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发布时间:2018-12-09 20:51
【摘要】:当前,我国的恐怖活动主要表现为分裂势力和极端宗教势力进行的以分裂国家为目的的恐怖活动,包括新疆、西藏等地的“东突”、“藏独”分裂势力、宗教极端势力的活动,已经影响到边疆地区的稳定与发展,危害到国家安全。研究国内恐怖活动犯罪问题,对于开展反恐怖斗争有着重要的现实意义。本文以“东突”恐怖势力的活动为切入点,以此透视我国恐怖活动犯罪的特点,通过考察恐怖活动的演变,分析恐怖活动犯罪可能的发展态势,并在剖析成因的基础上,有针对性的提出反恐怖的对策建议。 本文除引言和结束语外,共分为四个部分,全文四万余字。 第一部分为恐怖活动犯罪概述。文章首先阐释了恐怖活动的含义,在分析国内外现存观点分歧的基础上,对恐怖活动进行了界定,认为:恐怖活动是指个人、集团或国家为实现非法目的,对不特定多数人的生命、健康或财产使用暴力或其他破坏性手段,制造恐怖气氛,危害公共安全的刑事犯罪行为。其次介绍了恐怖活动最主要的分类,即根据行为的动机和根源,将其分为:极端民族主义型、宗教极端主义型、邪教型、极右型、极左型、黑社会型。最后介绍了当前恐怖活动犯罪的概况,既包括周边地区的情况,也包括国内的情况,为全面认识恐怖活动犯罪奠定基础。 第二部分主要论述了恐怖活动犯罪的特点和成因。从犯罪组织、犯罪目的、犯罪手段、犯罪行为、侵害目标和犯罪时间六个方面概括出此类犯罪的特点,认为恐怖活动犯罪具有以下特点:①具有一定的组织性;②成立的目的性;③犯罪手段的暴力性;④犯罪行为的多样性;⑤侵害目标的双重性;⑥犯罪时间的选择性。随后,,就国际背景、思想根源、经济根源等四个方面来剖析恐怖活动犯罪产生的原因,认为:由于西方资本主义国家“和平演变”战略的渗透,境外分裂势力的直接支持和渗透,国际恐怖势力的支持,“双泛”思潮及地区间经济、文化发展差异性的影响共同作用,导致恐怖活动产生并蔓延。 第三部分主要分析了恐怖活动犯罪的发展态势。分为起源阶段(1949年以前)、全面准备阶段(1949—1989)、恶性膨胀阶段(1990—2001)、战略蛰伏阶段(2001.9以后)四个阶段来考察恐怖活动的由来和演变历史,并在此基础上,对恐怖活动犯罪的发展进行合理的前瞻性分析,阐释了恐怖活动犯罪可能的发展态势:①策略上加快推进“东突问题”国际化的步 伐;②组织上加快实现“五个统一”的步伐;③内外联合,对抗性升级, 向着武装化方向发展;④犯罪形式上新的发展;⑤犯罪的隐蔽性和智能化 将更加突出。 第四部分着重阐释了遏制恐怖活动犯罪的对策。在考察国外反恐怖措 施的基础上,针对我国反恐怖措施的现状,以预防和打击并重为原则,提 出遏制恐怖活动犯罪的相关建议。分别从立法机制、协调机制、情报机制、 侦查机制、防范机制、舆论机制等九个方面进行了分析,提出以下建议: ①完善反恐立法,制定专门系统的反恐法;②完善反恐怖布湘建设;③强 化整体意识,加强各职能部门协作,完善反恐怖协调机制;④加强情寸食唁 息网络建设,形成系统而严密的反恐怖情报信息网络;⑤加大侦查工作力 度,进一步提高反恐怖的专案侦查水平;⑥加强基层基础工作,建立和完 善防范和控制体系;⑦完善反洗钱措施,加大对金融渠道的监控,以切断 恐怖组织的经济来源;⑧加强反恐怖专业人员培训和反恐技术的研制和开 发工作,提高反恐斗争中的科技含量;⑨加强反恐怖宣传和新闻控制。
[Abstract]:At present, our country's terrorist activities are mainly the activities of the separatist forces and the extremist religious forces for the purpose of splitting the country, including the east process of Xinjiang and Tibet, the separatist forces of Tibet and the activities of religious extremist forces. The stability and development of the border areas have been affected and the security of the State is endangered. It is of great practical significance to study the problem of domestic terrorist activities and to carry out anti-terrorist struggle. Based on the investigation of the evolution of the terrorist activities, the paper analyzes the possible development situation of the terrorist activities, and puts forward the countermeasures of the counter-terrorism on the basis of the analysis of the cause of the terrorist activities. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four parts. The full text of the four-thousand words. The first part is an overview of the crime of terrorism. The article first explains the meaning of the terrorist activities, and defines the terrorist activities on the basis of the analysis of the differences of the existing views at home and abroad. The use of violence or other destructive means of violence or other destructive means against the lives, health or property of a particular majority of the people, making fear The main categories of the terrorist activities, namely, the extreme nationalism, the religious extremism type, are introduced. In the end, the general situation of the crime of terrorist activities is introduced, including the situation of the surrounding area and the situation of the country. in ord to lay a foundation for a comprehensive understanding of that crime of terrorism. The second part mainly discusses the characteristics and causes of the crime of terrorist activities. The characteristics of such crimes are summarized from the six aspects of the crime organization, the purpose of the crime, the means of crime, the crime, the target of crimes and the time of the crime. having a certain organization; the purpose of being set up; the violent nature of a criminal means; a crime. The diversity of the act, the dual nature of the target, the selectivity of the time of the crime, and the causes of the crime of the terrorist activities in four aspects, such as the international background, the source of thought, the root of the economy and so on, are of the view that, because of the infiltration of the western capitalist country's 鈥渢he evolution of peace鈥




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