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发布时间:2018-06-14 21:49

  本文选题:苯丙胺 + 新型毒品 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2008年硕士论文

【摘要】: 改革开放以来,境外毒品大肆向我国渗透,我国禁毒形势日趋严峻。特别是随着科学技术的不断发展,各种制贩毒方式愈加隐秘,毒品种类呈发散性扩展。据相关统计资料显示,一些传统的毒品如鸦片、吗啡、海洛因等,其滥用已成下降趋势,而一些新兴的人工合成类毒品(现通常称为新型毒品)的滥用却呈上升趋势。新型毒品的滥用在我国国内许多地方,其主要滥用场所是迪厅、酒吧等娱乐场所,不过也有扩大的趋势。 要查证新型毒品案件,发现吸食新型毒品人员,最常用的手段之一便是对新型毒品进行物证检测。然而目前,物证学界虽然对新型毒品检验进行了广泛的研究,但还是鲜有人对相关研究成果进行系统的整理,并对其作出比较分析。 作为重庆市教育委员会科学技术项目K1070101《重庆地区甲基苯丙胺(冰毒)、摇头丸、氯胺酮(K粉)的活体鉴定》的一部分,本文在参考了大量国内外具有前沿性、代表性的优秀文献的基础上,通过运用比较研究、历史研究、实证调研和科学实验等方法,对有关苯丙胺类新型毒品(ATS)作了个全面系统的综合研究,形成了一个比较完整的研究体系。 本文共分为四大部分,其中第一部分为苯丙胺类新型毒品的一般概述,介绍了其中的典型毒品的一般性状和理化性质。从结构上看,苯丙胺类新型毒品具有相似的化学结构,因而具有相似的毒理作用。从毒理作用的角度可以将苯丙胺类新型毒品分为四类,即兴奋型苯丙胺类、致幻型苯丙胺类、混合型苯丙胺类及食欲抑制型苯丙胺类。每一类都有其典型的代表化合物。 第二部分主要探讨苯丙胺类新型毒品的滥用形势。世界卫生组织将其滥用方式分为工具性滥用、娱乐性滥用和慢性滥用。不管哪一种滥用方式,近年来都呈不断增加的趋势。从我国国内的情况看,ATS的滥用情况仍然不容乐观。针对这样的状况,笔者从物证技术的角度出发,提出有必要联合运用多种检验手段,并提高各种检验的灵敏度,更高效的查证新型毒品违法犯罪。 本文的第三部分着重从微观的角度研究苯丙胺类新型毒品滥用对人体的毒理作用。这种毒理作用主要表现为两个方面,一是对人体神经系统的毒性作用,二是对人体外周脏器的毒性作用。ATS对人体神经系统的毒性作用主要体现为影响脑内一些神经递质的的储存、释放与摄取,甚至代替它们进入神经细胞并对其造成影响,从而导致一定的兴奋、致幻等异常神经反应症状。而ATS对人体外周脏器的毒性作用主要体现为肝脏、心血管、大脑等器官出现各种中毒症状。不仅ATS的原物会出现上述毒性作用,有的代谢产物也可能产生中毒症状。研究这些症状,也可以为ATS的查证提供有价值的线索。 本文第四部分着重研讨现代化的ATS物证检验技术。这些技术涉及到ATS物证检验的各个阶段,不管是初步筛选,还是定性定量分析,都有不同于其他毒品检测的独特方法。笔者通过对各种检测方法作全景式介绍的同时,也对它们进行了一些比较分析。具体说来,ATS的物证检验可以分为以下几个阶段,即检材选取、检材前处理、定性定量检测阶段。 在检材选取阶段,本文主要介绍目前各国使用的活体毒品检测的生物检材,包括尿液、血液、汗液、唾液和头发,各种检材各有优劣。目前为止,尿液检测是测定违禁药物的主要选择手段,也是系统筛选分析的首选检材。其优点是尿液里代谢物浓度高,检测灵敏度高,主要缺点在于易受杂质干扰,不能准确测定吸食时间等等。相较于尿液,汗液检测可在特定时间内检测范围更广的毒品,取样没有侵入性,而且方便易行,但是需要非常灵敏的检测仪器,目前只有很少的实验室能够检测。唾液检测虽然取样简便,但是现有的仪器还往往达不到实际应用价值所必要的灵敏度。相较上述三种检材,头发在所有生物性检材中具有最久的检测窗口期,然而目前的头发检验仍然存在不少问题,主要在于分析方法缺乏一致性和统一的标准。笔者认为,在ATS检测方面,选用的检材应以尿液、血液为主,兼采汗液、唾液和毛发。 检材前处理的目的是将检材中的待检物与非待检物进行初步分离,提高待检物的可检测性。对于苯丙胺类新型毒品来说,可以通过酸水解、碱水解或酶水解等预处理方法,将待检物质从与蛋白质或硫酸等物质形成结合物中解离出来。然后,通过各种萃取技术,进一步增加待检物的浓度。此外,还有一种检材衍生化技术,是在一定条件下,利用特殊试剂和待检毒分反应,使之生成更有利于色谱法分离和检测的衍生物的方法。对ATS的前处理是目前各国研究的一大重点课题。 对ATS毒品的常用分析方法主要有四种,分别是理化显色分析、免疫分析、动物实验和仪器分析。其中,前三种方法只能对ATS的分析起到初步筛选,或者说是定性的检测,得到的检测结果并不精确。特别是在检测体内检材时,传统的分析法往往达不到一定的灵敏度和准确度。于是,在精确定量分析方面,必须借助于一定的专业化学分析仪器,常用的有气相色谱(GC)、气质联用(GC/MS)、高效液相色谱法等等。其中,GC具有高灵敏度、高选择性等优点,可与多种检测器联用,常见的便是与氮磷检测器(NPD)或质谱仪(MS)联用。 最后,本文探讨了对物证视野下对苯丙胺类新型毒品的研究在司法实践中的重要意义。对ATS毒品的物证检验分析不仅可以为侦查破案提供更多的科学依据,缩小侦察范围,而且对于定罪量刑也有不可忽视的作用。此外,本文研究还有一个重要目的,就是通过对ATS新型毒品的研究,指出其对人们的严重危害,为更好地防控新型毒品犯罪提供一定的参考依据。
[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology , drug trafficking is becoming more and more serious , especially with the development of science and technology .

In order to verify the new drug cases , it is found that one of the most commonly used methods is to detect new drugs . However , in the field of evidence , although the new drug test has been extensively studied , there are few people who have systematically collated the relevant research results , and compared them .

As part of the living identification of methamphetamine ( methamphetamine ) , ecstasy and ketamine ( K powder ) in Chongqing Educational Committee science and technology project K1070101 , this paper has made a comprehensive study on the new type of amphetamine - type drugs ( ATS ) by using comparative research , historical research , empirical research and scientific experiments , and formed a comparatively complete system .

This paper is divided into four parts , the first part is divided into the general overview of the new type of amphetamine - type drugs , the general character and the physical and chemical properties of the typical drugs are introduced . From the view of the structure , the amphetamine - type drugs have similar chemical structure and thus have similar toxicological effects . From the perspective of toxicological effects , the amphetamine - type drugs can be divided into four categories , namely , the excited type amphetamine - type , the psychedelic amphetamine - type , the mixed type amphetamine - type and the appetite - inhibiting type amphetamine . Each group has its typical representative compound .

The second part mainly discusses the abuse situation of amphetamine - type drugs . The World Health Organization divides its abuse into instrumental abuse , entertainment abuse and chronic abuse . In the domestic situation , the abuse of ATS is still not optimistic . In view of the situation , the author puts forward the necessary combination of various test methods from the point of view of evidence technology , and improves the sensitivity of various tests and more efficient investigation of new drug - related crimes .

The third part of this paper focuses on studying the toxicological effects of amphetamine - type drugs on human body from microscopic angle . The toxic effect of ATS on the nervous system of human body is the toxic effect on the human nervous system . The toxicity of ATS to human nervous system is mainly embodied in the abnormal neural response symptoms such as liver , cardiovascular , brain and so on .

The fourth part of this paper focuses on the development of modern ATS physical evidence inspection technology . These techniques involve different stages of ATS physical examination , whether it is preliminary screening or qualitative and quantitative analysis , are different from other methods of drug detection .

The present invention has the advantages of high concentration of metabolite in urine , and high detection sensitivity .

The purpose of pre - treatment is to separate the substance to be detected from the non - sample to be tested and to improve the detectability of the substance to be detected .

There are four kinds of commonly used methods for analyzing ATS drugs , which are physical and chemical color analysis , immunoassay , animal experiment and instrumental analysis respectively . The first three methods can only preliminarily screen the ATS analysis , or the qualitative detection , and the results obtained are not accurate . Especially in the detection of in vivo samples , the conventional analysis method can not reach a certain sensitivity and accuracy .

Finally , this paper discusses the significance of the research on the new drugs of amphetamine - type drugs in judicial practice under the view of physical evidence . It can not only provide more scientific basis for the investigation , narrow the scope of detection , but also play an important role in the punishment of conviction .


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