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发布时间:2018-10-08 13:52
【摘要】: 本文简介了我国刑事侦查权的概念、现状及存在的问题,沉默权的概念及其由来、发展趋势,沉默权在中国的现状,从沉默权对刑事侦查权的影响作了一点分析与思考,试图得出我们应如何选择适合我国国情的沉默权制度,取得侦查权与人权保护的平衡。 全文共分三部分:第一部分主要围绕刑事侦查权进行了阐述。指出我国侦查和侦查权的概念。并对现状进行了分析阐述,同时指出了我国现行法律体制下刑事侦查权所存在的问题,作为“公权”,侦查权在行使的过程中势必与“私权”发生冲突,关键在于对人权保护不足,在现今的中国,如何保障人权,是一个非常现实及迫切的问题。由此导出第二部分:引进先进的法律制度-------沉默权制度。 在第二部分中,笔者重点阐述了沉默权的概念及由来,其在西方法律体系下已经得到了公众的认同,在刑事侦查活动中对人权的保护起到了非常大的作用。在此基础上提出我国引进沉默权制度的理由。侦查程序必须改革,才能适应时代的发展,而引进沉默权制度将是一个很好的解决办法。在阐述引进理由之后又指出在我国先有的法律体制下推行全面的沉默权制度存在不合理之处。笔者认为中国在司法制度改革过程中应该学习西方国家的优点和经验,但是我们也不能盲目照般。当我们摈弃那些陈旧的司法和执法观念的时候,也应当避免从一个极端走向另外一个极端。根据英国等国家对沉默权制度的反思和实践中不断改进的做法,提出在我国应该实行有限沉默权制度并加以阐述。我们应该追求执法的文明和司法的公正,也应该重视在刑事司法活动中保护犯罪嫌疑人、被告人乃至法院判决有罪的犯人的合法权利,但是不能因此就忘记了刑事司法系统的根本任务是打击犯罪和保护人民。随后在假设有限沉默权在我国实施的前提下,探究其对刑事侦查权的影响,并针对刑事侦查权的合理、有效实施提出自己的看法。 最后结语:在中国现阶段引入沉默权机制并用法律予以确认,影响是巨大的,意义是深远的。这不是一个简单的观点问题,而是一个复杂的系统工程,需要不断探索、研究、规范,形成更加系统、完善、周密并适合我国国情的科学的司法制度。
[Abstract]:This paper briefly introduces the concept, present situation and existing problems of the right of criminal investigation in our country, the concept and origin of the right to silence, the development trend, the present situation of the right of silence in China, and makes a little analysis and reflection on the influence of the right of silence on the right of criminal investigation. This paper attempts to find out how we should choose the right to silence system which is suitable for our country's national conditions, and achieve the balance between the investigation right and the protection of human rights. The thesis is divided into three parts: the first part mainly focuses on the criminal investigation power. The concept of investigation and investigation power in China is pointed out. At the same time, it points out the problems existing in the criminal investigation power under the current legal system of our country. As a "public right", the right of investigation is bound to conflict with the "private right" in the process of exercising it. The key lies in the inadequate protection of human rights. In China today, how to protect human rights is a very practical and urgent problem. The second part is the introduction of the advanced legal system-the right to silence system. In the second part, the author focuses on the concept and origin of the right to silence, which has been recognized by the public under the western legal system, and has played a very important role in the protection of human rights in criminal investigation. On this basis, the author puts forward the reasons for introducing the right to silence system in our country. The investigation procedure must be reformed in order to adapt to the development of the times, and the introduction of the right to silence system will be a good solution. After expounding the reasons of introduction, the author points out that it is unreasonable to carry out the system of the right to silence in the first legal system of our country. The author believes that China should learn from the advantages and experiences of western countries in the process of judicial system reform, but we should not blindly follow suit. We should also avoid moving from one extreme to the other, as we reject the old notions of justice and law enforcement. According to the reflection of the right to silence system in Britain and the continuous improvement in practice, this paper puts forward that the limited right to silence system should be implemented in our country and expounded. We should pursue the civilization of law enforcement and the fairness of the administration of justice. We should also attach importance to the protection of the legitimate rights of criminal suspects, defendants and even those convicted by the courts in criminal justice activities. But it must not be forgotten that the fundamental task of the criminal justice system is to fight crime and protect people. Then under the assumption that the limited right of silence is implemented in our country, this paper probes into its influence on the power of criminal investigation, and puts forward its own views on the reasonable and effective implementation of the right of criminal investigation. The conclusion: introducing the right to silence mechanism and confirming it by law at present in China has great influence and far-reaching significance. This is not a simple point of view, but a complex system engineering, which needs to explore, study, standardize and form a scientific judicial system which is more systematic, perfect, thorough and suitable for the national conditions of our country.


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