[Abstract]:As an expert on household registration management, Professor Zhang Qingwu's research field involves many aspects, such as the history of household registration system, the reform of household registration system, household registration, household statistics, household migration, floating population management and so on. In the study of the history of the household registration system in China, his achievements laid a good foundation for the in-depth study of the history of the household registration system in the Republic of China. He summed up the relationship between the two systems of hukou registration and hukou statistics, and advocated that the standard of municipal system and the division of urban and rural population should be considered as two problems, and that the statistical system of population management should be reformed. He thinks that the current policy of hukou migration in China has both disadvantages and positive functions, and that it is necessary to control the mechanical growth of population in large cities by means of hukou migration at the present stage. He believes that the concept of floating population should be expressed on the basis of the basic principles of the current household registration system according to the national conditions of our country. He estimated and analyzed the size, characteristics and development trend of China's floating population. On the basis of the development of township industry and the requirements of rural urbanization, he clearly advocated the reform of household registration system guided by small towns.
【作者单位】: 湖北公安高等专科学校治安管理系!湖北武汉430034
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