本文关键词: 医养结合 养老模式 社会工作 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the aging of the population in Hefei, the pressure of providing for the aged is increasing. One of the important aspects is the problem of medical care for the elderly. In order to actively deal with the aging of the population, Hefei is constantly exploring and innovating the old-age model. On the basis of this, the "combination of medical care and support" pension model emerges as the times require. Under the mode of "combination of medical care and support", the medical and health institutions and the old-age service center solve the medical difficulties of the elderly through cooperation. Social workers intervene in the old-age service center to provide a higher level of old-age care services for the elderly. This paper analyzes the present situation of the aged and the difficulties faced by the elderly in Hefei. Summing up the literature found that social work has played a unique role in solving the pension problem, so the author takes Hefei XXX old-age care service center as an example to analyze the necessity and feasibility of social work intervention pension model theoretically and practically. After summarizing the difficulties and experiences of social work involved in the old-age care model, after summing up the difficulties and experiences encountered by the government, Three aspects of society and pension institutions are proposed to strengthen the intervention of social work in the development of Hefei "medical and support" old-age model. Chapter one through the literature method to understand the development of the pension model at home and abroad. Different pension models have their own advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, under the background of the national support and promotion of the "combination of medical care and support" pension model, the "combination of medical and support" pension model has gradually developed in Hefei. This led to a review of the concept of various pension models. The second chapter mainly expounds the present situation of the aged in Hefei from three aspects: family, institutional and home. With the development of politics, economy and other aspects of Hefei, There are a series of difficulties for the aged in Hefei. This part also analyzes the dilemma of the present situation of the aged in Hefei. Chapter three first introduces the feasibility and necessity of social work intervention in the mode of medical nursing combined with old-age support. Secondly, it introduces the significance of social work intervention in the combination of medical care and support for the aged. Chapter 4th describes how to put forward a new mode of supporting the aged in Hefei after meeting the bottleneck, and apply it to practice. In the course of the practice of the new mode of providing for the aged, The intervention of social workers is indispensable. This part analyzes the intervention of social work from three aspects, namely, case work, group work, Community work. Chapter 5th puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for the development of the "combination of medical care and support" old-age support model in Hefei, and gradually constructs a characteristic old-age support model, which is based on the family old-age support, supplemented by the institutional old-age support, and supported by the community old-age support. To the combination of medical care for the guidance.
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