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发布时间:2018-07-21 13:23
【摘要】:综观人类社会犯罪历史,恐怖行为可谓古今中外皆存在。由于不同社会形态、社会制度以及不同的国家和地区,恐怖行为可能表现形式不完全相同,而统治者对这种行为的禁止的态度也有所区别。恐怖活动在中国延续了两千多年后,到民国时期已经比以往任何朝代都有过之而无不及。尽管当时的所有政权都制定反恐法规,采取反恐措施,希望将其消灭或纳入管控范围,但由于各政权自身条件的限制及实施恐怖活动的组织、个人所具有的强势特点,要达到目的并非易事。新中国成立之后,虽然在初期阶段一度遭受不甘失败的国民党残余、反动会道门、地主等实施的恐怖活动的骚扰,但随着反动会道门被取缔,国民党特务组织被逐步消灭,社会上刑事犯罪的减少,恐怖活动也渐渐销声匿迹。然而,自20 世纪70 年代以来,随着冷战的结束,国际上各种矛盾斗争有新的发展,呈现出一种政治多元化的态势,作为一种特异现象的国际恐怖活动也日益蔓延,劫机爆炸、绑票与劫持人质、劫船、劫车、暗杀、袭击等形式的恐怖活动急剧增多。伴随着国际恐怖组织的出现及恐怖活动不断升级,我国也出现了一些恐怖分子,他们或炸毁公共交通工具,或炸毁居民住宅,或劫持人质,给社会带来了严重的不安。如今,我国政府、理论界、司法实践部门都对恐怖活动给予了高度关注。本文运用法学、社会学、历史学的研究方法,从法制史角度,分析了民国时期恐怖活动产生与演变的特点及规律,并深入研究了这一时期反恐法律制度。其目的是希望透过历史认清现实,充分了解当今恐怖活动产生的政治与社会基础,为完善我国目前的反恐怖法律制度提供理论指导。 
[Abstract]:Looking at the criminal history of human society, terrorist acts can be said to exist all over the world. Because of different social forms, social systems and different countries and regions, the forms of terrorist acts may not be the same, and the attitude of rulers on the prohibition of such acts is different. After more than two thousand years of terrorism in China, the period of the Republic of China has been more than any dynasty. Although all the regimes at that time enacted anti-terrorist laws and regulations and took anti-terrorist measures in the hope of eliminating them or bringing them under control, due to the restrictions of their own conditions and the organizations that carried out terrorist activities, individuals had a strong characteristic. It is not easy to get there. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, although in the early stage it was harassed by terrorist activities carried out by the remnants of the Kuomintang, the reactionary society, and the landlords, the Kuomintang secret service organizations were gradually eliminated with the proscription of the reactionary society and Taoism. With the reduction of criminal crimes in society, terrorist activities have gradually disappeared. However, since the 1970s, with the end of the Cold War, there has been a new development in various contradictions and struggles in the world, showing a trend of political pluralism. As a special phenomenon, international terrorist activities are increasingly spreading and hijacking explosions. Kidnapping and hostage-taking, ship hijacking, carjacking, assassinations, attacks, and other forms of terrorism have increased dramatically. With the emergence of international terrorist organizations and the continuous escalation of terrorist activities, there are also some terrorists in our country. They blow up public transportation, or destroy residential buildings, or take hostages, which brings serious unease to the society. Nowadays, our government, theorists and judicial practice departments pay great attention to terrorist activities. Using the research methods of law, sociology and history, this paper analyzes the characteristics and laws of the emergence and evolution of terrorist activities in the period of the Republic of China from the perspective of the history of legal system, and deeply studies the anti-terrorism legal system in this period. Its purpose is to understand the reality through the history, fully understand the political and social basis of the terrorist activities, and provide theoretical guidance for the perfection of our country's current anti-terrorist legal system.


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