发布时间:2018-11-16 12:04
【摘要】:正 当前,树立起新的、经得起时间考验的社会治安先进地区实属不易。最近,记者随中央政法委有关领导听取了河北省政法委关于香河县保持社会长期和谐稳定的调研报告后,感触颇多。 香河是全国最具发展活力的百强县之一,与北京紧紧比邻。在人们的思维定式和具体实际中,经济发
[Abstract]:At present, it is not easy to set up new and time-tested advanced areas of public order. Recently, following the relevant leaders of the Central political and legal Commission, the reporter listened to the Hebei Provincial political and legal Commission's research report on maintaining long-term social harmony and stability in Xianghe County, and felt quite a lot. Xianghe is one of the most dynamic hundred counties in the country, close to Beijing. In people's thinking pattern and concrete reality, economic development
[Abstract]:At present, it is not easy to set up new and time-tested advanced areas of public order. Recently, following the relevant leaders of the Central political and legal Commission, the reporter listened to the Hebei Provincial political and legal Commission's research report on maintaining long-term social harmony and stability in Xianghe County, and felt quite a lot. Xianghe is one of the most dynamic hundred counties in the country, close to Beijing. In people's thinking pattern and concrete reality, economic development
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