[Abstract]:"broadening the world's vision and cultivating strategic thinking" is the party's consistent demand for leading cadres at all levels, and it is also a summary of historical experience and an important inspiration to us; It is an urgent need to build a contingent of high-quality leading public security cadres who can take on important responsibilities, and it is also a powerful intellectual support and spiritual motive force to promote the public security work in the western region. The connotations of "broadening the world's vision and cultivating strategic thinking" are: to break down the local concept and establish a sense of the overall situation; to break the idea of the interior, to enhance the sense of openness; to break the concept of "inaction"; and to set up a sense of unyielding backwardness. A sense of enterprise. In order to "broaden the world's vision and cultivate strategic thinking," we must learn theory well and lay a solid foundation; inspect and communicate, study the east; train inside and outside, renew our thinking; base ourselves on our own; and serve the development of our country.
【作者单位】: 重庆市公安局!重庆400010
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