[Abstract]:Public security and military departments are responsible for national internal defense and resistance to aggression respectively. National security is the ultimate goal of the military, and social stability is the final product of the public security. Therefore, both of them can achieve this goal mainly through the performance of the public functions of the state. In this sense, the rational allocation and utilization of police investigation resources. The reasonable allocation and utilization of the investigation resources in the army are very similar in the implementation background, value objectives and specific measures, and there are many similarities between the public security and the military in financial and material reserves, organizational structure construction, resource allocation and other aspects, while the current local police reform is in full swing, so as to investigate the army. It is convenient to study the rational allocation and utilization of resources.
The scarcity of investigative resources in the army determines that we must pay attention to the rational allocation and utilization of investigative resources in order to obtain the best investigative benefits. Generally speaking, the allocation of military investigative resources must follow the principles and general laws of cost-benefit accounting in relevant economics. At the same time, the allocation pattern of military investigative resources must follow the proportions and benefits. The principle of integrating science and technology with relying on the masses, multi - party cooperation and seeking truth from facts.
In order to better fulfill our army's historical mission in the new century and new stage, we must rationally allocate the existing investigation resources. At the same time, we can learn from the successful experience of local police reform and transplant the military system. Successful internal resource allocation model. In the context of criminal proceedings, we should consider giving military procuratorial organs the power to lead investigation and the defensive investigative power to suspects and their lawyers. In modern society, we should expand investigative resources, make full use of modern technology and establish information resource sharing system, so as to improve the efficiency of investigation. Benefit.
This paper is divided into five parts. The first part mainly introduces the origin of the research on the rational allocation and utilization of the current military investigation resources, and expounds the necessity and necessity of the research on the rational allocation and utilization of the military investigation resources on the basis of the analysis method, so as to open the train of thought for the following research.
The second part mainly introduces the relevant concepts, mainly makes a comparative study of the concepts related to military investigation resources, and puts forward the concept of the military "C4ISR" system, which lays a general outline for the rational allocation of military investigation resources, the rational utilization of military investigation resources and local investigation resources, and the substantive analysis of the military "C4ISR" system. The theoretical basis of reading level.
The third part mainly studies the research background of the rational allocation and utilization of the investigation resources in the army. On the basis of fully understanding the severe situation faced by the Army Security work, the crisis of the masses'trust and the scarcity of the investigation resources, the logical "breach" is found for the rational allocation and utilization of the investigation resources in the following sections.
The fourth part mainly studies the principles and priorities of the rational allocation and utilization of the investigation resources in the army of our country at present, ponders deeply on some principled problems, highlights the priorities of the rational allocation and utilization of resources, and finds the balance point to realize this research.
The fifth part is the exploration of the rational allocation and utilization of the investigation resources of the army, which is the focus and foothold of this paper. Firstly, the optimization of the investigation resources of the army is analyzed, and the objective is realized by the optimization of the investigation resources of the army itself; secondly, the rational allocation and utilization of the military resources and the investigation resources are discussed, and the "C4ISR" system of the army is transplanted pertinently. This is the innovative point of this paper, and once again explores and analyzes the rational allocation and utilization of investigation resources both inside and outside the army, and the rational allocation and utilization of judicial resources and investigation resources.
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