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发布时间:2018-07-27 15:13
【摘要】: 现代社会中,毒品、走私、黑社会性质的组织犯罪十分严重,犯罪分子通过各种犯罪聚敛了大量的钱财,但是由于各国比较严格的金融、税务等管理制度,大量的犯罪所得难以正常流通。为了能自由地挥霍和使用犯罪所得,洗钱犯罪应运而生。而在全球资本的流动性不断加强的今天,无论是世界各国的市场,还是加入世界贸易组织的中国的市场,都在经济全球化的大背景下经历着一个管制持续放松的自由化过程,加之世界各国对中国市场的重视和投入,从而不可避免地使我们面临来自国内外洗钱犯罪日益猖獗的挑战。面对日益严重的洗钱犯罪及其引发的各种社会问题,我国于2006年6月出台了《刑法修正案(六)》,修改了刑法第一百九十一条第一款关于洗钱犯罪的规定,以便更加有力地惩治洗钱犯罪。中国人民银行也在2006年11月出台了两个配套的规定,即《金融机构反洗钱规定》和《金融机构大额交易和可疑交易报告管理办法》。而2007年1月实施的《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》,说明我国已经充分认识到了洗钱犯罪的严重性,举起了打击洗钱犯罪的利剑。众所周知,法律的实施不代表法律的实现,法律要达到应然的程度需要理论和实务界的共同努力,学界对关于洗钱犯罪的立法问题以及法律制度建设等诸问题进行了大量的理论探讨,但是对于打击洗钱犯罪的侦查机制的问题的研究却十分不足,这必然影响到司法实践对洗钱犯罪的侦查、防范以及最终的刑罚处罚。侦查机关限于不完善的侦查机制的桎梏,影响了洗钱犯罪的打击效率和效果,因此,每年全国成功侦破的洗钱案件不多,很多洗钱犯罪分子逍遥法外。本论文试图以《反洗钱法》的颁布实施为契机,以我国反洗钱法律体系为背景,以比较考察为视角度为,从打击洗钱犯罪的制度,特别是洗钱犯罪侦查机制的角度,对国际上的先进的洗钱犯罪侦查机制最进行考察,对美国、英国、西欧诸国的洗钱犯罪机制进行比较研究,然后在此基础上对我国目前国内的洗钱犯罪侦查机制进行分析,从而对如何完善我国洗钱犯罪侦查机制进行深入的研究,以期能对打击洗钱犯罪的侦查机关与相关职能部门侦破打击洗钱犯罪做出些许贡献,并能为促进侦查、金融联合防范、打击洗钱犯罪工作取得更大成效提供些许建议。全文共分三部分,约3万字: 第一部分主要洗钱犯罪的概述。第一部分分成三个层次,首先介绍洗钱犯罪活动产生的社会、经济背景,以及其从产生的初级形式如何演变到现代的洗钱犯罪及洗钱犯罪在不同时期的不同特征。第二层次,主要介绍国际和国内洗钱犯罪的现状和发展趋势。通过对国内外洗钱犯罪现状和对洗钱犯罪的法律认定,在第三个层次概括出洗钱犯罪犯罪的特征。即洗钱犯罪的隐秘性、洗钱犯罪的国际性、专业性,复杂性、受害者缺失性四个方面的特征。 第二部分是从比较考察的角度,分析国内外洗钱犯罪的侦查机制,分两个层次。一,主要是国外,特别是西方发达国家在打击洗钱犯罪侦查机制的先进经验,考察的角度是:侦查机构的设置、侦查权利的配置、专业队伍建设、侦查方法运用、国际合作五个方面。二,通过对比国外洗钱犯罪侦查机制,分析和总结我国目前洗钱犯罪侦查机制现状和存在的弊端。存在的主要问题就是:传统的机构配置不适应当前我国洗钱犯罪活动的形式;队伍专业性、技术性不强;国际合作方面欠缺。 第三部分由两个层次构成,第一,主要在前文的基础上,针对我国现有洗钱犯罪侦查机制的不足,提出完善的建议:分为管理调整、队伍建设、情报网络建设、联防体系建设、专用技术工具开始引进、可视窗口、国际合作;七个方面。提出要完善我国洗钱犯罪侦查机制,一方面要加强内部的管理和建设,另一方面要注重同金融机构,特别是与洗钱犯罪有密切关系的银行等部门的联合合作,同时也要着眼于洗钱犯罪国际化趋势,加强同国际其它国际的合作。第二层次则是对前文的深入探析,对如何构建和完善“警、银”合作机制提出了建立两项制度:1.信息合作制度;具体措施为:建立信息员侦查机关应、向与洗钱犯罪相关的行业发展秘密力量建立、建立可视窗口,进行同步跟踪;搞好洗钱犯罪情报的收集、整理、分析、应用和资源共享。2.建立快速反应机制;具体措施为:建立快速报案机制;建立信息情报快速交流机制;共制犯罪嫌疑人,快速破案;搞好区域协作。 结尾概括本文论点:《反洗钱法》的实施已经带动了关于洗钱犯罪打击和防范机制的一系列变化,结合我国已经加入的国际公约,建立和完善我国打击和防范洗钱犯罪的相关机制应该是我们建立良好、和谐的社会经济环境的一项重要任务。其中,洗钱犯罪侦查机制的改革和完善是机制改革和完善的重点。国际社会成功的打击洗钱犯罪的侦查机制是我们可以借鉴和参考的经验。当然,我们完善本国的侦查机制,首先要立足于我国的政治、经济、文化等方面的特点,建立具有我国特色的侦查机制。建立和完善洗钱犯罪的侦查机制,必须紧紧抓住洗钱犯罪的特点,有针对性的实施。一方面不能摒弃传统犯罪的侦查机制和方面,另一方面要针对洗钱犯罪的侦查机制和方法加以创新;在完善机制的同时,注重侦查人员素质的提高。不但要搞好侦查机关内部机制的建设,与相关金融单位,尤其是与银行的合作和共建也要同步进行。论述中难免有不成熟之处,作者希望抛砖引玉,获得更多的指正。
[Abstract]:In modern society, the organization crime of drug, smuggling and the nature of the black society is very serious, and the criminals collect a lot of money through various crimes. But because of the strict financial and tax management systems in various countries, a large number of the proceeds of crime are difficult to circulate normally. Today, as the liquidity of global capital is constantly strengthened, whether it is the market of the world, or the Chinese market that joins the world trade organization, it has experienced a process of liberalization and liberalization under the background of economic globalization, as well as the importance and input of the countries in the world to the Chinese market, which is unavoidable. Facing the increasingly rampant challenge of money laundering crime both at home and abroad. Facing the increasingly serious crime of money laundering and the various social problems caused by it, China promulgated the criminal law amendment (six) in June 2006, and amended the provisions of the 191st first section of the criminal law on the crime of money laundering so as to punish the crime of money laundering more effectively. The people's Bank of China also issued two supporting provisions in November 2006, that is, the regulations for the anti money laundering provisions of financial institutions and the management of large and suspicious transaction reports in financial institutions are more than. The "People's Republic of China anti money laundering law" implemented in January 2007 shows that China has fully recognized the seriousness of the crime of money laundering and lifted the attack. It is well known that the implementation of the law does not represent the realization of the law. The law needs to be reached to the extent that it needs the joint efforts of the theoretical and practical circles. The academic circles have carried out a large number of theoretical discussions on the problems of the legislation of money laundering and the construction of the legal system, but the investigation mechanism against the crime of money laundering. The research of the problem is very inadequate, which inevitably affects the investigation of money laundering crime in the judicial practice, the prevention and the final penalty. The investigation organ is limited to the shackles of the imperfect investigation mechanism, which affects the efficiency and effect of the crime of money laundering. Therefore, there are not many cases of money laundering successfully detected in China every year, and many criminals of money laundering are at large. This paper attempts to take the "Anti Money Laundering Law" as an opportunity, taking the legal system of anti money laundering in our country as the background, and taking the comparative inspection as the view, from the angle of the system of combating the crime of money laundering, especially the mechanism of the investigation of money laundering crime, the most advanced investigation mechanism of the crime of money laundering in the world, and the United States, Britain and Western Europe. On the basis of the comparative study of the mechanism of the crime of money laundering in various countries, the investigation mechanism of the crime of money laundering in China is analyzed on this basis, so as to make a thorough research on how to perfect the investigation mechanism of the crime of money laundering in our country, in order to solve the crime of combating money laundering by the investigation organs and relevant functional departments against the crime of money laundering. A few contributions, and can provide some suggestions for promoting investigation, financial joint prevention and fighting money laundering crime. The full text is divided into three parts, about 3 words:
The first part is an overview of the main money laundering crime. The first part is divided into three levels. First, it introduces the social and economic background of the money laundering crime, and how it evolves from the primary form to the different characteristics of the modern money laundering crime and money laundering crime in different periods. The second level mainly introduces the crime of money laundering at home and abroad. The current status and development trend of money laundering crime at home and abroad and the legal identification of the crime of money laundering, summarize the characteristics of the crime of money laundering at third levels, namely, the secret of money laundering crime, the international character of money laundering crime, the specialty, the complexity and the loss of the victims in four aspects.
The second part is to analyze the investigation mechanism of the crime of money laundering at home and abroad from the angle of comparison and analysis, which is divided into two levels. First, it is mainly the advanced experience of foreign countries, especially the western developed countries in the investigation mechanism of combating money laundering crime. The investigation is the setting of investigation institutions, the allocation of detection rights, the construction of professional teams, the application of investigation methods, and the application of the investigation methods. Five aspects of international cooperation. Two, through comparing the investigation mechanism of foreign money laundering crime, this paper analyzes and summarizes the current situation and disadvantages of our country's current investigation mechanism of money laundering crime. The main problems exist are: the traditional institutional allocation is not suitable for the current form of money laundering crime in China; the team is professional, technical and lack of international cooperation.
The third part is made up of two levels. First, on the basis of the previous article, we put forward some perfect suggestions on the shortcomings of the current investigation mechanism of money laundering crime in China. It is divided into management adjustment, team building, intelligence network construction, joint defense system construction, the introduction of special technical tools, visual windows, international cooperation, and seven aspects. On the one hand, we should strengthen the internal management and construction, on the other hand, pay more attention to the joint cooperation with the financial institutions, especially the banks and other departments closely related to the crime of money laundering. At the same time, we should also focus on the international trend of money laundering crime and strengthen cooperation with other international countries in the same country. The second level is the preceding article. In depth analysis, two systems are put forward on how to build and perfect the cooperative mechanism of "police and silver": 1. information cooperation system. The concrete measures are: to establish the investigative organ of the information personnel, to establish the secret forces related to the crime related to money laundering, to establish a visual window and to carry out the synchronous tracking; to do a good job of collecting and sorting out the crime information of money laundering. Analysis, application and resource sharing.2. establish rapid response mechanism; specific measures are: establishing a rapid reporting mechanism; establishing a rapid communication mechanism of information information; CO making criminal suspects, fast breaking the case; and doing a good job of regional cooperation.
The end of this paper is that the implementation of the anti money laundering law has led to a series of changes in the mechanism for the attack and prevention of money laundering, and the establishment and improvement of our country's mechanism to combat and prevent the crime of money laundering should be an important task for us to establish a good and harmonious social and economic environment. Among them, the reform and perfection of the investigation mechanism of money laundering crime is the key to the reform and perfection of the mechanism. The successful investigation mechanism of the international community to combat money laundering is the experience we can learn from and reference. Of course, we should improve our investigation mechanism, first of all, based on the characteristics of our country's political, economic and cultural aspects. In order to establish and perfect the investigation mechanism of the crime of money laundering, we must firmly grasp the characteristics of the crime of money laundering and carry out the pertinent implementation. On the one hand, we should not abandon the investigation mechanism and aspects of the traditional crime. On the other hand, we should innovate the investigation mechanism and method of the crime of money laundering, and pay attention to the investigation while perfecting the mechanism. The improvement of the quality of the inspectors should not only improve the construction of the internal mechanism of the investigation organs, but also synchronize with the related financial units, especially the cooperation and co construction with the banks.


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