[Abstract]:The comprehensive management of social security is the experience of the CPC Central Committee in the social security work since the founding of the people's Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up, according to the theory of the primary stage of socialism in China, and proceeding from the reality of social security in the new period. Put forward the general strategic policy to solve the problem of social security in our country. The comprehensive management of public security in colleges and universities is based on the existence of comprehensive governance of social security. The comprehensive administration of public security in colleges and universities is a political task, a fundamental way to solve the problems of public security in colleges and universities, and a new way to solve the problems of public security in colleges and universities with Chinese characteristics. It has been proved in practice that the comprehensive administration of public security in colleges and universities has made an important contribution to maintaining the political stability of universities and the environment of public security on campus and creating a good teaching and scientific research order. Especially under the current situation, the comprehensive management of university public security will play an important and positive role in maintaining the stability of campus and constructing a harmonious campus. For more than 20 years, the comprehensive management of public security in colleges and universities has accumulated rich and successful experiences, which is a very valuable asset. However, with the deepening of the reform of the political and economic system, the improvement of the socialist legal system and the deepening of the reform of the management system of higher education, the comprehensive administration of public security in colleges and universities is facing severe challenges. This article recombs the basic connotation and the main task of the comprehensive management of public security in colleges and universities, and puts forward the countermeasures to strengthen and improve the comprehensive management of public security in colleges and universities based on the existing problems and the challenges faced by the comprehensive management of public security in colleges and universities.
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