本文关键词: 获得感 全面深化改革 共享 包容性发展 出处:《人民论坛·学术前沿》2017年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:"feeling of acquisition" is a "new word" with "Chinese characteristics". It cannot simply be interpreted as a synonym for foreign concepts such as "happiness", "quality of subjective life", and so on. It must be placed in China's comprehensive reform to transform the pattern of economic and social development. Under the background of realizing shared development, we can understand that the "sense of acquisition" is based on the premise of development, the people's livelihood is the most important, and the realization of people's political rights is the guarantee. The "sense of acquisition" has made clear the goal, the foothold and the breakthrough of development and reform. Has solved the question of evaluation criteria for the quality of development and the success or failure of the reform. "sense of acquisition" is the source of power for development and reform... Promoting inclusive development and improving people's livelihood, The realization of civil and political rights is three different but closely related ways to enhance the "sense of acquisition": development is the premise, the improvement of the people's livelihood is the main content, and the realization of civil and political rights is the guarantee of the implementation of the "sense of acquisition".
【作者单位】: 山东大学政治学与公共管理学院;
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