[Abstract]:The study of criminology in New China began with the study of juvenile delinquency. Since the establishment of the China Juvenile Delinquency Research Association in June 1982, a series of national and local academic seminars have been held to promote the study of juvenile delinquency. At the same time, driven by the study of juvenile delinquency, a large number of scholars in criminology have emerged. with their joint efforts, the study of crime in our country is no longer limited to the problem of juvenile delinquency. Instead, it has entered a stage of all-round development and deepening. Although the study of Criminology in New China, with the development of reform and opening up, has played an important role in promoting the judicial reform and legal construction of our country under the guidance of the Party, however, in recent years, the discipline construction of Criminology in our country, But in a state of depression, or a state of contraction. The development of criminology in our country is not only the need to maintain social stability, but also the necessity of discipline growth, which can be described as a long way to go. As long as we regard the study of criminology as a great cause, the study of Criminology in New China will be even more brilliant.
【作者单位】: 北京大学;
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