本文选题:职务犯罪 + 预防 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2008年硕士论文
【摘要】: 重视和加强预防职务犯罪工作是贯彻党和国家“坚持标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举、注重预防”反腐败方针以及党的十七大提出的“更加注重治本,更加注重预防,更加注重制度建设”工作要求,扎实推进惩治和预防腐败体系建设的重要举措。预防职务犯罪工作是项社会化系统工程,需要全社会共同努力。检察机关作为国家法律监督机关,其基于法律监督职能而开展的预防职务犯罪工作有其独特优势和特点,是惩防腐败体系建设的重要环节。检察机关法律监督的特殊性,决定了检察机关预防职务犯罪工作要真正发挥职能作用,就必须走专业化发展道路,这也是全国检察机关第二次预防职务犯罪工作会议明确的方向,因此,应当且有必要加强对检察机关预防职务犯罪工作专业化问题的研究。 本文结合笔者多年检察工作实践,综合运用犯罪学、刑事法学以及检察理论等,试分三大部分对这一问题进行论述和研究。第一部分在阐述职务犯罪及预防基础上,论述检察机关预防职务犯罪专业化涵义及特征;第二部分论述检察机关预防职务犯罪专业化基础理论、现实依据及价值作用;第三部分结合存在的问题,在借鉴他人研究及域外经验基础上,提出检察机关预防职务犯罪专业化具体构想。笔者试图通过对检察机关预防职务犯罪专业化工作的研究,以期对推进惩防腐败体系建设提供有益借鉴。
[Abstract]:To attach importance to and strengthen the work of preventing job-related crimes is to carry out the Party and the state to "persist in treating both symptoms and symptoms, comprehensively control, punish and prevent simultaneously, pay attention to prevention" and the anti-corruption policy and the Party's Seventeenth National Congress "pay more attention to the root causes and prevention," We should pay more attention to the requirements of system building and promote the construction of a system of punishing and preventing corruption in a down-to-earth manner. The prevention of job-related crimes is a socialized systematic project, which needs the joint efforts of the whole society. As the national legal supervision organ, the procuratorial organ has its unique advantages and characteristics in the prevention of job-related crimes based on the function of legal supervision, and it is an important link in the construction of the system of punishing and preventing corruption. The particularity of procuratorial organs' legal supervision determines that in order to play a real role in the prevention of job-related crimes, procuratorial organs must take the road of professional development. This is also the clear direction of the second national conference on the prevention of job-related crimes. Therefore, it is necessary and necessary to strengthen the research on the specialization of the prevention of job-related crimes in procuratorial organs. Combined with the author's practice of procuratorial work for many years, this paper makes comprehensive use of criminology, criminal law and procuratorial theory, and tries to discuss and study this problem in three parts. The first part discusses the meaning and characteristics of specialization of prevention of duty crime in procuratorial organs on the basis of expounding duty crime and prevention, the second part discusses the basic theory, realistic basis and value function of specialization of prevention of duty crime of procuratorial organ. The third part combines the existing problems, on the basis of drawing lessons from other people's research and foreign experience, puts forward the concrete conception of professional prevention of duty crime of procuratorial organs. The author tries to provide a useful reference for the construction of corruption prevention system through the research on the specialization of prevention of job-related crimes in procuratorial organs.
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