本文选题:精神病 + 精神障碍者 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2008年硕士论文
【摘要】: 精神障碍具体应包括医学上已经确认的精神病症和人格障碍及某些导致心理能力丧失情形等非精神病的精神障碍。精神疾病与精神障碍两个概念互有联系但又不尽相同。 刑事责任能力是指行为人对事物的认识能力和对自己行为的控制能力,其是行为人行为成立犯罪及承担刑事责任的前提条件。如果一个人不具有刑事责任能力,其行为就不会构成犯罪,当然也涉及不到任何的刑事责任;如果一个人具有不完整的刑事责任能力,其承担刑事责任就应当与正常人有所区别。精神障碍者由于生理和心理的缺陷而导致刑事责任能力的特殊性,因而对其应当从刑事立法和司法做出不同的规定和处理。 我国关于精神障碍者刑事责任能力的法律规定及研究相对薄弱,不够成熟,因而导致实践中表现出来的可操作性的缺乏。在司法实践中,对精神障碍者的认定范围不甚清楚;而且,对于精神障碍者的刑事责任能力的评定,目前比较混乱;另外,在相关精神障碍者刑事责任能力的处遇问题上,也缺少成形的有意义的做法。 从国外情况来看,某些先进的大陆法系和英美法系国家,在精神障碍者刑事责任能力问题上经历了从无到有,从完全开放到加以限制的过程,积累了丰富的实践经验,也制定出了可行的法律规定或适用规则。因此,我们有必要在有关精神障碍者刑事责任能力的规定范围、评定问题、以及相关精神障碍者刑事责任能力的犯罪处遇问题上,对国外先进的内容进行借鉴,对我国精神障碍者刑事责任能力的问题予以立法上的完善。
[Abstract]:Mental disorders should include psychosomatic disorders and personality disorders that have been recognized in medicine, as well as some non-mental disorders, such as mental disability. The two concepts of mental illness and mental disorder are related but different. The ability of criminal responsibility refers to the ability of the actor to understand things and control his own behavior. It is the precondition for the perpetrator to establish a crime and bear criminal responsibility. If a person is not capable of criminal responsibility, his conduct will not constitute a crime and, of course, does not involve any criminal responsibility; if a person has an incomplete capacity for criminal responsibility, Their criminal responsibility should be different from normal people. Because of the physical and psychological defects, mental disorders lead to the particularity of criminal responsibility ability, so they should be regulated and dealt with differently from criminal legislation and judicature. The legal provisions and research on the criminal responsibility capacity of mental disorders in our country are relatively weak and immature, which leads to the lack of operability in practice. In judicial practice, the scope of the identification of mental disorders is not very clear; moreover, the assessment of the criminal responsibility capacity of mental disorders is confused at present; in addition, on the issue of the criminal responsibility capacity of the mental disorders, There is also a lack of meaningful formative practices. From the point of view of foreign countries, some advanced countries of civil law system and common law system have experienced the process of from nothing to existence, from completely opening to restricting, and have accumulated rich practical experience in the problem of the criminal liability capacity of mental disorders. Feasible legal provisions or applicable rules have also been formulated. Therefore, it is necessary for us to draw lessons from the advanced contents of foreign countries on the prescribed scope of criminal liability ability of mental disorders, the evaluation of the problems, and the problems encountered in the criminal responsibility capacity of mental disorders. Improve the criminal responsibility ability of mental disorders in China.
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