本文选题:社会转型 + 犯罪 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工程大学》2001年硕士论文
【摘要】: 犯罪是一种极其复杂的社会现象,是普遍存在于世界各国的严重的国际性社会问题之一。在中国处于社会转型的特定历史时期,犯罪现象也随着犯罪率的明显增高而呈现出新的发展趋势。深入研究犯罪产生的根源和原因,寻求犯罪发生的规律,采取有效措施以减少和预防犯罪,维护社会的正常发展,是我们迫切要解决的问题。 本文提出犯罪的原因是多元的、动态的、各种致罪因素相互作用、有机结合的综合系统;为了有效预防犯罪,应当构建犯罪的社会预防和犯罪的心理预防的综合科学体系,并尤其侧重了对犯罪的心理预防的研究,这也是本文的主要创新之处。 论文分五个部分进行论述。第一部分,简要阐述了本文的选题背景、社会转型的特点以及本文的创新之处;第二部分,论述了犯罪的定义以及社会转型与犯罪二者之间的关系;第三部分,,在介绍了中西方关于犯罪原因理论的基础上,提出了犯罪综合动因论的观点;第四部分,指出了现阶段犯罪增长的主要原因和具体表征;第五部分,是本文的中心,较详细地论述犯罪预防的目标体系以及具体的应对措施。
[Abstract]:Crime is a very complicated social phenomenon, and it is one of the serious international social problems that exist all over the world. In the specific historical period of China's social transition, the crime phenomenon also presents a new trend with the increase of the crime rate. It is urgent for us to study the root causes and causes of crime, to seek the law of crime, to take effective measures to reduce and prevent crime and to maintain the normal development of society. This paper puts forward that the causes of crime are multiple, dynamic, various factors of crime interaction, organic combination of the comprehensive system, in order to effectively prevent crime, we should build a comprehensive scientific system of social prevention and psychological prevention of crime. And especially focuses on the psychological prevention of crime, which is the main innovation of this paper. The paper is divided into five parts. The first part briefly describes the background of the topic, the characteristics of social transformation and the innovation of this paper; the second part, discusses the definition of crime and the relationship between social transformation and crime; the third part, On the basis of introducing the theory of crime cause between China and the West, this paper puts forward the viewpoint of the theory of comprehensive cause of crime; the fourth part, points out the main reasons and concrete representation of the crime growth at present; the fifth part, is the center of this paper. The target system of crime prevention and concrete countermeasures are discussed in detail.
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