发布时间:2018-07-22 20:28
【摘要】: 公安行政不作为的社会危害性是很明显的,它不仅侵害了公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,也严重损害了公安机关的形象。但由于其客观上具有一定的隐蔽性,所以并未引起人们的足够重视,法学理论界对此问题的研究也不多见。 基于理论探讨和实务分析的需要,笔者从公安行政不作为一般理论探析入手,着重论述构成公安行政不作为须是公安机关依照法律法规、规章及有关规定负有应当实施某方面具有法律效果的积极作为的行政义务,并且具有作为的可能性,但却拖延、拒绝作出相应义务或者不完全正确履行职责的违法行政行为状态,进而对导致该行为的原因从法律、行政管理主体、公安行政管理氛围、警务保障以及监督等方面进行剖析,在此基础上,提出相应遏制公安行政不作为现象的对策。一是完善公安行政法律法规建设;二是端正公安机关行政管理主体角色;三是营造公正公安行政管理氛围;四是强化公安行政管理警务保障:五是健全行政监督制约机制。
[Abstract]:The social harm of public security administrative omission is obvious. It not only infringes the legal rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, but also seriously damages the image of public security organs. However, due to its concealment, it has not been paid enough attention to, and the research on this issue is rare in the field of legal theory. Based on the need of theoretical discussion and practical analysis, the author begins with the general theory of administrative omission of public security, and emphasizes that the constitution of administrative omission of public security should be constituted by public security organs in accordance with laws and regulations. The regulations and related provisions have an administrative obligation to carry out a positive act with legal effect in a certain respect, and the possibility of an act, but it is delayed, The state of illegal administrative acts that refuse to make corresponding obligations or not fully perform their duties correctly, and then analyze the causes of such acts from the aspects of law, administrative subjects, administrative atmosphere of public security, police security and supervision, etc. On this basis, put forward the corresponding countermeasures to contain the phenomenon of public security administrative omission. One is to perfect the construction of public security administrative laws and regulations, the other is to correct the main role of public security organs' administrative management; third, to create an atmosphere of fair public security administration; fourth, to strengthen the police security of public security administrative management; and (5) to perfect the administrative supervision and restriction mechanism.
[Abstract]:The social harm of public security administrative omission is obvious. It not only infringes the legal rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, but also seriously damages the image of public security organs. However, due to its concealment, it has not been paid enough attention to, and the research on this issue is rare in the field of legal theory. Based on the need of theoretical discussion and practical analysis, the author begins with the general theory of administrative omission of public security, and emphasizes that the constitution of administrative omission of public security should be constituted by public security organs in accordance with laws and regulations. The regulations and related provisions have an administrative obligation to carry out a positive act with legal effect in a certain respect, and the possibility of an act, but it is delayed, The state of illegal administrative acts that refuse to make corresponding obligations or not fully perform their duties correctly, and then analyze the causes of such acts from the aspects of law, administrative subjects, administrative atmosphere of public security, police security and supervision, etc. On this basis, put forward the corresponding countermeasures to contain the phenomenon of public security administrative omission. One is to perfect the construction of public security administrative laws and regulations, the other is to correct the main role of public security organs' administrative management; third, to create an atmosphere of fair public security administration; fourth, to strengthen the police security of public security administrative management; and (5) to perfect the administrative supervision and restriction mechanism.
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