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  本文选题:视觉诱发电位 + 视野 ; 参考:《中国医科大学》2006年硕士论文

【摘要】:前言 视野即为观察者双眼固视时所可视的范围,是视功能的重要组成部分。目前对视野的检查主要有手动视野计检测法、自动视野计检测法等,在临床上这类视野检查法已成为视野评定的重要手段。但由于它是一种心理物理检查法,需被试者的主观配合。因此,在临床法医学鉴定中,由于被鉴定人常常伪装或夸大视野缺损程度,使临床常规的视野检查法在法医学鉴定应用中受到限制。另外,对于智力障碍者和婴幼儿等被检者,在检查过程中由于他们不能很好的配合,使主观检查法难以完成。因此,如何客观的评定视野状态是临床及法医学的重要研究课题之一。 视觉诱发电位(Visual evoked potential VEP)是通过对视网膜进行刺激,经过视路传送至枕叶视皮层所诱发的电活动,反映了从视网膜神经节细胞到视皮层的功能状态。其中以模式翻转诱发电位(Pattern reversal visual evoked potential PRVEP)应用最为广泛。PRVEP主要由NPN三相复合波组成,一般按它们出现的顺序分别命名为N_1P_1N_2。而在全屏刺激野中按平均峰潜伏期分别命名为N75(Negative response 75)、P100(Positive response 100)和N145(Negative response 145)。PRVEP是临床和法医学鉴定中对视功能客观评定的重要方法。而应用PRVEP对视野的客观评定目前仅限于定性研究。因此,研究正常人不同刺激野诱发的PRVEP与不同视野和视网膜不同视细胞功能之间的关系,将具有重要的法医学意义。 本研究应用PRVEP对30名(60眼)正常视功能的受试者分别进行全屏刺激野、中心刺激野及周边刺激野刺激,采用三通道记录电极分别置于O_z点、O_1点和O_2点进行记录,研究不同刺激野PRVEP各波潜伏期与波幅的正常值及其相互之间的关系和视觉电反应在枕叶皮质的分布特点,旨在达到通过不同记录点记录不同刺激野诱发的PRVEP来客观评定视野缺损和视网膜不同视细胞功能的目的。
[Abstract]:Preface visual field is the visual range of binocular fixation, which is an important part of visual function. At present, the inspection of visual field mainly includes manual visual field meter, automatic visual field meter and so on. In clinic, this kind of visual field examination method has become an important means of visual field evaluation. But because it is a kind of psychophysical examination method, it needs the subjective cooperation of the subjects. Therefore, in the clinical forensic identification, the application of the conventional visual field examination in forensic medicine is restricted because of the false or exaggerated degree of visual field defect. In addition, the subjective examination method is difficult to be completed because they can not cooperate well in the examination process for the mental retardation and infants and so on. Therefore, how to objectively assess the state of visual field is one of the important research topics in clinical and forensic medicine. Visual evoked potential (VVEP) is the electrical activity induced by the stimulation of retina to the occipital cortex, which reflects the functional state from retinal ganglion cells to visual cortex. Among them, pattern reversal visual evoked potential (PRVEP) is the most widely used. PRVEP is mainly composed of NPN three-phase composite waves. Generally, it is named N1P _ S _ 1N _ 2 respectively according to the order in which they appear. N75 (negative response 75) and N145 (negative response 145) .PRVEP are important methods for objective evaluation of visual function in the field of full-screen stimulation according to the average peak latencies, which are respectively named N75 (negative response 75) and N145 (negative response 145) .PRVEP in the field of full-screen stimulation is an important method for objective evaluation of visual function in clinical and forensic medicine. The objective evaluation of visual field by PRVEP is limited to qualitative study. Therefore, it is of great forensic significance to study the relationship between PRVEP induced by different stimulation fields in normal subjects and the function of different visual fields and retinal visual cells. In this study, 30 subjects (60 eyes) with normal visual function were subjected to full screen stimulation field, central stimulus field and peripheral stimulation field respectively. The three channel recording electrodes were placed at Oz point, OSP 1 and O 2, respectively. To study the normal values of the latencies and amplitudes of PRVEP waves in different stimulus fields and the relationship between them and the distribution of visual electrical responses in occipital cortex. The aim of this study was to objectively evaluate visual field defect and retinal function of different visual cells by recording PRVEP induced by different stimulation fields at different recording points.


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