发布时间:2018-12-05 21:26
【摘要】: 目的:观测分析中国北方五个少数民族(蒙古族、朝鲜族、哈萨克族、维吾尔族、回族)人群面部五官的图像信息,如面型、眉型、眉眼间距、鼻根、口型等19项指标,以便找出各民族的面部形态特征,建立相关信息库,为法医人类学颅骨面貌复原提供帮助。 方法:根据中国人口分布状况及第五次人口普查数据,在人口一百万以上民族中选取五个北方少数民族的健康成年男女各100名,按颅面鉴定之个人识别设定的技术指标要求,每人拍摄正侧位真人等大照片和X片。以确定的19项指标观测分析各民族人群的面部五官形态。选择其中的颧部、鼻根凹陷度等五个较具有个体特征的观察指标,观测骨性五官与颜面五官的吻合相关性和一致性。对所取得的数据和信息进行列表统计,通过对比和计算,分析各民族之间及男女性别之间存在差异的规律性及在法医人类学个体识别中的应用性。 结果:根据观测分析,北方五个少数民族面部特征大体相同。有所区别的是:(1)在不同民族间,蒙古族男性中方形脸者较多;蒙古褶在蒙古族中出现率相当高;维吾尔族男女中小眉眼间距者都较其他民族多;回族男性鼻根部凹陷者比其他民族少,蒙古族和朝鲜族女性则以鼻根凹陷者居多,而回族和哈萨克族女性则以鼻根平者居多;朝鲜族男性宽嘴者较少,蒙古族、哈萨克族男性中宽嘴者要多一些,蒙古族、哈萨克族和维吾尔族女性中宽嘴者要稍多一些;蒙古族男女中凸唇者比其他民族多;朝鲜族女性下颌角外翻者居多;回族、哈萨克族男性下颌颏圆形者居多,蒙古族和维吾尔族男性下颌颏方形者居多,哈萨克族女性90%以上下颌颏为圆形;哈萨克族中不论男女其下颌颏前突的比例都较其他民族为高。(2)不同性别之间,总体来说男性的方形脸较多,女性椭圆形和圆形脸较多;女性的重睑比例较男性为高;男性鼻根凹陷者的构成比比女性高;男性凸形鼻梁的比例要比女性高;女性鼻基上翘者比男性稍多;男性下颌角外翻的比例比女性高;男性下颌颏方形的比例比女性高。(3)颜面面特征与骨性五官特征的吻合情况来看,颧部和鼻根部全部吻合,下颌角和下颌颏绝大多数吻合,其不吻合原因主要在于个体胖瘦原因的影响 结论:北方5个少数民族男女性别间均无差异的项目有:眉形、眼裂高度、眼裂倾斜度、颧部、鼻尖、口型和唇厚。有性别差异的项目有脸型、眼睑、鼻根凹陷度、鼻梁侧观、鼻基方向、下颌角和下颌颏,而且这些特征在5个民族间表现不一。颧部、鼻根凹陷度等五项指标的颜面五官与骨性五官特征的吻合度接近100%,再次证明骨性五官与颜面五官特征具有相关性和一致性,可适用于法医人类学个体识别。
[Abstract]:Objective: to observe and analyze the facial features of five ethnic minorities (Mongolian, Korean, Kazak, Uygur and Hui) in northern China, such as facial shape, eyebrow distance, nasal root, oral type and so on. In order to find out the facial features of various ethnic groups, establish the relevant information database, for forensic anthropology craniofacial reconstruction. Methods: according to the population distribution of China and the data of the fifth census, 100 healthy adult men and women of five northern ethnic minorities were selected from the population of more than 1 million nationalities, and the technical index requirements were set according to the personal identification of craniofacial identification. Each of them took big photos and X-films. The facial features of various ethnic groups were observed and analyzed with 19 determined indicators. The zygomatic part and nasal root depression were selected to observe the correlativity and consistency of bony facial and facial features. By comparing and calculating the data and information obtained, this paper analyzes the regularity of the differences between different ethnic groups and men and women and their application in individual identification of forensic anthropology. Results: according to the observation and analysis, the facial features of the five ethnic minorities in the north were roughly the same. The differences are as follows: (1) in different ethnic groups, there are more square faces in Mongolian males; Mongolian folds appear in high rate in Mongolian nationality; Uygur men and women have more middle and small eyebrow distance than other nationalities; The number of male nose root sag of Hui nationality is less than that of other ethnic groups, while that of Mongolian and Korean women is mostly nose root depression, while that of Hui and Kazakh women is more than that of other nationalities. There are few Korean men with wide mouth, Mongolian and Kazakh men with wide mouth, Mongolian, Kazakh and Uygur women with wide mouth, Mongolian men and women with more salient lips than other nationalities. The majority of Korean women had mandibular angle valgus, the majority of Hui, Kazakh male mandibular circle, Mongolian and Uygur male mandibular square, Kazakh women more than 90% of mandibular chin round; The ratio of mandibular protrusion in Kazak is higher than that of other ethnic groups. (2) between different genders, males have more square faces, females have more oval and round faces, females have higher proportion of double eyelids than males. The proportion of male nasal root depression is higher than that of female, the proportion of male convex nose beam is higher than that of female, the proportion of female nasal base is slightly more than that of male, the proportion of male mandibular angle valgus is higher than that of female. The proportion of male mandibular square was higher than that of female. (3) according to the coincidence of facial features and bony facial features, the zygomatic region and the nasal root were all identical, and the mandibular angle and chin were mostly consistent. Conclusion: there is no difference between male and female in the five ethnic minorities in North China: eyebrow shape, height of eye fissure, slant degree of eye fissure, zygomatic part, nasal tip, mouth type and lip thickness. Gender differences included facial shape, eyelid, nasal root depression, lateral view of nasal beam, nasal base direction, mandibular angle and chin, and these characteristics were different among the five ethnic groups. The correspondence degree of facial features and bony facial features of zygomaticus, nasal root depression and other five indexes is close to 100, which proves again that bony facial features have correlation and consistency, and can be applied to individual identification of forensic anthropology.
[Abstract]:Objective: to observe and analyze the facial features of five ethnic minorities (Mongolian, Korean, Kazak, Uygur and Hui) in northern China, such as facial shape, eyebrow distance, nasal root, oral type and so on. In order to find out the facial features of various ethnic groups, establish the relevant information database, for forensic anthropology craniofacial reconstruction. Methods: according to the population distribution of China and the data of the fifth census, 100 healthy adult men and women of five northern ethnic minorities were selected from the population of more than 1 million nationalities, and the technical index requirements were set according to the personal identification of craniofacial identification. Each of them took big photos and X-films. The facial features of various ethnic groups were observed and analyzed with 19 determined indicators. The zygomatic part and nasal root depression were selected to observe the correlativity and consistency of bony facial and facial features. By comparing and calculating the data and information obtained, this paper analyzes the regularity of the differences between different ethnic groups and men and women and their application in individual identification of forensic anthropology. Results: according to the observation and analysis, the facial features of the five ethnic minorities in the north were roughly the same. The differences are as follows: (1) in different ethnic groups, there are more square faces in Mongolian males; Mongolian folds appear in high rate in Mongolian nationality; Uygur men and women have more middle and small eyebrow distance than other nationalities; The number of male nose root sag of Hui nationality is less than that of other ethnic groups, while that of Mongolian and Korean women is mostly nose root depression, while that of Hui and Kazakh women is more than that of other nationalities. There are few Korean men with wide mouth, Mongolian and Kazakh men with wide mouth, Mongolian, Kazakh and Uygur women with wide mouth, Mongolian men and women with more salient lips than other nationalities. The majority of Korean women had mandibular angle valgus, the majority of Hui, Kazakh male mandibular circle, Mongolian and Uygur male mandibular square, Kazakh women more than 90% of mandibular chin round; The ratio of mandibular protrusion in Kazak is higher than that of other ethnic groups. (2) between different genders, males have more square faces, females have more oval and round faces, females have higher proportion of double eyelids than males. The proportion of male nasal root depression is higher than that of female, the proportion of male convex nose beam is higher than that of female, the proportion of female nasal base is slightly more than that of male, the proportion of male mandibular angle valgus is higher than that of female. The proportion of male mandibular square was higher than that of female. (3) according to the coincidence of facial features and bony facial features, the zygomatic region and the nasal root were all identical, and the mandibular angle and chin were mostly consistent. Conclusion: there is no difference between male and female in the five ethnic minorities in North China: eyebrow shape, height of eye fissure, slant degree of eye fissure, zygomatic part, nasal tip, mouth type and lip thickness. Gender differences included facial shape, eyelid, nasal root depression, lateral view of nasal beam, nasal base direction, mandibular angle and chin, and these characteristics were different among the five ethnic groups. The correspondence degree of facial features and bony facial features of zygomaticus, nasal root depression and other five indexes is close to 100, which proves again that bony facial features have correlation and consistency, and can be applied to individual identification of forensic anthropology.
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2 张海龙;基于弹性模板的民族面部特征研究[D];东北大学;2010年