[Abstract]:At present, China's prison police began to pay more and more attention to psychological correction to help reform criminals. Unfortunately, there are many attempts at psychological correction in practice, but there are few professional models supported by psychological theory. At the same time, there are few systematic and in-depth researches on the criminal's attacking behavior. Previous studies have found that criminals' aggressive behavior mostly belongs to impulsive aggression, and impulsive personality characteristics affect their reform in prison. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to modify or reduce the impulsive aggression behavior of male adult offenders, improve their self-control ability, and help them adapt to prison environment and reform better. The self-evaluation questionnaire of impulsive aggression was compiled. The questionnaire is divided into two parts: aggressive self-evaluation and impulsive self-evaluation, and three factors are obtained by factor analysis. Aggression self-evaluation includes three factors: aggressive performance, hostility and anger emotional performance, hostility and angry behavior performance, and impulsive self-evaluation including three factors: self-control, impulsive and impulsive aggression. The self-evaluation questionnaire of aggression behavior was also compiled in this study. Through factor analysis, four factors were obtained: physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger and hostility and impulsive behavior. The results showed that both questionnaires had high reliability and validity. In this study, 24 prisoners with impulsive aggression behavior or impulsive aggression tendency were selected to form the intervention group and the control group by "impulsive aggression self-assessment questionnaire". A group counseling program for impulsive aggression was designed to intervene. At the same time, self-made questionnaire, group members' experience after group consultation, subjective self-evaluation and self-report, and semi-structured interviews were used to evaluate the effect of group consultation. The results showed that the intervention group had lower levels of impulsive aggression than before, and showed signs of aggression, hostility and anger over 10 sessions of group counseling lasting three months. Impulsive and impulsive aggression achieved significant improvement in four areas. Combined with the self-report of the members of the intervention group, it can be found that through group consultation, the members' self-control ability is improved, the rational thinking is more and more, they begin to learn to use reasonable methods to control and vent their emotions, and to deal with the conflict more actively. The posttest comparison between the intervention group and the control group showed that the intervention group was superior to the control group in terms of anger and hostile behavior control. As a whole, the level of impulsive aggression in the intervention group was lower than that in the control group, but there was no significant difference. The results showed that: 1, the level of impulsive aggression in the intervention group was lower than that before the group counseling. Aggression and anger and hostility have improved. 2. Group counseling based on the theory of rational emotional behavior is an effective method to correct male adult impulsive aggression.
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