploration of the method is especially urgent and important .

The behavior prevention in a broad sense includes both prevention before the onset of the act , as well as the control and suppression of the line

For all the processes , it is most important to prevent it from happening again . In view of the current situation ,

There are still a lot of difficulties in the rehabilitation of drug addicts , and the early prevention of drug use appears to be the same

Therefore , under the new situation that the current situation of drug abuse in our country is faced with severe challenges ,

The research of toxicity prevention has very important theoretical value and practical significance :

First , the effect of drug abuse prevention is directly related to whether to reverse current China ' s ban

Passive posture of drug withdrawal .

Secondly , to prevent and reduce the incidence of drug abuse , prevention is more effective than drug control .


It is feasible and more effective .

Thirdly , drug abuse prevention is particularly important in reducing the incidence of drug abuse among adolescents , which is

It is determined by the plasticity of adolescent personality behavior and the characteristics of juvenile drug abuse .

Fourthly , some useful exploration and experience at home and abroad have also proved the important significance of drug abuse prevention .

For this reason , the following research perspectives , ideas and methods are adopted in this paper .

( I ) From the perspective of research

In the analysis of the causes of drug use , many scholars in the country first push the availability of drugs , drugs

This is an important reason for drug abuse . However , the author believes that any

There is no demand and market for consumer goods , and the precondition for the existence of consumer goods is lost .

The existence of drugs is also inseparable from the illegal consumption of markets and groups , traffic and transportation .

The final return on drug delivery is also dependent on the demand for drugs . If we can start from the source

Investigate the causes of drug use and adjust prevention and treatment measures accordingly , so as to effectively

Control and reduce the demand for drugs in society , and believe it will have a greater contribution to our anti - narcotics work

Therefore , this article chooses the research perspective of drug abuse prevention , try to go up from the source

In - depth exploration of ways and means to prevent and reduce the incidence of drug abuse , with a view to being able to learn from it

There is a breakthrough on the basis of the research results , thus providing beneficial results for the anti - drug work in our country .

The enlightenment is to reverse the current situation of drug addiction in our country .

( II ) Research thinking

The occurrence of drug use behavior is the external social objective condition and the individual subjective element interweave , altogether

As a result of the same function , it is difficult to conclude that drug users are taking drugs for a single reason ,

A variety of reasons need to interact in certain conditions , certain situations and certain processes .

Among these complex factors , some are commonness , some have the characteristics of individuality ;

Elements are also hierarchical , some of which are essential , decisive and have a direct effect .

Factors , some of which are secondary , auxiliary , and indirect .

The same or similar subject concept and personality characteristics of drug users ;
Elements with individual characteristics reflect suction

The motives of drug abuse , that is , the inner causes and will of drug abuse


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1 朱萍;陈沙麦;;社会转型期女性吸毒社会控制体系构建[J];福建行政学院学报;2008年04期




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