[Abstract]:In recent years, with the increasing efforts of the state in the fight against corruption, a number of high-ranking officials have lost their ranks, which has made people pay more and more attention to and research on job-related crimes. How to prevent and investigate duty crime is not only a hot topic in current theoretical circles, but also a key research topic in judicial practice. In order to solve this difficult problem, the Supreme people's Procuratorate put forward the reform measures of the integration of investigation because of the characteristics of covert crime and great resistance to investigation. By integrating the whole power of procuratorial organs, this reform realizes the regional superiority in the investigation of job-related crimes, and completes the investigation of job-related crimes. The crime of duty is essentially the extreme manifestation of corruption of public power and the behavior of abusing public power and blaspheming public power to the degree of crime. This paper first studies the concept of duty crime and the related connotation and characteristics of duty crime investigation, probes into the relevant theoretical basis of how to establish the integrated mechanism of duty crime investigation, and analyzes its inherent characteristics, functions and principles. At the same time, according to the characteristics of judicial practice, it puts forward how to realize the concrete way of investigation integration, and consummates the external supervision of duty crime investigation in the end. Secondly, this paper studies the problems existing in the investigation integration of procuratorial organs in judicial practice, and seeks to solve the problems, such as obtaining evidence in different places, chasing after stolen goods and carrying out compulsory measures, and setting up the investigation organs of procuratorial organs is unreasonable. The investigation of duty crime is undertaken by the Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Anti-blasphemy Bureau, which leads to the contention for the source of the case and the cross-jurisdiction; How does the investigation command center of duty crime really play its command role in the investigation integration? The significance of this reform is to increase the intensity and efficiency of procuratorial organs' investigation and punishment of job-related crimes through institutional building, and to deter other potential offenders by increasing the rate of detection of job-related crimes. Finally achieve the purpose of preventing job-related crimes
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