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发布时间:2018-11-01 13:17
【摘要】: 本文首先从刑事诉讼的价值、原则和构造的角度对侦查终结制度进行了理论分析,指出侦查终结制度体现了刑事诉讼的自由、秩序和效率价值,构建和运行应遵循和贯彻程序法定原则、无罪推定原则、控辩平等原则、辩护原则和及时性原则等。侦查终结在诉讼构造上应当符合控、辩、裁三方组合的三角构造模式。 其次,考察了以美国和英国为代表的英美法系国家,以德国、法国、意大利及日本为代表的大陆法系国家的侦查终结制度立法情况并对两者的不同做了一些比较。英美法系国家没有独立的终结制度,但审前程序中有关于侦查终结的程序规定。大陆法系注重对终结程序的设计与法律控制,立法中不同程度的构建了侦查终结制度。 再次,对我国侦查终结制度的立法现状和实践中存在的问题进行了总体梳理和评析,指出了存在的具体问题。 最后,是本文的重点所在。在对我国侦查终结制度在侦查终结条件、侦查终结处理方式、补充侦查等方面存在的问题在深入分析的基础上,提出了改进和完善的措施与建议:完善侦查终结的条件;确立疑案撤销制度和侦查期限制度;建立撤案监督和救济制度;增加公安机关移送审查不起诉的权力;调整补充侦查制度等。
[Abstract]:In this paper, the author first analyzes the system of the end of investigation from the angle of the value, principle and construction of criminal procedure, and points out that the system of the end of investigation embodies the value of freedom, order and efficiency of criminal procedure. The construction and operation should follow and implement the principle of legal procedure, presumption of innocence, equality of prosecution and defense, defense principle and timeliness principle. The conclusion of investigation should conform to the triangular structure of the tripartite combination of prosecution, defense and adjudication in the structure of litigation. Secondly, it examines the legislation of the system of the end of investigation in the countries of Anglo-American law system represented by the United States and Britain, and the countries of civil law system represented by Germany, France, Italy and Japan, and makes some comparisons between the two countries. There is no independent termination system in Anglo-American law system, but there are procedural provisions on the termination of investigation in pretrial procedure. The civil law system pays attention to the design and legal control of the procedure of termination, and constructs the system of the termination of investigation to different degrees in the legislation. Thirdly, the current legislative situation and the problems in the practice of the system of the end of investigation in our country are summarized and analyzed, and the concrete problems are pointed out. Finally, it is the focus of this paper. On the basis of the deep analysis of the problems existing in the system of the end of investigation in our country, such as the conditions of the end of investigation, the way of handling the end of investigation, the supplementary investigation and so on, this paper puts forward some measures and suggestions for improvement and perfection: perfecting the conditions of the end of investigation; To establish the system of revocation of suspected cases and the period of investigation; to establish the supervision and relief system of withdrawing cases; to increase the power of public security organs to transfer for examination and not to prosecute; to adjust the system of supplementary investigation and so on.


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