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发布时间:2018-11-01 11:51
【摘要】: 社区矫正是全球性刑罚制度改革的产物,它与监禁刑相对应,并以替代后者为主流,以致以极强生命力的姿态呈现和发展着。在西方国家社区矫正制度日臻成熟,但在中国目前却仍是探索中的新生事物。少走弯路、稳步推进社区矫正制度在我国的构建,不仅符合我国社会主义和谐社会的客观要求,而且有助于推进我国司法体制改革的进程。本文从辨析社区矫正的概念和法律属性入手,追溯社区矫正制度的思想源流、理论支撑及发展状况。接着从我国构建社区矫正制度的正当性开始,揭示其普遍价值,由表及里地论述我国构建社区矫正制度的可行性、合理性。围绕我国社区矫正试点工作,正反两方面分析了我国构建社区矫正制度积累的经验和存在的缺陷。最后从更新理念、完善立法、强化组织、健全制度四个方面着重就我国构建社区矫正制度进行了探讨,有针对性地提出了笔者的构想与建议。全文立论主旨在于阐明价值,发现问题,引起关注,为我国这一带有探索性、引导性制度的构建提出建设性建议。本文由引言、正文、结语三部分组成。正文分四章,一为社区矫正制度的渊源与发展;二为社区矫正制度移植我国的可行性;三为我国社区矫正制度的试行及存在问题;四为我国社区矫正制度的构建和完善。
[Abstract]:Community correction is the result of the reform of the global penalty system, which corresponds to the imprisonment penalty and takes the substitution of the latter as the mainstream, thus presenting and developing with a strong vitality. Community correction system is maturing in western countries, but it is still a new thing in China. Less detours and steady progress in the construction of community correction system in our country not only meet the objective requirements of our socialist harmonious society but also contribute to the process of judicial system reform in our country. Based on the analysis of the concept and legal attributes of community correction, this paper traces the origin, theoretical support and development of community correction system. Then it starts with the legitimacy of constructing community correction system in our country, reveals its universal value, and discusses the feasibility and rationality of constructing community correction system in our country from surface to inside. Based on the pilot work of community correction in our country, this paper analyzes the accumulated experience and defects of constructing community correction system in China in both positive and negative aspects. Finally, this paper discusses the construction of community correction system in China from four aspects: renewing concept, perfecting legislation, strengthening organization and perfecting system, and puts forward the author's ideas and suggestions. The main purpose of the thesis is to clarify the value, find the problems, arouse attention, and put forward constructive suggestions for the construction of the exploratory and guiding system in this area of our country. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The text is divided into four chapters, one is the origin and development of community correction system; the other is the feasibility of transplanting community correction system into our country; the third is the trial of community correction system in our country and the existing problems; the fourth is the construction and improvement of community correction system in our country.


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