[Abstract]:The obstacles to the benign operation of the people's police system in the transitional period can be divided into two types: social obstacles and internal obstacles. (1) Social obstacles include four levels: power marketization restricts the process of socialist rule of law, power intervention misleads law enforcement, breeds "relationship law", and deteriorates law enforcement environment; The normative vacuum in the period of social transformation weakens people's personality standard, makes people lack understanding mentality and helping consciousness to public security organs, and local government can not provide effective logistic support, which restricts law enforcement. (2) the internal obstacles include: the crisis on the root of the police's cognition, the breeding of the privilege consciousness, the upside-down of the position of the master and the servant, and the blind obedience of the action; The aging mechanism of the police system can't connect with the social system quickly, forming "two skins" and affecting the benign operation. The factors that restrict the benign operation of the people's police system include: the single police resources; the weakening of the elimination mechanism; the overlapping of the institutional setting and the excessive division of labor; the influence of excessive human factors on the incentive means. Countermeasures: to establish the humanistic culture of the people's police in the transitional period, to enhance the immunity of the police, to form the cluster management model and extensive type, to form a practical plate with high concentration, to shorten the working age, to select the prime working period, and to expand the police resources; Pay high salaries to raise police, improve the treatment of police, reduce worries.
【作者单位】: 河北省廊坊市公安局安次公安分局
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